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Thread: Help with first cycle?

  1. #1

    Help with first cycle?

    I am 22 yrs old 6 ft and 190 lbs, and this is my first cycle. My knowledge of steroids is limited to what i have learned from my dad and what i have read on this website. My dad's recomendations of how much i should take is much more conservative than the opinions i have read here. I am on my second week of deca 300 1/week, I am getting some cyp in a couple days and will be adding that in to my cycle. I am wondering how much and how often of the test and deca should i take for my first cycle. I lift only mon-thurs due to work schedule (each muscle 1/week). So i am also wondering when the injections should take place in accordance with my workout schedule. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I wish my dad was like yours, lol. Umm i'm not even gonna talk about what should have happened. I like test e personally. You can't go wrong with 250mgs twice a week. I take mine on monday and thursday. I usually take it about an hour b4 i go to the gym, but it shouldn't make a difference when.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Dec 2005
    You shouldn't be using deca for a first cycle. A good first cycle is test e or test c at 500mg/week split into 2 seperate injections approximately 3.5 days apart.
    What do you have planned for pct?

  4. #4
    i am planning to to start 20mg nolva ed once i start test thru end of pct. and just clomid for pct. any help on this is greatly appreciated. Do you think i should stop the deca then?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    dont you want to take big's advice and drop the deca? test only is a perfect cycle. if you run a test cycle at say 500mgs a week for 12 weeks then you'll start your pct 10 days after your last injection
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    10 days? I thought it was 14? Aren't you using test e? I would assume 10 would be better tho.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    everyone says 14 but i always start in 10. better safe then sorry
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  8. #8
    I will be getting test c. My dad's friend got busted, so cyp and deca is the only shit i can get. thanks for the help all advice is greatly appreciated

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I agree, I'll be starting my pct at 10days also.

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