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  1. #1
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Long time Sports needs edge

    I am 22, I played football for 14 years and rugby for a few years until I hurt my knee.
    2 years ago I had knee surgery and haven’t been motivated to get to that toned lean body I once had.
    I lost all my muscle I mean I had some but I was getting a little chubby ( to much be beer)

    Long story short. I been on tren extreme and wow does it work, ive gained a lot of bulk +toned in a short month and see great results.

    But I want more.. I want pretty solid arms, cut stomach .. pretty much beach body ( its summer)

    I live in California and mexico is near and I heard I could get roids from there. Any suggestions? Is it safe? What should I get
    What form/type/cycle
    Pills or injections ( I think I would rather have injections)
    How often do you inject?
    I am 5’10 about 180lbs. I want to be around 200lbs I believe in about 2-3 months.


  2. #2
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    This is not the board where we talk about sources. You just gotta figure that out on your own.

  3. #3
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    gain 20lbs. of muscle in 2-3 months while cutting, not going to happen bro., you don't need "roids", you'll need a miracle. Set your goals lower. In 2-3 months gaining and keeping 4-5 clean pounds would be really good. Not saying you can't gain 20lbs. but that beergut will still be there. Whats tren extreme? and how much bulk did you gain in a month?

  4. #4
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    See what kind of results am i looking at.. 20lbs is alot.. see i have no expierence in using roids..

    I have used tren and ive gained about 5-10lbs in a month..

    But thats from working out 6 days a week for about an hour a day. that could be water weight difference in food and such.. but

    its around that..

    What is better though for beginners? pills or inject?

    what kind of mass am i looking at going..

    what is common injection?

    not asking where to get stuff at all just trying to see what direction i should head in

    im skinny now.. but want more cut

  5. #5
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    tren extreme???? thats a new one for me...
    try this out for size

    1-10 test, doest really matter what kind, but i like to stick to the shorter ester under 600mg a week so your probably looking at shots eod
    1-10 Anavar 40mg ed

    var is great stuff for cutting and getting that hard look.
    im on sust 250 and var right now. iv lost 5 inches on my waist and still weigh the same, u do the math......

    btw, dont forget to eat clean, if you dont know how to diet, check the diet branch of this forum

  6. #6
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    whats sust?

    alot of good information.. sorry really new to this.. just looking to get a quick result and maintain naturally.

  7. #7
    Romme1 is offline Junior Member
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    Why not start reading about steroids yourself? Steroids is not toys, first rule in the book!

    I wouldnt dare to trust other random advises, when it comes to steroids, I need to learn how/why it works. And then I start reading about other experiences.
    I have talked to a lot of people who have run steroids for many years, but never have used Anti eastrogen, or PCT... and even been cycling nonstop steroids for over a year... they share their advises to many people, because they sell the shit too. Dont trust any random advise you get... even from friends.
    Steroids are not toys, its works and there are sides, and it can and will be dangerous.

  8. #8
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    that kinda shuts out the point of the forum.. as prudent as he is, theres truth to what he says.... u need to do research...
    but ill give u a kick start
    sust is sustanon 250.. that 250mg of test per ml with four different esters in it. in other words the shot lasts for about 10 days and slowly releases in your system. but since you need your blood levels to be steady you have to do 1/2 a ml eod (every other day)

    whats this tren extreme???

    if you wanna swell up nice sust is a good choice, but do alotta research.. different body types need different things.. go to the newbie sections of the forum, i think theres at least 1 for every branch

  9. #9
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You first want to get your diet and workout down good NATURALLY! since u have lost alot of muscle after surgery, do it naturally...

    steroids will not do anyting, it only enhances what u you do... so to see any keepable results you are goin to want to get back as much as possible naturally... then after that...

    since u do play fball and such, a short ester would be best (most recommend test e which is 2x week shots, but it takes a long time to kick in (aroudn 5-6 weeks) and with a shorter ester you will keep the water bloat down, like u can get from a longer ester...

    HOWEVER, all gains are started w/ diet... if u have a crappy diet = unachieved goals w/ steroids... so you are goin to want to get your diet fixed...

    since u have been playin fball and rugby for 14 years, i bet you have a good workout already, you just need to start goin back onto it...

    but as for a starting point... the shortest estered test is test prop, which is best shot every day.. its a shorter cycle than others, but you will have gains fast and it will kick in fast... the only problem that people have w/ prop is that it sometimes is a painful injection... i have never had any pain from prop, so i cant tell u what its like...

    here is a starting cycle... dont just do this, but this is a good starting cycle...

    test p 75mg ED week 1-8
    Nolva 40/20/20/20 for 4 weeks (thats in mg ED) you can get nolva from the shop (red banner at top right)

    This is a starting point, but not a answer... there is plenty of info on this board which is very beneficial...

    20 keepable lbs on 1 cycle is alot, but if you gain 10 lbs and lose 5% BF... that is a great gain esp for a first cycle of just test....

    good luck and happy growing

    ps... i am a fball player so i am speakin from exp, athletes usually have diff goals than body builders/ beach body guys... and if u want more advice, stick around and post and learn then u can PM, then PM me... ill help ya w/ mostly everyting but diet... i am still learnin, so i cannot give perfect advice... or my aim is available also

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