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  1. #1
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    Finaly got it down ;) PCT opinions

    Ok so after a lot of work and reading this is what i'm going to do for my PCT.
    Cycle :
    My cycle looks like this
    week 1-6 : Deca ( 400mg / week ) Test E ( 500mg / week )
    week 6-12: Deca ( 400mg / week )
    week 6-14: Sustanon ( 500mg / week )

    Now for my PCT :

    -The last 2 weeks of my cycle i will be shooting HCG eod 500iu's into my shoulders.

    10 days after the end of the cycle :

    -Week 1-3 Clomid @ 100mg / day
    -Week 1-3 Nolvadex @ 20mg / day OR 50mg Proviron /day ?? what do u guys think is better, clomid and nolva or clomid and proviron, and are the doses / lenght sufficient

    So thnx for all the answers,

  2. #2
    facile's Avatar
    facile is offline Member
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    What are your stats? 1st cycle perhaps test only.

    I would use sus in the beginning rather than end to take advantage of the short esters and get you going faster.

    I usually use nolva/clomid/hcg so some one else will have to give you an opinion on the proviron .
    Last edited by facile; 07-18-2008 at 08:42 AM.

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You should have aromasin or arimidex in your pct along with clomid and nolva. I am not big on proviron for pct but thats just me.

  4. #4
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    yes but proviron is an AI, like aromasin and arimidex . And that is the ONLY AI i can get my hands on over here. So now i'm thinking, should i use two serms ( clomid and nolva ) or one serm and one AI ( Clomid + Proviron ).

  5. #5
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    I believe the start time for PCT for that cycle is 18 days after last shot

  6. #6
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    18 days after the last shot for my PCT treatment ? Then i must of missread
    So i will start my PCT 18 days after my last sust. shot
    EDIT : I just read that sustanon should start 3 weeks after my last shot, so that is even longer Is that right ? start my pct after 3 weeks of off the cycle?
    Now for my choices ?
    Clomid(serm) + Nolva (serm)
    Clomid(serm) + PROVIRON (AI) ?
    what would you guys use ?

  7. #7
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    dont switch to sust- stick with a single ester
    clomid is trash
    nolva/proviron is the best pct imo

  8. #8
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, so than it should be like this :

    Last two weeks of my cycle HCG 500iu's EOD
    21 days after the end of my cycle start :
    Day 1-30 : Nolvadex ( 20mg / day )
    Day 1-20 : Proviron ( 50mg / day )

    Would that be a sufficient PCT ?
    Oh and p.s. why is clomid trash in your oppinion ?

  9. #9
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    since you stopped the deca 2 weeks before the test you'll want to start pct 10 days after your last test injection. you also may want to switch the test and sust around. sust has 90mgs of fast acting test esters so by running it at the begining it will kick in faster
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  10. #10
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    Aha, got that so it's 10 days after my last shot.

    Other than that, Nolva 30 days and proviron 20 days will be ok ?

    Quote Originally Posted by rokipoki View Post
    Ok, so than it should be like this :

    Last two weeks of my cycle HCG 500iu's EOD
    21 days after the end of my cycle start :
    Day 1-30 : Nolvadex ( 20mg / day )
    Day 1-20 : Proviron ( 50mg / day )

    Would that be a sufficient PCT ?
    Oh and p.s. why is clomid trash in your oppinion ?
    P.s. i would really like to thank all you guys, for giving me all the usefull information that you are giving me, i really appriciate all your patience for newbs like me.


  11. #11
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    *Bump for answer*

  12. #12
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rokipoki View Post
    Ok, so than it should be like this :

    Last two weeks of my cycle HCG 500iu's EOD
    21 days after the end of my cycle start :
    Day 1-30 : Nolvadex ( 20mg / day )
    Day 1-20 : Proviron ( 50mg / day )

    Would that be a sufficient PCT ?
    Oh and p.s. why is clomid trash in your oppinion ?
    okay bro that looks good
    i personally would change it up in minor ways
    first of all i think you should dump the sust for test e all the way through, but if not here you go
    this is assuming you have 9 weeks of sust and 5 weeks of test e on hand, right?

    week 1-12 : Deca ( 400mg / week )
    10-14: Test E ( 500mg / week )
    1-9: Sustanon ( 500mg / week )

    i put your sust on first because it has short esters, youll feel your cycle faster

