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I'm glad this has been addressed. I too have had sleep issues for years. I know my B/P increases slightly when I cycle, so I blame it on that.
This is one of the top 10 dumbest questions, however, I take a protien shake with me to consume during a workout, but I see guys bringing gallon jugs of water in when they workout. I have also read where a guy, who was prepping for a contest would consume a full gallon of COLD water from the fridge, before he did his morning cardio. He felt that his body would have to work hard to convert the water temp from cold to warm and this aided him in bodyfat % lost.
To me, drinking that much water, either in the gym during a workout, or in the way the other guy did, listed above, would throw off your electrolyte balance and could put you into the 'danger zone' as you would be increasing the amount you urinate therefore depleting minerals, K+, etc faster than the norm.
Anyone want to elaborate on the advantages of drinking a gallon of water during a workout as I see many guys doing this. Again, I drink water during my workout from the water fountain, but I consume a protien shake during my workout as your body is in a more anabolic state and needs protien ASAP. In addition I do a PWO shake with protien, glucose, and complex carbs for recovery.