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Thread: Importance of water and sleep

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Importance of water and sleep

    not sure if this was supposed to go in the diet section, but anyways.

    Can anyone tell me the true importance of drinking enough water (and the effects of not drinking enough) and the effects of sleep on recovery (but mainly the detrimental effects of not sleeping)

    I find myself dehydrated some of the times and i have a mild case of insomnia which ive had for around 6 years. i don't usually sleep till around 3am most nights... I'm seeing a chinese medicine place, getting herbs and acupuncture... not sure if it'll work.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Water is vital for oxygen to cells, protects joints and organs, temperature regulation,waste removal, running of all major organs ie muscles,brain, lungs,blood and your body is around 60-70 % water. Its more vital than food, hope this helps to understand the value of water.

    If your having trouble sleeping go to the doctors or try some OTC meds see if that helps, you wont repair or recover if your not having enough sleep,

  3. #3
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    I'm glad this has been addressed. I too have had sleep issues for years. I know my B/P increases slightly when I cycle, so I blame it on that.

    This is one of the top 10 dumbest questions, however, I take a protien shake with me to consume during a workout, but I see guys bringing gallon jugs of water in when they workout. I have also read where a guy, who was prepping for a contest would consume a full gallon of COLD water from the fridge, before he did his morning cardio. He felt that his body would have to work hard to convert the water temp from cold to warm and this aided him in bodyfat % lost.

    To me, drinking that much water, either in the gym during a workout, or in the way the other guy did, listed above, would throw off your electrolyte balance and could put you into the 'danger zone' as you would be increasing the amount you urinate therefore depleting minerals, K+, etc faster than the norm.

    Anyone want to elaborate on the advantages of drinking a gallon of water during a workout as I see many guys doing this. Again, I drink water during my workout from the water fountain, but I consume a protien shake during my workout as your body is in a more anabolic state and needs protien ASAP. In addition I do a PWO shake with protien, glucose, and complex carbs for recovery.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    I'm glad this has been addressed. I too have had sleep issues for years. I know my B/P increases slightly when I cycle, so I blame it on that.

    This is one of the top 10 dumbest questions, however, I take a protien shake with me to consume during a workout, but I see guys bringing gallon jugs of water in when they workout. I have also read where a guy, who was prepping for a contest would consume a full gallon of COLD water from the fridge, before he did his morning cardio. He felt that his body would have to work hard to convert the water temp from cold to warm and this aided him in bodyfat % lost.

    To me, drinking that much water, either in the gym during a workout, or in the way the other guy did, listed above, would throw off your electrolyte balance and could put you into the 'danger zone' as you would be increasing the amount you urinate therefore depleting minerals, K+, etc faster than the norm.

    Anyone want to elaborate on the advantages of drinking a gallon of water during a workout as I see many guys doing this. Again, I drink water during my workout from the water fountain, but I consume a protien shake during my workout as your body is in a more anabolic state and needs protien ASAP. In addition I do a PWO shake with protien, glucose, and complex carbs for recovery.
    If your having problems sleeping try Melatonin, ive used this for months and its simply the best 3mgs every night, it also as many other added benefits other than just sleep related....

  5. #5
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    Drink water as you are thirsty. As long as your pee is clear to light yellow, you are drinking enough.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    I'm glad this has been addressed. I too have had sleep issues for years. I know my B/P increases slightly when I cycle, so I blame it on that.

    This is one of the top 10 dumbest questions, however, I take a protien shake with me to consume during a workout, but I see guys bringing gallon jugs of water in when they workout. I have also read where a guy, who was prepping for a contest would consume a full gallon of COLD water from the fridge, before he did his morning cardio. He felt that his body would have to work hard to convert the water temp from cold to warm and this aided him in bodyfat % lost.

    To me, drinking that much water, either in the gym during a workout, or in the way the other guy did, listed above, would throw off your electrolyte balance and could put you into the 'danger zone' as you would be increasing the amount you urinate therefore depleting minerals, K+, etc faster than the norm.

