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Thread: Made a decision

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Question Made a decision

    I want to thank you guys for your inputs on my original post. Once again my stats are (5'9" @ 215lbs about 17%BF) I currently work out 4Xs a week and have just hit a peak I cant seem to get past. Im looking to gain about 15lbs and all over mass. I decided to go with Deca 400mg & Sust 500mg a week for 8 weeks. Im hoping I can get some positive results here. What do you guys think? I know to use clomid @ week 11, but as far as an anti-e, I just need to have this on hand in case right? What is the best to get with this cycle? I know Im asking alot of questions!! I just want to do everything right. One last thing I know you guys say inject some air in the vial to pressurize but how do I do that when Im drawing from 2 seperate vials, 2cc Deca & 1cc Sust. All comments are greatly appreciated. MARC...........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    First of all the anti-e.

    Get Arimidex or Liquidex and use it at .25mg ed throughout your cyc and clomid therapy.

    If you can't afford that, get nolva and if you get signs of gyno, take Nolvadex @40mg until gyno subsides, then take at 10mg throughout cyc. If it comes back, do the 40mg thing again and stick it at 20mg for the rest.

    The vial w. air thing isn't necessary, just do it in the first vial you draw from, then the next one, just pull it out, it's easy as cake with an 18g, never tried with a smaller gauge, but 18g to draw up then 23 1.5's to shoot and you're butta.

  3. #3
    well i guess it all depends on what deca you are using..if your using amps...then just suck the shit up...i do it with a 23G...take a min or...5 actually..but it gets up there...then i do it to the sust amp...then to the other deca amp to mix em up...then i witch needles...then i poke away

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Cnyce...i see you're workin the 1s and the 2s....whicky whicky....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    . No it does not interfere with gains like Nolva does. Besides not getting those few extra pounds of water...which is good! (at least IMO it is).

    Bro, do NOT inject squirt it from a syringe into your mouth and swallow/drink it, it's REALLY THICK...not to be gross, but almost the same consistency as your "Gravy"... ...maybe a little thinner. But like you said, you were going to research it, and you'd know by the time you were doen researching that it is oral, not injectable.

  6. #6
    PPP......yea thats a pic i took at a party in fitchburg....of my boy MuMblz....

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