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Thread: Test E - ouch?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Test E - ouch?

    On my first cycle, decided to frontload 1g test and did 2cc in each lateral quad muscle 3 days ago. Used a 23" pin. Legs are hard to get walking especially in morning they kill getting out of bed once i get moving they improve a little. Left leg is worse but the bulk of the pain there is not on injection site but just above kneecap? How long will this last for and will it decrease with further shots? I might of injected too quick i think.. about 10sec for the whole 2cc.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psylence View Post
    On my first cycle, decided to frontload 1g test and did 2cc in each lateral quad muscle 3 days ago. Used a 23" pin. Legs are hard to get walking especially in morning they kill getting out of bed once i get moving they improve a little. Left leg is worse but the bulk of the pain there is not on injection site but just above kneecap? How long will this last for and will it decrease with further shots? I might of injected too quick i think.. about 10sec for the whole 2cc.
    damn, a 23 inch pin? I always shoot very slowly, that could be part of the problem. Why did you shoot 1g in 1 day?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I meant 23 gauge... did it all in one day coz that what i thought you should do when frontloading

  4. #4
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    I've had great luck with quads. I used to shoot with a 20g and it hurt a bit but nothing terrible. Now, I use a 22g. Make sure you stretch the skin out while injecting, makes it a lot easier.

  5. #5
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    The actual injection was pain free in the right and only a little pain in the left.. just the next day when most of the soreness started

  6. #6
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    Frontloading is typically just doubling the dosage for the first week, so for instance if you're shooting 500mg/week test e you should split that into 2 shots per week, therefore when frontloading you would do 2 shots of 500mg for the first week, approximately 3.5 days apart.

  7. #7
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    It's cause your a sissy, heh jk.
    What did you do after you injected?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    It's cause your a sissy, heh jk.
    What did you do after you injected?
    Not much just sat around mostly for the rest of that day

  9. #9
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    There's your problem. I used to get penicillin shots in the ass on a regular basis, I learned that if I didn't do anything I would be hurting for a week after but if I did some lunges and squats I was fine.
    Try giving it a few hours than warming the muscle up

  10. #10
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    have you tried a better gauge pin?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder1107 View Post
    have you tried a better gauge pin?
    Havnt tried any others, i think 21 gauge is my only other option i cant get 25

  12. #12
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    if a 23 hurt then you dont want a 21 bro go to the board sponsor they have the 25s man

  13. #13
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    Propably just injected it too quickly.
    Inject slowly, and split your dosage up.

    Did you say this was your 1st cycle? That's a high dose for a first cycle imo.

  14. #14
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    Test E shouldnt hurt at all, but 1G could definitely cause some irritation to virgin muscle.

  15. #15
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    i have always heard that it should take twice as long to inject as it does to draw at of the vial. good rule of thumb. works for me.

  16. #16
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    Any shot in a virgin muscle is going to cause pain. After a few shots it will go away. Especially if your jabbing more then 1 cc in there.

  17. #17
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    Day 4 now - Right leg is fine but left still sore as ever can hardly walk on it.. For some reason pain is mostly above kneecap but i injected in the lat part of quad. Notice definite swelling of leg and spotted a few red blotches last night looks like more of irritation than infection but i started some amoxycillin anyway also got some stinging pain as well as bruise.

  18. #18
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    Ended up going to the doc after day 5, he stuck a needle in and took out 2ml puss and put me on Dicloxacillin. Since im not sure if the gear is infected or needle it is time for 250mg shot - coz im on antibiotics now and if this shot turns out bad it should clear up pretty quick am i right?

  19. #19
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    dude... you sure that what you bought was enanthate...??? may be check your source, it could be prop! or may even be diluted with shit. i know here in aus, i have heard of all kinds of things that get mixed in gear.

    make sure you keep your shit clean dude. thats the most important thing ever! taking the caps off the pin, don't let it touch anything, swab the top (grommet) of the vial, have the surface clean, and when swabbing, only swab area once or twice, not back and forth because all you do is spread the dirt around

    The puss thing either was a dirty pin or dodgy gear!! just keep a tab on things and check your source out!

    i know of a few guys who had their gear messed with, olive oil etc etc, and it just killed to jab. and no, stick with the 23 gauge! 25 is too small and wont get in deep enough, and a 21??? f that off! 23 is large enough unless your an elephant! hahaha just put it in really slow. i used to put 2mg in the quad and it was fine... even after a whole 12 week cycle, 2 times a week, i still never became used to jabbing!!! haha, funny thing is i was shit scared of needles before i started, and even funnier thing is i still dont like the things!

    good luck with it anyway dude!
    Last edited by deano bol; 07-07-2008 at 07:44 PM.

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