Thread: So here's what I've learned....
07-04-2008, 03:57 PM #1
So here's what I've learned....
I love roids.... roids love me!!!! 9 weeks into my first Test E cycle and wow!! A little acne and thats it... hair good, nuts good. Puttin it down on my lady like no body's business!! Started at 195 lbs, up to about 218 lbs now, with marked fat loss and body recomposition. Shoulders are fricking responding like a mo fo! Strength is starting to shoot through the roof.... was pushing 275 lbs on INCLINE bench the other day and guys were staring. About 245 was my best prior. I'd say I'm about at 315 now on flat, but have yet to try maxing out or anything. Its getting really hard to hide the fact that I am growing at a VERY FAST RATE RIGHT NOW, and people are starting to ask the question. Friends who havent seen me in a few months are mentioning that I looked jacked and strangers are giving looks as well. I've decided to put away the tank tops for a while and keep the shirt on at the gym. The trainers are coming to me now for training advice. I've done all thuis while keeping my calories pretty modest - only about 3500. I started with about 4500 at the beginning, but put on a bit of fat so I cut back. I'm happy with the results at this intake so I will keep it right there. At any rate, I can say that my body definitely responds well. I think I'll just do this one cycle and then stop doing roids..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Happy 4th Bros and thanks to all who helped before i started this adventure to the dark side!
07-04-2008, 04:04 PM #2
Sweet man, what dose are you on?
07-04-2008, 04:31 PM #3
500 mg week Test E, 12 weeks. I may extend to 16 weeks though... through in a little HCG . I front loaded with Prop and will finish with Prop up to start of PCT as well. I have been using .25 mg Arimidex EOD and Proviron 25 mg ED to keep estrogen at bay and lower SHBG as well. PCT will be Aromisin and Nolva.
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