Plateau Assistance Requested
Resident Western USA
Age 28
Height 5’3”
Workout Time line 2 years
Starting weight 190 LBS
Starting BF% 39
Staring size 20
Current Weight 132 LBS
Current BF% 32
Current size 4
Fish Oil, Multivitamin, ECCA’s, Cranberry, B complex, and Chromium Picolinate
Dedicated Women’s Whey Protein Powder
Meal 1 Protein shake Fruit
Meal 2 1 serving meat (lean turkey, chicken), ½ cup brown rice
Meal 3 Protein Shake
Meal 4 Fruit, green vegetable
Meal 5 serving meat (lean turkey, fish, chicken) ½ cup brown rice or wheat pasta
Meal 6 Protein Shake
Meal 7 an occasional protein bar (cliff builders or snickers)
Workout Schedule
Tuesday-Sunday Lifting one muscle group per day 45-50minutes, 20-30 minutes cardio
Monday OFF
Goal to lower BF % to 15-20% and gain lean muscle mass/strength.
Attempt 1
In addition to diet and exercise; took one cycle of CLEN for 12 weeks with no results no decrease in BF % or Weight in LBS
Attempt 2
In addition to diet and exercise; engaging in current cycle of Winstrol Stanozol 100mg/ml taking .5ml ED at bed time on day 13 have seen no decrease in BF %, weight in pounds or inches lost.
Need some advice as to changes I can make in Winstrol dosage, diet, exercise, supplements; any advice anyone is willing to offer to so I can get some results.
Through experience how long will it take to see results? Decrease in weight, BF% or inches.