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Thread: Quick needle ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Quick needle ?

    im going to order needles within the next week and wanted to know what you think..on spotinjections they said you can use a 25g 1" needle for every this true?? im going to be doing glute delt and thigh shots will this be good to just or 25g 1" needles and syringes??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    depends on how lean u are and what your shooting

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    im gonig to be shooting eq and test in the same 6'2 155 6% bf

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Southern Cali
    you definatly could not use 1" needle for EVERY injection....what about bi's tri's? 1" would be waaaay to big, i'd say 1" for quad and maybe glutes, depending on ur bf%

    just my .2


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Well I guess it all depends on your physique. Personally, I use 1" for thighs delts, and some calf shots. For bi's and tri's and traps and chest I use 5/8". That is my general rule of thumb. 11/2" for glutes all the way, the glutes have alot of sublingual tissue, (fatty tissue), therefore, IMO 1" for glutes isn't enough to ensure that you get into the muscle properly. Remember AS work when you inject them into the muscle. And personally when I am shooting something like Sustanon, I want that freakin needle to go deep, it is less painful the next day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    how long have you been training? 6'2" and 155 is pretty lean. No flame from me, just remember that steroids are not a beginners drug. that being said, i use 1" for my thighs, delts, traps, pecs, and yes, even bic/tric. Just dont' go all the way in on the bic. inj. Gotta go 1 1/2" on the arce...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Originally posted by broncojosh
    how long have you been training? 6'2" and 155 is pretty lean. No flame from me, just remember that steroids are not a beginners drug. that being said, i use 1" for my thighs, delts, traps, pecs, and yes, even bic/tric. Just dont' go all the way in on the bic. inj. Gotta go 1 1/2" on the arce...
    I hear ya Bronco, however, I find that it is hard to control the needle going in more than you want it to. Especailly when doing a bi injection. As I am pushing down on the plunger, the needle sometimes goes deeper than I want it to, and I have to pull it back out again. That is why I like a 5/8's. I can go all the way in with that baby, without any worries.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I've even gone as deep as 1" by accident on a tri and bi injection (was doing it myself and it slipped), didn't have any probs any my arms aren't huge or anything.

    Sicilian30, yeah I definitely notice that too with bi and tri shots with the 1", it's easy for it to slip all the way in. I usually try to just have someone else do them for me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I hear ya again McBain, I have pretty thick bi's so i am sure I wouldn't hurt anything to go all the way with a 1"er. I think it is more fear of hitting a nerve or a blood vessel that deep. I push down on the plunger pretty hard to get that last little bit out of the needle, when I do that it is very hard to control the needle. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Sicilian30
    I think it is more fear of hitting a nerve or a blood vessel that deep.
    Sic...that is something you have to be very careful about when doing bi's and tri's. I too use a 1" for spot shooting and a few times I have hit nerves in my bi' is a shocker to say the least. I find bicep injections much more uncomfortable than triceps.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Yeah biceps def hurt more than tri's. Tri's are no prob, biceps are really painful I think, at least when I was shooting prop in them. I should mention that increased risk of hitting blood vessel is a good point, I actually did hit veins on several occassions when shooting my tri's with the 1". Never injected into it, the blood just rushed into the syringe without me even aspirating. I had forgotten about that.

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