    13-16: hcg 500iu e3d
    17-20: proviron 50mg
    17-18 nolva 40mg
    19-20 nolva 20mg

    clomid sucks because nolvadex does everything it can but at a lower dose and less side effects

  13. #13
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    okay bro that looks good
    i personally would change it up in minor ways
    first of all i think you should dump the sust for test e all the way through, but if not here you go
    this is assuming you have 9 weeks of sust and 5 weeks of test e on hand, right?

    week 1-12 : Deca ( 400mg / week )
    10-14: Test E ( 500mg / week )
    1-9: Sustanon ( 500mg / week )

    i put your sust on first because it has short esters, youll feel your cycle faster

    13-16: hcg 500iu e3d
    17-20: proviron 50mg
    17-18 nolva 40mg
    19-20 nolva 20mg

    clomid sucks because nolvadex does everything it can but at a lower dose and less side effects
    hey man, that was a really good response for everytinhg, i really appriciate it!
    Actualy the main reason was, that i already started Test E, but than could not get it anymore and i switched up to sustanon, now i'm at week 8, i already did 6 weeks of test e, and now i did 2 weeks of sustanon, and i still have about 6 weeks of sust left. I am doing deca all the way through, because i was smart enough to buy all the deca upfront
    So are all the PCT weeks still the same, even though i have sustanon at the end of the cycle instead of test E ?
    ( 13-16: hcg 500iu e3d
    17-20: proviron 50mg
    17-18 nolva 40mg
    19-20 nolva 20mg )
    Oh and another question, u said HCG e3d , that means every third day, right ?

  14. #14
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rokipoki View Post
    hey man, that was a really good response for everytinhg, i really appriciate it!
    Actualy the main reason was, that i already started Test E, but than could not get it anymore and i switched up to sustanon , now i'm at week 8, i already did 6 weeks of test e, and now i did 2 weeks of sustanon, and i still have about 6 weeks of sust left. I am doing deca all the way through, because i was smart enough to buy all the deca upfront
    So are all the PCT weeks still the same, even though i have sustanon at the end of the cycle instead of test E ?
    ( 13-16: hcg 500iu e3d
    17-20: proviron 50mg
    17-18 nolva 40mg
    19-20 nolva 20mg )
    Oh and another question, u said HCG e3d , that means every third day, right ?
    oh thats makes sense
    yeah your weeks are still the same
    e3d is every third day, or you can do 2x a week just fine
    how often are you shooting your sust

  15. #15
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    i'm shooting sust only twice a week, i know, i should be shooting it eod, but i have glass vials that brake off, and i need to shoot it all in at the same time, because of sterility.

    p.s. thnx alot for all your help man, you making out my schedule is really gonna help me with my pct !

  16. #16
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rokipoki View Post
    i'm shooting sust only twice a week, i know, i should be shooting it eod, but i have glass vials that brake off, and i need to shoot it all in at the same time, because of sterility.

    p.s. thnx alot for all your help man, you making out my schedule is really gonna help me with my pct !
    thats how sust comes. you can draw the full ml and shoot 1/2 ml and leave the rest in there and change the needle 2 daYS later

  17. #17
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    thats how sust comes. you can draw the full ml and shoot 1/2 ml and leave the rest in there and change the needle 2 daYS later
    oh, i did not know that. And that will stay sterile ? Do i have to keep it in a fridge, or is it ok to keep it at room temperature ?

    Is it to late to start shooting it EOD now ?

    Oh and btw, i have one more question about the nolvadex .
    My nolvadex comes packed in 10mg tabs ( NOLVADEX(Nihfi) 30 tab, 10mg )
    so do i eat 2 tabs in the morning and two tabs in the evening for the first week , where i take 40mg ?
    Last edited by rokipoki; 07-20-2008 at 04:52 PM.

  18. #18
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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  19. #19
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rokipoki View Post
    oh, i did not know that. And that will stay sterile ? Do i have to keep it in a fridge, or is it ok to keep it at room temperature ?

    Is it to late to start shooting it EOD now ?

    Oh and btw, i have one more question about the nolvadex .
    My nolvadex comes packed in 10mg tabs ( NOLVADEX(Nihfi) 30 tab, 10mg )
    so do i eat 2 tabs in the morning and two tabs in the evening for the first week , where i take 40mg ?

    Cummon guys can anyone answer me this last question ?


  20. #20
    rokipoki is offline Associate Member
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    sory to be such a pain, but i really need the answer,


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