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  1. #1
    rivbotnightmare's Avatar
    rivbotnightmare is offline Junior Member
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    Newbie needs help with second cycle...

    I finished my first cycle about 5 weeks ago. It comprised of 1.5 cc suston 250 per week. And for the first 3 weeks i also took oral winny. I also took three weeks of winny at the end of the suston. (After it was gone.) Well i made what i thought were pretty impressive gains, 11 pounds of lean muscle, and i went from benching 150 to 225. Sweet right? Not exactly. In the last four weeks i took pheednos advice and did his PCT. .25 mg liquidex, 100 mg clomid, and one other one i cant remember right now. But the thing is, four weeks later i have lost almost my size and definition. I am still stronger than i was just the look is gone and it is disturbing. Well i am planning on starting my second cycle, and i liked the once weekly injections, so what would you recommend? More sust 250, Maybe same amount twice a week? i could deal with that. The thing is i inject myself and the quads are the only place i can comfortably hit. So evey other day injections i dont think will work. I dont know. PLease help with any suggestions.....

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    250mgs of sus a week???...hmm bro i suggest you do some research on AAS before your next order to keep your blood levels stable sus should be injected at least everother day...what you lost may have been water.I doubt that if you put on was actual muscle you would have lost so quickly...go ahead and do a 1 estered test such as Enanthate or cypionate at 500mgs a week split in 2 shots monday and thurday...that will keep blood levels stable...also get a good nutrition plan as this is key while ON cycle.

  3. #3
    rivbotnightmare's Avatar
    rivbotnightmare is offline Junior Member
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    I have done as much research as anyone on here i guarentee it...i was injecting 1.5 cc which equals 375 milligrams of sust 250. I got advice on this board that told me for my first cycle that that would be enough. Why test E? I liked the results that i got from the sust so if i doubled it wouldnt that work. I will try the test e if i can get some responses that would tell me test e over sust 250. And Should I still take winny to get a boost?

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Test E is better for keeping blood levels stable. There is less injection pain reported from Test e than sutanon. Sustanon is a blend of 5 testosterones including test prop which requires EOD injections for optimal results. Test E can be shot every 3.5 days to keep a very stable blood level and have less side effects as the level will be more consistant. If you were injecting sustanon once per week you would have been wasting the prop in it completely.

  5. #5
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by rivbotnightmare View Post
    I have done as much research as anyone on here i guarentee it...i was injecting 1.5 cc which equals 375 milligrams of sust 250. I got advice on this board that told me for my first cycle that that would be enough. Why test E? I liked the results that i got from the sust so if i doubled it wouldnt that work. I will try the test e if i can get some responses that would tell me test e over sust 250. And Should I still take winny to get a boost?

  6. #6
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Keeping gains also depends on post cycle diet.

  7. #7
    rivbotnightmare's Avatar
    rivbotnightmare is offline Junior Member
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    that makes sense. I will get the test e is alot cheaper anyways. But what about the whinny, Any suggestions?

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