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Thread: Gyno removal surgery and cycle after??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New Jersey

    Gyno removal surgery and cycle after??

    Well I did my 2nd cycle last summer. Finished it last labor day weekend did all of pct. Around January I noticed a lump in my nipple. I actually only noticed it b/c I bumped into something lightly and it hurt. I went to doc and he sent me to specialist. After several test and visits specialist concluded that is was gyno.

    I thought it was strange it came so late and even after I did a complete PCT of clomid.

    Doc said I can get surgery to remove it or just let it be if it does not bother me.

    My question is what should I expect if I go thru with surgery, some one was telling me if you have it they remove gland and you can never get gyno again. Is this true, if so should you just get both nipples done?

    Once you have recovered from this will it be ok to go on cycle again? Any extra precautions that should be taken if/when you do go on cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I just had surgery about 5 1/2 weeks ago and let me tell you the first 2 weeks are not fun....take about 3 weeks before you are able to realy move around and about a month 6 weeks before you canwork out agian. I would say if it bugs you as mine did then get it removed, but If not its not realy worth it. My gyno realy pissed me off so I am glad I was able to remove it! but the last 5 weeks wer a big pain in the ass! and i had to take 2 weeks off work because I could not lift any thing....and If you work a super physical job then you might need to take off a month.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New Jersey
    Did you do both sides or just one, 6 months before you can work out, damm thats a long time. Do they remove the glad so that you are no longer prone to gyno?

    Mine only bothers me if I bump it against something, its painful for a sec or two. How did yours bother you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    you can still get gyno again after surgery. I'd say if it's not really noticeable and you plan to keep cycling then you shouldnt get surgery just yet and risk getting it again and having to get multiple procedures.

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