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Thread: Winny Dosage need to change?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Winny Dosage need to change?

    Plateau Assistance Requested

    Resident Western USA
    Age 28
    Height 5’3”
    Workout Time line 2 years
    Starting weight 190 LBS
    Starting BF% 39
    Staring size 20
    Current Weight 132 LBS
    Current BF% 32
    Current size 4
    Fish Oil, Multivitamin, ECCA’s, Cranberry, B complex, and Chromium Picolinate
    Dedicated Women’s Whey Protein Powder
    Meal 1 Protein shake Fruit
    Meal 2 1 serving meat (lean turkey, chicken), ½ cup brown rice
    Meal 3 Protein Shake
    Meal 4 Fruit, green vegetable
    Meal 5 serving meat (lean turkey, fish, chicken) ½ cup brown rice or wheat pasta
    Meal 6 Protein Shake
    Meal 7 an occasional protein bar (cliff builders or snickers)
    Workout Schedule
    Tuesday-Sunday Lifting one muscle group per day 45-50minutes, 20-30 minutes cardio
    Monday OFF
    Goal to lower BF % to 15-20% and gain lean muscle mass/strength.
    Attempt 1
    In addition to diet and exercise; took one cycle of CLEN for 12 weeks with no results no decrease in BF % or Weight in LBS
    Attempt 2
    In addition to diet and exercise; engaging in current cycle of Winstrol Stanozol 100mg/ml taking .5ml ED at bed time on day 13 have seen no decrease in BF %, weight in pounds or inches lost.
    Need some advice as to changes I can make in Winstrol dosage, diet, exercise, supplements; any advice anyone is willing to offer to so I can get some results.
    Through experience how long will it take to see results? Decrease in weight, BF% or inches.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Injecting in the bathroom
    You're a female and your taking 50mg of WINSTROL? Holy shit.... Winstrol isn't a good choice for women really..especially at 50mg a day. I'd stop immediately and research if I were you...50mg of winny a day is a good dose for a male bodybuilder... That shit can have permanent effects on you..deepening of the voice, facial hair, enlarged clit, etc....
    Last edited by No One Knows; 07-15-2008 at 03:42 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Ditch the winny

    Your diet needs work. I would get rid of the shakes and supplement some whole food instead. Also ditch the protein bars, nothin but crap in those IMO. HAve you visited the diet section at all?

    Winny is not going to help you loose BF either, it will harden you up a great deal, show some vascularity but if your not already low BF% then its not going to do much for you. I def. would ditch the winny, as your diet looks like it needs some tweaking.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Women do use Winny at lower dosages but it tends to bloat them. Work on your diet and perhaps try Anavar instead.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    What is your activity level like thru the day? I would up the cardio to 45-60 min. per session, on an empty stomach if u can. Ur diet could use a little work 2. Try to use the shake for post workout, replace the others with a lean protein source and some veggies. Way 2 much winnie, start with 50mg per week.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    great advice thank you so much for the time you took to read my post and reply, I have read diet info obviously i am way out in left field. Will increase cardio work on diet and 86 the bars and shakes. Thanks so much apprectiate your thoughts.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    winny been giving me major pain, site swelling, bloating, swollen clitoris no results. I will stop today no more till i get the diet right, i sit all day in a cubicle, so when i get off work i go right to the gym and work as hard as i think i should (appratenly not enough) then cardio, abs, sauna and home to eat and drink a shake eating a peice of lean meat and a vegi. Being the last thing i eat. Thanks so much

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    You did right by hitting the diet forum. Always, keep the intake of shakes down to maybe one, post workout. Also, time your carbs with working out, not when you will be sedintary. Think protein/fat or protein/carb but never fat and carbs together. Makes it simple.

    And please stop the Winny.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Add abs into ur workout routine a few times a week. Turn the abs and sauna time into more cardio. Bring ur shake to the gym and drink it directly after weight training. Eat within 1-2 hrs after.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    makes sense thanks a ton its a new day will get busy !

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