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Thread: Test/Mast/Deca cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Test/Mast/Deca cycle

    Just want some feedback on this please:

    Test C 500/wk 1-13
    Mast E 600/wk 1-13
    Deca 400/wk 1-12

    Age 32
    4th cycle. (test, test/EQ/tbol, test/deca/winny) Never used Mast.
    Goals: lean bulk

    Have ancillaries and pct. Don't need advice there.

    Would like
    1)feedback on the cycle. Are there better combinations of test/19-nor/dht synergy?

    2) Does Mast E need to be shot 2x a week or will 1x suffice?

    3) Any benefit (or concern) adding 25mg proviron 2x a day to cycle and through pct?

    Thanks. Let me know if you need more info


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    1. test E/ tren/ var (or winny or EQ) would be a better lean mass builder; with deca you run the risk of water bloat (perhaps NPP would be a better substitute) and masteron IMHO, is useless as it shows in single digits BF% - EQ does a better job for that when bulking

    2. mast e 2x would be sufficient if u choose to go with this compound

    3. Yes, it binds and supresses SHBG, so it has a synergistic effect on the efficacy of the test. it also works as a mild AI, so you may not have to take adex,aromasin or letro in addition if the sides are tolerable

    you seem well versed in gear usage, being your 4th cycle n all, so my opinions are for your consideration; you know your body best!!!

    cheers mate

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    1. test E/ tren/ var (or winny or EQ) would be a better lean mass builder; with deca you run the risk of water bloat (perhaps NPP would be a better substitute) and masteron IMHO, is useless as it shows in single digits BF% - EQ does a better job for that when bulking

    2. mast e 2x would be sufficient if u choose to go with this compound

    3. Yes, it binds and supresses SHBG, so it has a synergistic effect on the efficacy of the test. it also works as a mild AI, so you may not have to take adex,aromasin or letro in addition if the sides are tolerable

    you seem well versed in gear usage, being your 4th cycle n all, so my opinions are for your consideration; you know your body best!!!

    cheers mate
    Sorry for the slow follow-up. Been stuck in the office like 2 days straight...

    Thanks for the feedback bro.

    I've never used tren before...and the sides concern me...but I may give it a shot this time. Deca bloat does suck. I'll also see if I can find NPP - great suggestion, just availability is difficult without overseas orders (which I'm DONE with if at all possible)

    My body hates EQ. Probably won't run in again. BP through the roof and anxiety, etc

    NPP/Test/Winny is sounding good...would you run the winny just towards the end or the entire time?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    ^^^^good combo, I would use winny towards last 6-8 wks... if your diet is spot on and your lean bulk is exactly that, then winny will harden you up nicely

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Sounds like a plan! Thanks. If i can't get NPP will take the plunge and try tren...

    By the way, pros/cons of Winny vs. Var? Would var be better for further gains vs. winny to just harden up? I've only tried winny once...strength went through the roof and got hard as a rock, but don't think it did much in terms of real gains...curious how it compares to var

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by big_dubya33 View Post
    Just want some feedback on this please:

    Test C 500/wk 1-13
    Mast E 600/wk 1-13
    Deca 400/wk 1-12

    Age 32
    4th cycle. (test, test/EQ/tbol, test/deca/winny) Never used Mast.
    Goals: lean bulk

    Have ancillaries and pct. Don't need advice there.

    Would like
    1)feedback on the cycle. Are there better combinations of test/19-nor/dht synergy?

    2) Does Mast E need to be shot 2x a week or will 1x suffice?

    3) Any benefit (or concern) adding 25mg proviron 2x a day to cycle and through pct?

    Thanks. Let me know if you need more info

    trade deca for tren

    the least any enanthate should be shot is 2x a week
    go for the proviron
    use some letro to go with those long esters for a lean bulk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Quote Originally Posted by big_dubya33 View Post
    Sounds like a plan! Thanks. If i can't get NPP will take the plunge and try tren...

    By the way, pros/cons of Winny vs. Var? Would var be better for further gains vs. winny to just harden up? I've only tried winny once...strength went through the roof and got hard as a rock, but don't think it did much in terms of real gains...curious how it compares to var
    I've tried both winny and var I liked the latter more: In terms of effect, both var and winny gave me strength gains and hardness (verdict's still out on LBM gain since I stacked it with other compounds) BUT winny made my joints hurt and was a pain in the arse to inject (it was the reason I had to terminate my '05 cycle because of a baseball sized abscess) ; on the other hand, you just have to pop var orally although it is more expensive than winny...which you could also take orally but is slightly less effective than IM
    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 07-16-2008 at 11:31 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    I've tried both winny and var I liked the latter more: In terms of effect, both var and winny gave me strength gains and hardness (verdict's still out on LBM gain since I stacked it with other compounds) BUT winny made my joints hurt and was a pain in the arse to inject (it was the reason I had to terminate my '05 cycle because of a baseball sized abscess) ; on the other hand, you just have to pop var orally although it is more expensive than winny...which you could also take orally but is slightly less effective than IM
    I think I'm gonna try the var. Will post some results soon. Thanks again for your help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    trade deca for tren

    the least any enanthate should be shot is 2x a week
    go for the proviron
    use some letro to go with those long esters for a lean bulk
    thanks. I'll def add the proviron.

    may try to get away with a-dex but gyno is an issue for me. took letro my last cycle and gyno stayed constant - but letro drastically decreased my gains IMO...I also had ugl gear which i think was underdosed...but the letro sucks. I'll keep it on hand tho

    appreciate the help

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