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Thread: This is the BEST damn site!!

  1. #1

    Thumbs up This is the BEST damn site!!

    Wow.. I found this site tonight and had a ton of questions to ask.... but have found answers to most by reading messages and info on site pages.

    All of you guys are really cool to take the time and help us newbies... Even if no one responds... thanks I will gain tons by reading others and their responses.

    I have basically two questions and feel my specifics are needed before asking.

    I have been doing the "body for life" for about 10 mo. and have lost 67 lbs of mostly fat... I feel great and have NEVER been as fit as now. BUT I can't make any significant strength gains anymore. I religously hit the weights, run, eat healthy, sleep, eat proteins, watch fats etc etc etc.....
    Weight 173 lbs. Height 5'6" age 27 Bdy Fat ~= 9%

    1st question: I need a good cycle/reference to help me primarily gain physique "cuts" , strength, and then size; importance listed respecfully, can u help? My family's genes are such that the belly is easily added.

    2nd question: Where do I find how to take Clomid because there are several conflicting suggestions, or is it not that percise?

    Also, is Clomid considered a steriod? Can it be purchased over the counter or is a perscription needed?


  2. #2
    I found the answer to my last question about clomid in the cycles for the Novice section and profiles of steroids!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Firstly welcome bro ......and your right its a great board

    I have only one suggestion for the AAS route and that is to research learn what is what.Which drugs have the most side effects which are stronger this will make you more able to judge the information that will be provided here.

    As for the Clomid you have all your answers now?

    And lastly but most important is congratulations on the fat loss bro that,s a great achievement.With attitude like that you will learn quickly and look good


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Welcome to the board. Hope that you get all that you need. As far as researching AS goes try looking up this book.
    by Phil Embleton and Gary Thorne
    It is very informative. Keep up the good work. I would suggest uping your cardio. You seem to be doing great naturally, don't stop now. There are alot of guys on this board who can really help you out. Me ? I'm more of a nutrition guru than anything else, never done AS before but I am looking into possible starting my first cycle soon. Remeber that what ever you decide to do your diet makes up about 75% of all your gains. Try looking into the diet section of the board for addtional info in that area.
    Good luck

  5. #5


    Billy, Tobey,

    Thanks... I appreciate the input. I am still debating starting AS myself. Will take your suggestions to inquire and learn alot more before I run with one.


  6. #6
    Mike Guest
    Welcome to the family Teg - good to have you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    You wanna lean out but still get strong i really dont try to lean out as I already am lean (unfortuantly)but I would try deca, winnie and eq and you should gain quality muscle without putting on too much water weight gain and it will give a "fuller"look to you muscles

  8. #8

    Talking Thanks

    Thanks fellas..

    I think as a first-timer, I would start with a pure Deca cycle and see how my body reacts with it.

    I have planned the mid sept. time frame to begin.. for I have more research/books to find.

    Thanks again

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Shit do I wait too long to do my cycle LOL

    By the time I do my first cycle I will have been researching 7/8 mths but it has been an eye opener and I feel AAS is a subject you can never learn 100%

    Research as much as you can and soak the knowledge up


    PS I don,t think a Deca only cycle is worth doing you need to add to it IMO

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