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  1. #1
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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    Ultimate Cutting Cycle???

    1. Anavar 100MG ED
    2. Test E, 750-1000MG Per Week
    3. Tren E, 600 per week
    4. Mast 400 per week
    5. Clen 180 ED for 8 weeks using Keto
    6. T3 100 ED for 6 weeks
    PS been on test e and tren E for 4 weeks and and now adding in the rest. Wanted to give the long ester time to get into my system before starting the t3 to keep catabolism down. I will run the cycle above for 8 weeks.

    Im going to use Test E and Tren E becuase I react bad to Test P and Tren A. The constant shots ED and the sorness in the muscles I shoot hurts real bad and messes with my training. Plus when i hit quads, I can barley walk from the quick release of the juice into the muscle. It really makes them sore. Just my experience with them.
    31 YRS OLD
    213 LBS.
    6 foot tall
    4-5 Cycles, all bulkers.
    15% BF
    DIET will be around 2000 calories ED. High protien, low carb n fats
    Will hit the wieghts 5 days a week with cardio also, each of the 5 days using the interval training with low and high output intervals for 30 minutes each day.

    GOAL is to lose 25 lbs. and be around 185 to 190 and have BF around 8%

    Please let me know what you think of this cutting cycle and training!! thanks bro's!!
    Last edited by theflyzman; 07-22-2008 at 06:02 PM. Reason: left out the best part, the ANAVAR

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i would either lower the test dose or throw some armidex in there to help with the water weight
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I dont think you need that many substances to lose weight at once but to each their own. Thats a hefty cycle for sure.

  4. #4
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman View Post
    1. Anavar 100MG ED
    2. Test E, 750-1000MG Per Week
    3. Tren E, 600 per week
    4. Mast 400 per week
    5. Clen 180 ED for 8 weeks using Keto
    6. T3 100 ED for 6 weeks

    Im going to use Test E and Tren E becuase I react bad to Test P and Tren A. The constant shots ED and the sorness in the muscles I shoot hurts real bad and messes with my training. Plus when i hit quads, I can barley walk from the quick release of the juice into the muscle. It really makes them sore. Just my experience with them.
    31 YRS OLD
    213 LBS.
    6 foot tall
    4-5 Cycles, all bulkers.
    15% BF
    DIET will be around 2000 calories ED. High protien, low carb n fats
    Will hit the wieghts 5 days a week with cardio also, each of the 5 days using the interval training with low and high output intervals for 30 minutes each day.

    GOAL is to lose 25 lbs. and be around 185 to 190 and have BF around 8%

    Please let me know what you think of this cutting cycle and training!! thanks bro's!!
    cals are too low. I'd put them around 2600. I'd leave out the T3. you should obtain goals w/o this high risk addition. I think this is supposed to be kept around 3 weeks anyway. at 6 weeks youre asking for trouble.

  5. #5
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    i would agree with the t3. you should read up on how to dose that and clen better imo. i think the test dose is a little high for a good cutting cycle, you might retain a lot of water and mask the results at first at least. also, anavar and mast might be a little much, being that they are both dht's, i think you would do fine with sticking to just one of them. losing 25 pounds seems a little extreme, especially the 7% bf part. making smaller goals might be better, and if you surpass them its better than being disappointed in not reaching a lofty goal.

    for your diet, 2000 calories seems a little low, what do you plan on eating? 300g protein, 250g carbs, and 40g fat would be 2560 cals and still seems like a decent diet

  6. #6
    MR_T's Avatar
    MR_T is offline Member
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    yo momas house
    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman View Post
    1. Anavar 100MG ED
    2. Test E, 750-1000MG Per Week
    3. Tren E, 600 per week
    4. Mast 400 per week
    5. Clen 180 ED for 8 weeks using Keto
    6. T3 100 ED for 6 weeks

    Im going to use Test E and Tren E becuase I react bad to Test P and Tren A. The constant shots ED and the sorness in the muscles I shoot hurts real bad and messes with my training. Plus when i hit quads, I can barley walk from the quick release of the juice into the muscle. It really makes them sore. Just my experience with them.
    31 YRS OLD
    213 LBS.
    6 foot tall
    4-5 Cycles, all bulkers.
    15% BF
    DIET will be around 2000 calories ED. High protien, low carb n fats
    Will hit the wieghts 5 days a week with cardio also, each of the 5 days using the interval training with low and high output intervals for 30 minutes each day.

    GOAL is to lose 25 lbs. and be around 185 to 190 and have BF around 8%

    Please let me know what you think of this cutting cycle and training!! thanks bro's!!
    bro I see a lot going on here, what # cycle is this for your, also post up a detailed diet with macros... think you might need to work on that a little

  7. #7
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think people over react about T3....if you read up on it, it is safe to run this compound almost year round with maybe a month break every now and then......Your thyroid recovers very fast, relative to what everyone thinks.....

    I just got done running T3 for 15wks at 125mcg ed......Im in pct now, and not having any trouble or gettingfat....

  8. #8
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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    Arimidex is a given. Have it on hand along with letro and caber. Ready to combat a lot of things. I also have all the pct on hand as well. I didnt want to get winded writing every detail and bore you guys.
    According to Anthony Roberts, T3 is safe to use for up to 6 weeks. I have thought to keep the test lower around 750. Dont think 500 nwould be a good idea with the tren . want the test to keep from sexual side effects from the tren. At 600mg a week, you need to combat the effect it can have on you.
    I would love to be pointed to a place to given exactly diet requirements, with the breakdowns of macro's on so on. If there's even a place that has example diet's with the meals and so fourth, that would be awsome. I reallize and know that diet is such a huge factor, I want to have that perfect!
    I like the comment that Anavar and Mast r both DHT derived. Any have some facts about taking both of these together in a cutting cycle??
    This is real good. Lets keep this going.

  9. #9
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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  10. #10
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
    Chubbosaurus is offline Junior Member
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    When did people start using 3 grams of gear per week to cut?

  11. #11
    GettinBigAintEZ is offline Junior Member
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    185 at eight percent is what I am without roids and i am a pure ecto who just trained for 2 years. Man that ridiculous to pull all that shit in your system for that. With 4-5 bulks and this you should be like 225 at 8 percent

  12. #12
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd say

    Test Prop 100mg/ED
    Tren Ace 100mg/ED
    Primo 100mg/ED

    and I can't stand to use T3 especially with Tren, say goodbye to working out.

  13. #13
    jethro1's Avatar
    jethro1 is offline Associate Member
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    More is not always better, u could get super results with 1/3 of that if ur diet and cardio r in check.

  14. #14
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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    OK. ihear what u guys r saying. trying to figure out if i should cut out the mast or the anavar . I feel that the anavar is a lot better then the mast from what i have read on them both. i have used mast and its not that great. i have never used anavar though and here great things. What if i dropped the mast and lowered the doses a bit like the following.
    1. test e 750 each week
    2. anavar 70mg ED
    3. tren E 600 each week
    4. Clen 180 ED
    5. T3 100 ED
    how does that sound?
    1 more thing. Why do u say i wont be able to hit the wieghts hard with T# and tren together???

  15. #15
    Maverick_J8's Avatar
    Maverick_J8 is offline Member
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    You don't need 750 of Test. Jesus Christ!

    That cycle is overkill. Why not save your bodies "responses" for a lean bulk once cut.

  16. #16
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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