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Thread: My Stupid Nephew, Advice Please.....

  1. #1

    My Stupid Nephew, Advice Please.....

    My brothers son shared with me the other night that he was using gear, I begged him not to because he is more than capable of gaining muscle naturally but of course he has been on a cycle for 4 weeks now already. At this point there is nothing more I can do to stop him except make sure he doesnt stay on for long and make sure hes not using a crazy dose. Hes just looking for a shortcut and wants to gain around 10-15lbs on a ten week cycle of sustanon and deca. I promised ony to give him advice as long as he never touches the shit again, i dont want him to fall apart here so I need some help with some of his questions.

    He needs to know how many calories to consume daily, to gain as much muscle as possible?

    His Stats:

    Age: 22
    Height: 5' 4''
    Weight: 120lbs
    BF%: under 10%

    Week 1-10 250mgs sustanon/wk
    Week 1-7 250mgs durabolin npp/wk
    Week 1-10 100mgs primoboaln/wk
    Week 3-13 15mgs anavar/ed

    hcg will be used throughout cycle (he didnt even know what hcg was until I recommended it)
    pct: week 1-6 10mgs Nolvadex week 1-4 10mgs Aromasin

    How much should this punk be eating?
    Should I make him stop mid cycle?
    Will he rip a tendon because hes only been training for a year?
    I feel like just letting him finish up since hes already a 1/3 of the way in.

    So basically what are your thoughts on the cycle, how many calories should be in his diet, and does he have anything super serious to worry about? I will intervene if his odds for injury are very high.

    Thanks Again

  2. #2
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    He needs to be consuming a shit load of calories... above 5k a day... being 5 foot 4 120 lbs, hes a tiny twig... that will help alot... and yes it will be a dangerous cycle for his tendons cause of ht lack of working out... and he shouldnt take so many steroids for a first time... if anytihng a sus cycle woudl be best...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    He's 4 weeks in? He can stop everything and still use the sus and be cool. People trying to do too much too soon.

  4. #4
    good lord, thats one sweet cycle. id say he probably knows a thing or two already.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    good lord, thats one sweet cycle. id say he probably knows a thing or two already.
    can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not? He does seem to be very educated in regards to anabolics.

    How risky is this going to be on his tendons what are his chances of injury?

    And, 5000 calories a day seems like a ton for a kid that weighs 120 don't you think hes just gonna get fat?

  6. #6
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    I would say his chances are high. From his stats I'm assuming he hasn't worked out that long and probably has weak tendons as it is.

  7. #7
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    10 weeks of an oral is a little to long, IMO. I would just run the sust and npp 10 weeks, var 6wks bump it up to 40mg/ed and not even run the primo. Just my thoughts.

    And eat like a wild banshee.

  8. #8
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    100 mg/week of primo=worthless.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    I would say his chances are high. From his stats I'm assuming he hasn't worked out that long and probably has weak tendons as it is.
    Hes been working out for 1 year.

    When you mean high what does that mean odds wise?

    1 in 100?
    1 in 10?

    And bump back up to how many calories should he be consuming?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    100 mg/week of primo=worthless.
    but when your only 120lbs?
    with the anavar wouldnt that stack up well?
    I mean its not gonna make a huge difference but don't you think it might solidify some of the gains?

  11. #11
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    120 pounds and hes cycling? not a smart move.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by g0dsend View Post
    120 pounds and hes cycling? not a smart move.
    I am aware of this, what are the dangers he faces and what is the probability he will experience injury?

  13. #13
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    Well your previous posts dont really mention anything about your cousin. It mentions that you are taking this cycle at 120.

    Well, he faces a harder time to make strength gains in the future, because his test production is going to get shutdown. Prob going to need HRT.

  14. #14
    so stop him or let him finish it off?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by g0dsend View Post
    Well your previous posts dont really mention anything about your cousin. It mentions that you are taking this cycle at 120.

