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Thread: Primo Cycle??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Primo Cycle??

    I was wondering if someone would be able to give me some info on how to cycle often and for how long and if it should be combined with another AS. My goals are gains in muscle and retention there after, and if someone has the going price. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    dude do a search on this ....seriously there is a ton of info on this kinda stuff....anyways bro if you wanna do a primo only cycle you'll probally be disappointed with the results...if you really wanna gain and keep muscle do a eq and test enth cycle...but i dont know if this is your first cycle...nether the less do a search...peace

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    If you really want to do Primobolan then you'll be doing a lean mass cycle. Primbolan alone is not a total waste but it's very expensive for what you're going to get. You'll get alot more for your money if you stack it with something else - preferably equipoise.

    Alone - you'll want to inject 100mg EOD at a minimum and i'd run it for at least 8 weeks - preferably 12 weeks. That's a minimum of 28 vials! That's not cheap! Preferably you'd run it at about 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. That's 60 vials!!!

    You can jump start it with the tabs. I'd take 6/day for 10 days and 4/day for 10 more days. That's 100 tabs. That's to kick in while the juice builds up.

    This is a really expensive cycle dude! You can stack it with equipoise and get alot more bang for the buck. 100mg/EOD of equipoise and 100mg/EOD of Primobolan for 10 weeks is not a bad first cycle at all. You'd get very little sides if any. You could probably get by with no anti-estrogens but i'd still have a little proviron in there to be safe. If you do Primobolan only you do not need anti-estrogens at all.

    Despite what some people will try to convince you - it will shut down your HPTA - you do need HCG/clomid on either of those cycles.

    Primobolan stacks well with anavar or winstrol for a fat-burning cutting cycle but i'm fairly certain that's not what you're looking for. It really is too expensive and rather mild when used as a mass builder but it is almost free of side-effects and you do keep the gains!

  4. #4
    alevok Guest
    I did 12 weeks 200mg/w primo with 300mg/w winstrol for my cutting cycle. Result was awesome. You can combine primo with any test and orals as well (anadrol, d-bol) for bulking.
    However I like primo for cutting better, but thats just me.

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