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  1. #1
    dugyrios1 is offline New Member
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    possible kidney pain?

    I know this is hard to tell but just wondering if anyone has experienced what I am going through and could give me their inputs about my situation. Ive been taking anabolics for about 2 years now, I'm 24 years old, ive done ,: tren a, tren e, test p, test e, winny tabs, and right now anavar . I cycled off of tren around 5 months ago, and what I did is a hrt and I shot half a cc of test e a week, and until about a week ago I started taking anavar. Im not a heavy juicer and I usually take moderate doses of everything, I believe that if your diet is right and you train hard there is no use to take excessive ammounts of steroids . I have a pain in my lower back when sleep in too late or when Im just being lazzy and sit down . The pain usually goes away once i get going and I am active, I drink plenty of water, and I have taken cranberry exctract in the past when I was on tren, and it seemed to help. Tren killed me the pain was terrible on it , eventhough I loved the gaines I get from it I will try to stay away from it. What do you think the problem could be? I dont have any pain when I walk , lift , or I am active , but It seems that when I lay in bed for to long my kidneys hurt, and right now Im sitting down and my lower back has a slight disturbing pain... What are your inputs? kidney damage from tren? is this normal? are there any other supps I could take besides dandellio root (SP), and cranberry extract. BTW the pain seems to go away when I just flush and flush water into my system, but I usually drink 2 gallons a day and still have the pain so I just drink more.

    thank you

  2. #2
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you on anything right now? How long were U on Tren for? How much VAR are you taking?

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Ok, you might just have lower back pain. From what i've heard, if you kidneys are having a hard time it will feel like a pulse on either side of your lower back, like they are jumpin'. Maybe they are, i dunno. Go to your doctor and ask for a blood test.

  4. #4
    dugyrios1 is offline New Member
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    Ive taken tren twice and each time i ran it it was for no less than ten weeks, I am taking 3 16.6 mg tabs of var a day, about 50 mgs lets say. Could it be the var? the reason why I starte taking var was because I heard its one of the safest thing you can take and it pretty mild. Also I take letro every week maybe 2.5mg a week. I read a post on letro being overdosed and someone having kidney failure but I doubt thats my case , cause ive taken it before and it never made the pain worse.

  5. #5
    dugyrios1 is offline New Member
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    Im on var and test e right now, but I only shoot 1 cc of test a week split into two doses. And the pain doesnt seem like it is a muscle or an injury either

  6. #6
    QBERT's Avatar
    QBERT is offline Junior Member
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    First where is the pain located? Lower back is kinda hard to say if it is kidney related or not. Your kidneys are located in your retroperitoneal space or flank region. What are your signs and symptoms? Just kidney pain or fever, chills, flank pain, nausea, vomiting. Are you urinating blood? These are all signs of your body reacting to a kidney infection or problem. I believe urinary or blood test can confirm this.

  7. #7
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by QBERT View Post
    First where is the pain located? Lower back is kinda hard to say if it is kidney related or not. Your kidneys are located in your retroperitoneal space or flank region. What are your signs and symptoms? Just kidney pain or fever, chills, flank pain, nausea, vomiting. Are you urinating blood? These are all signs of your body reacting to a kidney infection or problem. I believe urinary or blood test can confirm this.
    Blood test would be preferable to urinalysis. Us bodybuilders pee out a lot more blood than normal people, making it harder to predict.

  8. #8
    dugyrios1 is offline New Member
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    The pain is like on the very end of my tail bone almost where the butt crack starts and its more on the right side than on the left i barely feel anything on the left side.I have never had any fevers , any blood in my urine, and pain urinating, no stomach pain. Could it be an injury? because it got worse this week, and I have def have gotten stronger with the anavar so my lifting has been more rigurous.

  9. #9
    dugyrios1 is offline New Member
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    BTW I had my girlfriend touch my lower back where the pain is located and I have a small lil ball feels like a fat ball, but it doesnt hurt when I touch it, its about the size of a marbel.

