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Thread: Cycle advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Question Cycle advice

    Need some advice from the pros.

    I'm 6'0, 206, 14%BF

    This is the gear I came up with. How does the cycle sound? I know nobody likes sus but its all I can get from my source. Also, should I use Proviron or Nolvadex or both when taking the Anadrol? I also plan on taking 1000mg of Milk Thistle ED during the cycle so I don't kill my liver.

    Week 1: 750mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot, Anadrol 50mg ED
    Week 2: 500mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot, Anadrol 50mg ED
    Week 3: 500mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot, Anadrol 100mg ED
    Week 4: 500mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot, Anadrol 100mg ED
    Week 5: 500mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot
    Week 6: 500mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot
    Week 7: 250mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot
    Week 8: 250mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot
    Week 9: 250mg sus, 100mg primobolan depot, 5000 I.U. HCG
    Week 10: 5000 I.U. HCG
    Week 11: 5000 I.U. HCG
    Week 12: 300mg clomid day 1, 100mg clomid 10 days, 50mg clomid 10 days

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    What's your cycle history... a-bombs are hardcore shit, you don't like dbol?

  3. #3
    The original jason Guest
    hmmm well I would change a few things to be honest I dont like sust either but I wouldnt taper it that way I would just run it right through or not at all the 100mg per week of primo I would save for post cycle 100mg will do nothing for you. HCG is not good to be used post cycle at all it should be used weeks 6&7 if you are doing an 8 week cycle at 500iu's ed. I am really not sure what to suggest can you tell us your experience???


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    Pretty much what OJ said...

    Don't taper off sust, 100mg primo is nothing, HCG is not suppose to be used post cycle, hook us up with you're cycle history and goals and we'll be able to help you out...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    First Arthur is right drol is kinda harsh if this is your first cycle. Id run the sust 500 through out. Why are you using HGC at all with a cycle like this clomid should be fine. IMO ....Your AS history is definatly needed. Are these the only anabolics you can get?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Thanks for the help...

    1st cycle (June '00) I did was just straight Anadrol.
    week 1-2 50mg
    week 2-3 100mg
    week 4-6 50mg

    took 40mg Nolvadex during week 6 and 20mg for two weeks after. If I remember right, I lost just about everything. I did this cycle based on people I talked too in the gym. I wish I knew then what I know now about Anadrol. My lack of knowledge=no gain and 20 years knocked off the life of my liver

    2nd cycle (Nov. '00)=
    week 1-3 250mg sus, 100mg primo depot
    week 4-5 500mg sus, 100mg primo depot
    week 6-7 750mg sus, 100mg primo depot
    week 8-9 500mg sus, 100mg primo depot
    week 10-12 250mg sus, 100mg primo depot
    week 12-13 5000 I.U. HCG

    Took 40mg nolvadex during week 12 and Proviron @25mg for 2 weeks. Again, from what I read and was told then, HCG was taken as a way to kick start my natural test prod. I made some great gains on this cycle and kept most of it. Fluke maybe?

    I haven't done a cycle since then but I feel its time for a boost. I'm sure I can get other stuff in place of drol and sus, but I was sticking with them since I liked the results they gave me from the last time I used them. I suffered no side effects other than water retention from when I did the drol cycle.

    Should I just drop the Primo altogether since 100mg doesn't do anything?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    If you liked the drol and you didn't have side effects that bad, go for it. Some people like A bombs. or you can put about 35mg/ day of d-bol in its place. Its up to you. If you wanna use the primo Id use at least 200 mg but for better gains run eq or deca at 400 mg/week . Run the sus at 500-600mg/week. No need for the tapering. Then you definitely need some clomid at the end to help keep your gains and bring test production back up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by RON
    If you liked the drol and you didn't have side effects that bad, go for it. Some people like A bombs. or you can put about 35mg/ day of d-bol in its place. Its up to you. If you wanna use the primo Id use at least 200 mg but for better gains run eq or deca at 400 mg/week . Run the sus at 500-600mg/week. No need for the tapering. Then you definitely need some clomid at the end to help keep your gains and bring test production back up.
    ron nailed it for ya, however the only thing i would change is to taper the drol. i would run it 50, 100, 100, and 50. and since im giving my unwanted opinion, i would replace the sustanon also, enanthate is my choice.

    peace bb79

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    College Station, Texas
    The reason you had good post cycle success is because you did take hcg post cycle. Why everyone is saying not to is beyond me.

  10. #10
    i suggest taking the sus @500 for 8 wks,hitting the abombs at 50mg ed for the first 4 wks and doing the primo @300 wk for 3 wks 9-10-11.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    lil' juicer, HCG is generally used in the middle of long cycles. For a cycle like this clomid therapy at the end would do fine

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    What about HCG beginning of cycle, HCG mid cycle and HCG post cycle?

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