    Well, he faces a harder time to make strength gains in the future, because his test production is going to get shutdown. Prob going to need HRT.
    And why HRT? From all i can tell hes been fully developed as a man for four years now?

  16. #16
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    Well at 22, the test is at mainly the higest level for a male. I would discontinue the cycle and try to get the test levels back to normal. I would if I were you to start EATING, 120 lbs is light, lean calories are KEY to success. Once thats happens and you have an awsome foundation, steroids is your answer. Youll make little progress now at 120, and even more little gains in your future cycles.

    I talked to a endocrinologist one time, and he said if your test gets above 1200, it shuts down permantally. Theirs a forumula on deciding how many mg of test you are able to safely use, not sure what it is I have to ask him when I see him again. Make sure you dont **** up your test while your young...

  17. #17
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    Bro not here to knock you by any means but a lot of these guys on here know there sh*t and are great to have around for serious users that need ideas. I feel your playing with them a bit which isn't right. Correct me if I'm wrong but at one time you where 5'5 130 than 5'5 170 and now this is a nephew at 5'4 120? Both you and your nephew seem to be taking just about the same cycle? Be straight with them and don't waste there time. You might not get the answer your looking for but sometimes saving your health is much more important and whats cool is these guys will say that. Like I say I hope I'm not out of place here but something seems wierd!
    Last edited by hockeyguy; 07-08-2008 at 10:46 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyguy View Post
    Bro not here to knock you by any means but a lot of these guys on here know there sh*t and are great to have around for serious users that need ideas. I feel your playing with them a bit which isn't right. Correct me if I'm wrong but at one time you where 5'5 130 than 5'5 170 and now this is a nephew at 5'4 120? Both you and your nephew seem to be taking just about the same cycle? Be straight with them and don't waste there time. You might not get the answer your looking for but sometimes safing your health is much more important and whats cool is these guys will say that. Like I say I hope I'm not out of place here but something seems wierd!
    Exactly, can't say it any better.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyguy View Post
    Bro not here to knock you by any means but a lot of these guys on here know there sh*t and are great to have around for serious users that need ideas. I feel your playing with them a bit which isn't right. Correct me if I'm wrong but at one time you where 5'5 130 than 5'5 170 and now this is a nephew at 5'4 120? Both you and your nephew seem to be taking just about the same cycle? Be straight with them and don't waste there time. You might not get the answer your looking for but sometimes safing your health is much more important and whats cool is these guys will say that. Like I say I hope I'm not out of place here but something seems wierd!
    It doesn't really matter. We'll help regardless, but i hear ya.

  20. #20
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    stpete, I know you guys will and you do a great job

  21. #21
    all right the gigs up you got me, I phrased the question with my "nephew" because I knew I would catch a ton of gruff from everyone for being so light and wanting to use anabolics. I should have been honest and I apologize, I just wanted to get some answers and didn't want to get the typical, NO! answers.

    Now that I got that off my chest,
    I am aware of the risks and do know that doing steroids at age 22 could be very dangerous, I have been only lifting for one year and could risk serious tendon injury.

    However, I am still going to go through with the cycle for I believe I will most likely be fine like the majority of my friends who have done this cycle. I know I could seriously **** my body up but I am gonna take the chances as dumb as it may sound.

  22. #22
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    I figured it was the old bait and switch.

  23. #23
    But any suggestions in regards to dosages for a guy my size (wicked short, my parents are both under 5'5" and I have been 5'4'' since I was 17) Also back to the original question how many calories should I consume. I was 135 2 months ago and dropped 15 lbs when I graduated college, the drinking stopped and so did my gut. Please help, and once again I apologize for lying my ass off.

  24. #24
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    replace the sust and deca with oil. when he realizes its not working he will be like SCREW AAS! and become a politician

  25. #25
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    You're ok bro. We've seen it before. The above mentioned suggestions will help out a lot.
    Run the sus as scheduled.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    try 2500 calories

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You're ok bro. We've seen it before. The above mentioned suggestions will help out a lot.
    Run the sus as scheduled.
    but drop the durabolin you think?

