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Thread: Natural growth after roids?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Question Natural growth after roids?

    I've actually never been able to get a straight answer to this...

    Let's say you do a firsttime cycle and gain a good 30lbs, then do the clomid, clen and whatever and keep most of it. Will you then be able to just stop the roids and get natural gains as before or will you have to keep up an endless number of cycles to make any gains??

    I would believe that you'd only have to do this if you are beyond your natural growth limit, but if it is like that then why wait with the roids till you've reached your natural limit???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i've pondered the same question bro "why wait" bump. You have the most receptors when your 19 to 22 i've read, and there is no way you can reach your natural potential at 19 or 20 but why not take advantage of the receptors when you have them so you will put less strain on your body by doing less cycles and still geting the results you want.
    Last edited by BOB HAD BITCH TITS; 10-28-2002 at 01:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Waiting until you hit your natural limit is not neccessary, 99% of people do not wait until their natural limit, even though lots will say they did.

    You can grow naturally once you are off. Plenty of people have done it, including myself, unless you are past your genetic limit then it might be hard if not impossible to grow.

    I have heard stories of people pushing beyond genetics limits with steroids and still being able to keep those gains even after they stopped cycling. (I remember one dude hadn't cycled for 2 years and claimed he was beyond his genetic limit). Now by definition this doesn't make sense, but you get the idea.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    Its the old problem of wanting something NOW not later.

    If your at your limit of natural growth then yes you would need cycles to grow.

    Im quite sure that isnt a problem for most of us though hehe i just want to maximize my time and effort.

    i agree though, wait as long as you can. there is always time for juice.

  5. #5
    You can make gains naturally after using roids.
    Most people say to wait until you are at your natural limit to do roids. I'm not one of them. However, I believe you have to get your diet and exercise routines correct for your body before you use them. Using roids without having those two correct is just throwing money away. I would recommend training naturally for about 2 years while you try different supplements, routines, etc. There is a ton of info on these subjects here on this board. While your doing this read the threads here and go thru the educational forum. Experiment. Ask questions. The bro's here are happy to help. Find out what works best for you. Everybody is different. What works for me might do nothing for you. We've all seen the guys going to the gym for years and working out hard with nothing to show for it. Don't be like them. When you've discovered what works best for you, and gotten enough information about roids I don't think you have to wait till your at your natural limit. You do need to have this solid base, however.
    It also makes a big difference how old you are. If your growth plates haven't closed you could stunt your growth taking roids. Some peoples growth plates close early, others don't close till the mid 20's. One of my bro's went from 5' 10" to 6" 3" at 22. You don't want to mess up your bodies hormonal balance while in your teens. You could (I'm not saying WOULD) mess up your hormones for life.
    Just my 2 cents. I know I'll get flamed for this one.

  6. #6
    Mastiff...real good response..bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    IMPORTANT: Wating to hit your natural limit is only so you know HOW TO TRAIN at your new weight. You certainly would not keep a 200lbs muscular physique if you train it like a new 175lbs physique. Get my drift?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I agree totally, you need to know your training and diet 100%.
    I've also seen those 140lbs guys starting doing d-bol cos they're too afraid of the needle, then gaining only a little muscle and losing it all again cos they only know next to nothing about training, diet and roids... ): I can see that if you do it like that steroids will be VERY dangerous...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I agree, you can make natural gains, so long as you havent reached your natural limit. Once you have reached that limit, whether it be while on or off gear, you will need exo hormones (like AAS, GH, IGF-1, Slin) to make more gains.

    I still think that if you know how to train, eat, and sleep theres no reason to wait on AAS. The only reason to hold back AAS usage is: age, lack of knowledge, and lack of responsibility.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    right here
    if anything you'll make better gains because the roids most definatelly put you through any plateaus that you were held back by...assuming your reg test levels were back

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Originally posted by hitmeoff
    I agree, you can make natural gains, so long as you havent reached your natural limit. Once you have reached that limit, whether it be while on or off gear, you will need exo hormones (like AAS, GH, IGF-1, Slin) to make more gains.

    I still think that if you know how to train, eat, and sleep theres no reason to wait on AAS. The only reason to hold back AAS usage is: age, lack of knowledge, and lack of responsibility.
    Took the words right out of my mouth.

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