    Anyone want to elaborate on the advantages of drinking a gallon of water during a workout as I see many guys doing this. Again, I drink water during my workout from the water fountain, but I consume a protien shake during my workout as your body is in a more anabolic state and needs protien ASAP. In addition I do a PWO shake with protien, glucose, and complex carbs for recovery.
    The definition of calorie is the amount of heat it takes to increase 1kg (1L) 1 degree celsius. So hes probably burning an extra ~70 calories by doing that.

  7. #7
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    Thanks for all the responses. I agree, if your urine is clear, you are well hydrated. But I still see so many dudes drinking a gallon of water durning a workout. So, again, imo, protien during a workout and a pwo is better than H2O alone...

  8. #8
    think about it like this: There is not a single cellular transaction that takes place in your body that does not happen in a little bath of water.
    i drink as much water as i can, all the time every day. i get up 3 times at least to piss every night.

    water. its the miracle drug.

    im also pretty sure that drinking your protein shake during your workout is counterproductive to the vasoconstriction and vasodilation that is going on in your extremeties and abdominal cavity.
    Last edited by Darksyde; 07-09-2008 at 01:35 PM.

  9. #9
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    Through the looking glass
    With all those minerals you lose while drinking lots of water you also lose all the waste your cells produce expecially during very strenous activity. A little gatoraid after your workout is good for replenishing electrolites. Your body becomes more anabolic when you stay well hydrated although I think a gallon in a hour period is a little much. I prob drink about a liter at the gym.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    Thanks for all the responses. I agree, if your urine is clear, you are well hydrated. But I still see so many dudes drinking a gallon of water durning a workout. So, again, imo, protien during a workout and a pwo is better than H2O alone...
    I take a gallon jug of water when i workout..... i don't drink the FULL gallon though... are the guys drinking a full gallon? Anyway I probably drink 1/4-1/2 of a gallon per workout. Each day I drink 1 gallon min. - 1 1/2 gallons of water... you'll feel great if you do that..

  11. #11
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    melatonin is the chemical in your body that allows you to sleep...some people have alot in there body some people like me have can go to to any store that sells vitamins and get melatonin pills to take to help regulate your sleep...there same my doc suggested that I give them to my kids to help them sleep as well...

  12. #12
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    I'd puke if I drank a gallon of water when working out. Can't even have breakfast on leg days

  13. #13
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    Thanks for all the good feedback. I am going out and going to get me some melatonin today! See how that goes. I think much of it is just about habit also, and is not always a chemical thing, however mine is definitely both, sleeping tabs work, make you drowsy as all hell next day and its not a good night sleep.

    Anyways, can someone explain this to me please.......................... During my 6 weeks of doing a bol only cycle (i know its a recommended cycle) i drank so so much water, non stop and would of consumed around a gallon every time i trained, not to mention how much i had during the day. if i got tired or started to feel weak whilst training, i gulped some water down and bang, like feeding fuel to fire, i was ready to go again. I also remember doing this with creatine back in the day!!!! is it just in the mind??? haha. i can't see how its due to the compound because it wouldn't move that quickly into the muscle cells??? or would it ???

    Also... I WAS SLEEPING!!!! This is my biggest question, and i don't know why it is, but what i do know if it was the best sleep i was getting for years, and every time i woke up, i felt revitalized and repaired, as opposed to my usual drowsy and sore self. any reason for this because it never happened on the second cycle of test e and deca? i almost wanted to go on a bol only cycle again just so i could get the same sleeping results!!! haha

    I know it may sound crazy, but i feel as though this sleep issue i have is a real issue when it comes down to my training and repair etc.

    One last thing... could i be presumptuous in assuming that there may be a correlation between me drinking a ton load of water and sleeping well???

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    In the hills
    sleep is king for recovery, even if you sleep there are different levels. Doctors give out ambien now like candy. The generic is much cheaper

    btw tell um to keep the lunesta, taste like someone crapped in your mouth the all the next day

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Good point darksyde, I hadn't considered that. And no I haven't seen anyone actually drink a full gallon of water during a workout, I assumed so if they were taking the time to carry in a gallon jug.

    Melatonin DOES regulate sleep. Lunesta does taste like crap!

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