  28. #28
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    As for diet theres going to be someone better to answer that than me but check out the diet form theres a really cool link that shows you how to do the calculations but I'm sure you might want to add a bit more than that so I'll leave it to the big dogs/

  29. #29
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    just run sust for 10 to 12 weeks at 500mgs a week and the calories questions hard because it depends on your goal and I would say for your size 3k - 3.5k a day would suffice maybe even to much but make it food thats not goin to go on as crap weight... good luck bud

  30. #30
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    its your first cycle dont good nuts. keep it simple a test cycle will work fine for you

  31. #31
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    ^^^^^ Keep it simple!
    Quote Originally Posted by duggadoo View Post
    its your first cycle dont good nuts. keep it simple a test cycle will work fine for you

  32. #32
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    ask all these question about your diet tells me you shouldnt be asking so many questions about aas because your diet is whats goin to make or break your cycle... you wont grow no matter what you take unless you sort out your diet first... you need to be over in the diet section goin to to town

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by RexKwonDo View Post
    but drop the durabolin you think?
    Go ahead and keep it since it's not that long. Drop the rest though cause you're trying to do too much my man. You'll never notice dropping the other compounds trust me.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by duggadoo View Post
    ask all these question about your diet tells me you shouldnt be asking so many questions about aas because your diet is whats goin to make or break your cycle... you wont grow no matter what you take unless you sort out your diet first... you need to be over in the diet section goin to to town
    He's been told that a million times already... he's a lost cause.

    Though maybe if he adds 3-4 more drugs, HGH and insulin he can crack 140 lbs.

  35. #35
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    Implement some rehab exercises to help avoid injury and strengthen injury prone areas like shoulders.
    Internal/external rotations for rotator cuff, don't neglect rear delts and don't overwork anterior. GL

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by RexKwonDo View Post
    can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not? He does seem to be very educated in regards to anabolics.

    How risky is this going to be on his tendons what are his chances of injury?

    And, 5000 calories a day seems like a ton for a kid that weighs 120 don't you think hes just gonna get fat?
    No i was serious, but looking at the test dosage now im not so sure. The compounds are good, but im sure the dosing schedule is not. Make sure hes doing the sust/npp/primo eod.

  37. #37
    sust and durabolin injections are planned for eod
    primo once a week
    anavar dosages split up twice a day
    hcg 400 ius a week 200 ius/injection from week 3-13
    arimidex will be run a .25mgs ed

    10mgs/day nolvadex week 1-6 of pct
    10mgs/day aromasin week 1-4 of pct

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by RexKwonDo View Post
    sust and durabolin injections are planned for eod
    primo once a week
    anavar dosages split up twice a day
    hcg 400 ius a week 200 ius/injection from week 3-13
    arimidex will be run a .25mgs ed

    10mgs/day nolvadex week 1-6 of pct
    10mgs/day aromasin week 1-4 of pct

    First off, you are not going to get anywhere with all the AAS in the world so drop them, PCT, then get your diet on track and start eating.

    Secondly, this cycle is way too much for a begginer! Drop the NPP, anavar, and primo. You would only need sust and with a proper diet you would be very happy with the reuslts.

    Lex had it best 100mg of primo per week is USELESS

    Anavar CAN be ran fro 8-10weeks but in your case it will do nothing for you without a proper diet

    NPP with sust is a alright but once again have fun gaining the water and fat weight with minimal muscle gains.

    Point is, don't depend on AAS to get you msucle without proper nutrition. Yes you may blow up and be happy on cycle but once your done its gone as it was mainly water weight. Why don't you go to the diet section and learn how to bulk?

  39. #39
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    Sorry for being so harsh but you need to hear it and stop trying to take shortcuts that arent going to work.
    Start learning the most important thing, diet...then you will grow.

  40. #40
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    Please eat! if you consume more than you burn you will grow!

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