  10. #10
    Nitro29's Avatar
    Nitro29 is offline Member
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    Sounds like sciatica or a coxcyx (tailbone) injury to me

  11. #11
    10nispro's Avatar
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    In the area you described it could be lots of things, but I doubt it's kidney related. It could be your Sacroiliac joint, pulled or strained muscle or ligiment, even a bulging disk of some sort. Best thing you could do is lay off with lower back exercises. Take something for the swelling, so your body can start healing and use ice in the area for 15 minutes out of an hour.

  12. #12
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    please listen to me. I would Seriously get checked out by a REAL dr. I wouldn't take advise right now from anyone on the board. It could be nothing, OR it could be something BAD. U will not feel comfortable until you talk to a DR. Be open and honest. Your health is WAY more important than anything.



  13. #13
    dugyrios1 is offline New Member
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    thanks for everyones replies, i have a drs. app next week see what he says, ill follow up with you guys this thread might be helpful for people in the future.

  14. #14
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dugyrios1 View Post
    thanks for everyones replies, i have a drs. app next week see what he says, ill follow up with you guys this thread might be helpful for people in the future.

    Good job bro! Smartest thing I've read all night. Please keep us updated. It's post like this that make me sleep better at night. Seriously, it's nice to see someone with a good head on their shoulder.

    Hope all is well,,


  15. #15
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    have a UA done to see if you have wbc's in you urine....that will show if it is an infection....also....have your BUN and Creatinine levels checked....that will show if you have impaired kidney function.....

    drink alcohol???

    family history of renal failure???

    Cancer history???

  16. #16
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dugyrios1 View Post
    I know this is hard to tell but just wondering if anyone has experienced what I am going through and could give me their inputs about my situation. Ive been taking anabolics for about 2 years now, I'm 24 years old, ive done ,: tren a, tren e, test p, test e, winny tabs, and right now anavar . I cycled off of tren around 5 months ago, and what I did is a hrt and I shot half a cc of test e a week, and until about a week ago I started taking anavar. Im not a heavy juicer and I usually take moderate doses of everything, I believe that if your diet is right and you train hard there is no use to take excessive ammounts of steroids . I have a pain in my lower back when sleep in too late or when Im just being lazzy and sit down . The pain usually goes away once i get going and I am active, I drink plenty of water, and I have taken cranberry exctract in the past when I was on tren, and it seemed to help. Tren killed me the pain was terrible on it , eventhough I loved the gaines I get from it I will try to stay away from it. What do you think the problem could be? I dont have any pain when I walk , lift , or I am active , but It seems that when I lay in bed for to long my kidneys hurt, and right now Im sitting down and my lower back has a slight disturbing pain... What are your inputs? kidney damage from tren? is this normal? are there any other supps I could take besides dandellio root (SP), and cranberry extract. BTW the pain seems to go away when I just flush and flush water into my system, but I usually drink 2 gallons a day and still have the pain so I just drink more.

    thank you

    go to the doc and have some bloodwork ran to see if your organs are functioning properly.

  17. #17
    dugyrios1 is offline New Member
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    whats up guys i said i would follow up, well it seems like my problem has nothing to do with my kidneys, i have possible spine and nerve problem called sciatica, the doctor said it happens because when you juice you get to strong for your tendons and bones so they rupture and thats what leads to injuries. I figured id let everyone know and this thread might help any other person thats experiencing pain in the lower back especially when sitting down or laying down for to long.

  18. #18
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dugyrios1 View Post
    whats up guys i said i would follow up, well it seems like my problem has nothing to do with my kidneys, i have possible spine and nerve problem called sciatica, the doctor said it happens because when you juice you get to strong for your tendons and bones so they rupture and thats what leads to injuries. I figured id let everyone know and this thread might help any other person thats experiencing pain in the lower back especially when sitting down or laying down for to long.
    Thank you for the follow up!


  19. #19
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Sounds like sciatica or a coxcyx (tailbone) injury to me

    Wow, unfortunately I was correct

    Get well soon my man...Nitro

  20. #20
    jackdup04's Avatar
    jackdup04 is offline Associate Member
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    good lookin' on the follow up..Get well soon bro...

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