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Thread: helpp

  1. #1
    watevrittakes16's Avatar
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    im going to do my first cycle. im 5'8'' 155 and have been weighttraining for 4 years. i was hoping for some input as to how to cycle 100ml of tren hex

  2. #2
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    You're not ready.

  4. #4
    burnin69's Avatar
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    atleast let him explain his situation, this is the place to get the knowledge he'll need to be ready.

  5. #5
    Kratos's Avatar
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    use the search button, tren hex alone is not the way to go

  6. #6
    burnin69's Avatar
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  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
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    100ml of tren H? thats alot of Tren H, Horrible first cycle, in fact its a horrible cycle for anyone.

  8. #8
    watevrittakes16's Avatar
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    im 22 and ive been told to jumpstart the cycle with dbol for 2 weeks?

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  10. #10
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    You're not ready.
    lol i like it

  11. #11
    burnin69's Avatar
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    im thinking dean was right in saying your not ready. Do some reading first and then try the cycle thing again.

  12. #12
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    He said using tren as a first cycle..means he hasn't researched.
    You should at least do some reasearch before you do juice.

  13. #13
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by watevrittakes16 View Post
    depending on mg/ml you just went from having too much to not enough anyway. You arn't ready cause you don't know anything about aas yet. You're a little on the small side too, depending on bodyfat, your diet is suspect. It's impossible to comment on people's training but that may be lacking too. Start reading before you do anything.

  14. #14
    watevrittakes16's Avatar
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    ive been reading up on steroids for a month or so and ive seen that a form of test is the best way to for a first cycle i was just asking about tren h because ive been offered it recently

  15. #15
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    He said using tren as a first cycle..means he hasn't researched.
    You should at least do some reasearch before you do juice.
    Hey man i'm not knocking what your saying, i totally agree with you as you have now explained your reasons.
    It just came with no explanation or anything thats all i was saying, i just think its best when people are looking for advice to have people back up their points of view so that they not only understand the answer to their questions but also understand why you have that opinion. Thats how people learn.
    Anyway I hope that makes sense, i've done a lot of ephedrine today and i'm almost seeing double lol


  16. #16
    watevrittakes16's Avatar
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    any suggestions for a first cycle then?

  17. #17
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by watevrittakes16 View Post
    any suggestions for a first cycle then?
    I suppose that would really depend on your individual goals, you looking to bulk? cut?

  18. #18
    watevrittakes16's Avatar
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    im looking to bulk and although i am new to steroids i am not new to nutrition and a proper bulking diet so im not taking steroids as an ignorant easy way out. i suffered a spinal injury two years ago and battled back to a healthy weight after being a mere 115 pounds and im now looking to push my physique to greater heights
    Last edited by watevrittakes16; 07-04-2008 at 02:02 PM.

  19. #19
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by watevrittakes16 View Post
    im looking to bulk and although i am new to steroids i am not new to nutrition and a proper bulking diet so im not taking steroids as an ignorant easy way out. i suffered a spinal injury two years ago and battled back to a healthy weight after being a mere 115 pounds and im now looking to push my physique to greater heights
    Ok well i know a lot of people will jump in here and say your 1st cycle has to be testosterone whether it be enanthate , sust, cypionate or whatever. But to be honest i suppose it really depends on your attitude to risk somewhat as to which compound you would go for. The reason people usually recommend test is because:
    1, you can run it on its own and get really good results
    2, you wont have any non-working dick problems whilst on it
    3, it is predictable and therefore sides can be prepared for
    4, its cheap and readily available

    ... the list goes on. I would say whatever you decide to go with keep it simple. There are a lot of cycles on this board that you may read about that look complicated and contain 4 or 5 compounds at once. The good thing is your 1st cycle usually gives really good results so you dont have to use a long list of different steroids which usually also increases the risk of side effects

  20. #20
    watevrittakes16's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutting_king View Post
    Ok well i know a lot of people will jump in here and say your 1st cycle has to be testosterone whether it be enanthate , sust, cypionate or whatever. But to be honest i suppose it really depends on your attitude to risk somewhat as to which compound you would go for. The reason people usually recommend test is because:
    1, you can run it on its own and get really good results
    2, you wont have any non-working dick problems whilst on it
    3, it is predictable and therefore sides can be prepared for
    4, its cheap and readily available

    ... the list goes on. I would say whatever you decide to go with keep it simple. There are a lot of cycles on this board that you may read about that look complicated and contain 4 or 5 compounds at once. The good thing is your 1st cycle usually gives really good results so you dont have to use a long list of different steroids which usually also increases the risk of side effects
    ive heard great things about sust. someone proposed this cycle
    week sustanon
    1 250 mg
    2 500 mg
    3 500 mg
    4 500 mg
    5 500 mg
    6 250 mg

    what are your thoughts of this for a first bulking cycle?

  21. #21
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    the 1st thing i'd mention is that 6 weeks is quite a short time to do a cycle. I would recommend uaually around 10-12 weeks. Especially for a cycle that contains long acting test esters (sust contains both long and short)
    However because sust contains short acting esters people usually find it needs to be injected every other day to keep blood levels stable. I would suggest if you go with test then go with a single ester like cypionate or enanthate . This will mean you can inject once a week and keep blood levels stable. The general thought on this is that the more stable your blood levels are, the less side effects you will encounter and also the more effective your cycle will be in terms of gains.
    Also i dont think there is any need to increase the dosages over the cycle unless you want to "test the water" in terms of sides, you can just run the same dosage all the way through.
    To be honest test is one thing that i actually dont use that often so maybe someone else can chip in here with some other advice...

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