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  1. #1
    itraylor is offline Junior Member
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    Effectiveness of this Cycle?

    I am seeking opinions about the potential effectiveness of this cycle. My current stats are: 28 years old, 6’0”, 190 pounds, 15% body fat. My goal is 205 pounds with 7-9% body fat so actually looking at losing some fat and gaining lean mass. My only prior experience is having done one cycle (10 weeks) of DECA before which brought me from 170 pounds to 190 pounds (with some fat) though I did little cardio.

    Week 1: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 2: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 3: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 4: Sustanon 250 (500 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 5: Sustanon 250 (500 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 6: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 7: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 8: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Post Cycle: Clomid 50 mg/day for ten days

    I guess some questions would be: Does this combination make an effective cycle? Are the doses good? Should I substitute Sustanon 250 with a straight Testosterone ? Would this achieve my goal of lean mass with the proper diet and 30 minutes of cardio four times a week? Any advice or guidance is welcome. Thanks.

  2. #2
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Quote Originally Posted by itraylor View Post
    I am seeking opinions about the potential effectiveness of this cycle. My current stats are: 28 years old, 6’0”, 190 pounds, 15% body fat. My goal is 205 pounds with 7-9% body fat so actually looking at losing some fat and gaining lean mass. My only prior experience is having done one cycle (10 weeks) of DECA before which brought me from 170 pounds to 190 pounds (with some fat) though I did little cardio.

    Week 1: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 2: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 3: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 4: Sustanon 250 (500 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 5: Sustanon 250 (500 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 6: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 7: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 8: Sustanon 250 (250 mg); Nolvadex 20 mg/day, Proviron 25 mg/day
    Post Cycle: Clomid 50 mg/day for ten days

    I guess some questions would be: Does this combination make an effective cycle? Are the doses good? Should I substitute Sustanon 250 with a straight Testosterone? Would this achieve my goal of lean mass with the proper diet and 30 minutes of cardio four times a week? Any advice or guidance is welcome. Thanks.
    Not very good Bro, especially PCT. I would run it for 12 weeks(sust) and eliminate the nolva till post cycle, who told you 10 days is a good PCT? And did you get any sides with a deca only cycle?

  3. #3
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    To get your results, You need to bump up the sust. to 500mg/wk. Do not pyramid!!!

    No need to run the nolva while on cycle either. Save it for the pct, which also needs adjusting. Sust needs to be run atleast eod also. Before starting this cycle you need to research more. You have a descent start but you still need to learn.

    Hit the diet forum and read all the stickies, because diet is going to have to be great not just good.

  4. #4
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    Dam* inky, give a bro time to type, you fast bast***.....LOL

  5. #5
    itraylor is offline Junior Member
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    I could definitely up the PCT to 3 weeks and increase the amount. I have seen some great PCT but was just curious if the one I listed would work due to the low dosages. On the Deca only cycle I really didn’t know what I was doing, I just listened to my brother. I got strong as an ox on the Deca and gained 20-25 pounds in the 10 weeks but much of it was unwanted fat. I attribute that to taking in too many calories and not doing any cardio period. I also did no PCT; like I said, I was unknowledgeable.

    My current diet is pretty clean as I am in Iraq and don’t have access to much bad food. I drink only water and milk, take in 75 grams of protein a day from my shakes and try to eat as much lean protein as I can in the dining facility (i.e. eggs, yogurt, tuna, turkey, cottage cheese, baked chicken). I have been eating a lot of fruit out here as well.

    I will hit the diet forum but just to see if I am tracking, would this make sense? Go Sust 250 for 12 weeks at 500 mg/week. Would it be better to do 150 mg/EOD? For the PCT I need to do some research but should you use both Nolva and Clomi or is one good enough? Is the Proviron good? Thanks.

  6. #6
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    I had a feeling that you didn't have the knowledge on the first cycle. Always use some sort of test with a cycle.

    If possible, try to use solid food in place of all shakes, but one, which you can use after you workout. Or if there is no way you can have the solid food. Beside that your diet doesn't look to bad. Do check out the diet forum.

    Just run 125mg/eod of the sust. Yes you can run nolva and clomid for the pct. Check out Anthony Roberts pct or pheedno's. You need to lower you body fat alittle but you can run the proviron the last 6 weeks of the cycle 25mg/ed.

  7. #7
    itraylor is offline Junior Member
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    How is this?

    Week 1: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD
    Week 2: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD
    Week 3: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD
    Week 4: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD
    Week 5: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD
    Week 6: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD
    Week 7: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD; Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 8: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD; Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 9: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD; Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 10: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD; Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 11: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD; Proviron 25 mg/day
    Week 12: Sustanon 250 125 mg/EOD; Proviron 25 mg/day

    Post Cycle (30 days): Clomid 100 mg/day; Nolvadex 20 mg/day

  8. #8
    dd0316's Avatar
    dd0316 is offline Member
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    sorry to hijack and this may be a stupid question but ive read very little on it
    but wat is the use of proviron

  9. #9
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    it has mild AI quality and helps with the efficency of other aas

  10. #10
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    i am in iraq as well and no how hard it is to get the right things at the right time..

  11. #11
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Now it looks ON!

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