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Thread: This is weird!!!!

  1. #1

    Angry This is weird!!!!

    I just injected 1 amp of sus into my ass 3 hours ago. My first shot of the cycle. I was laying down in bed feeling dizzy i had to sit up and i could even feel my self sweating. whats going on?? have any of you guys felt this??? I thought id inject it late at night so i can wake up early in the morning to work out. But geez why am i feeling like this??? Is it just me or is this serious?? lol kinda feels like im high.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    bump... someone give this guy an answer.... this never happen to me, so i can't help you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Galveston, TX
    The same exact thing happened to me when I did my first sus shot about 5 years ago when I was 20. I started sweating immediately and then went into the bathroom and puked. I was so nervous that I just totally phyced myself out. It took me about 10 shots or so not feel the anxiety anymore. AS isn't for everyone but if you educate yourself and put safety first then you will be okay. Worst case scenerio is that you hit a tiny vessel in your ass and you blead a little. I used to get paranoid about air bubbles but when I did my research I found that it would take a 3cc air bubble to go in a vein to kill you. I am curious to here what a nurse or doctor might say about this. Some people think the needles are scary but if used correctly then they are harmless especially compared to some 17ak orals. Good luck bro and feel no shame if you decide to be natural for a while. AS only should be done if you are completely sure of what exactly you are doing and how you are doing it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by seniormateus
    The same exact thing happened to me when I did my first sus shot about 5 years ago when I was 20. I started sweating immediately and then went into the bathroom and puked. I was so nervous that I just totally phyced myself out. It took me about 10 shots or so not feel the anxiety anymore. AS isn't for everyone but if you educate yourself and put safety first then you will be okay. Worst case scenerio is that you hit a tiny vessel in your ass and you blead a little. I used to get paranoid about air bubbles but when I did my research I found that it would take a 3cc air bubble to go in a vein to kill you. I am curious to here what a nurse or doctor might say about this. Some people think the needles are scary but if used correctly then they are harmless especially compared to some 17ak orals. Good luck bro and feel no shame if you decide to be natural for a while. AS only should be done if you are completely sure of what exactly you are doing and how you are doing it.
    agreed. i think a lot of the blackout symptons, nausea, sweating, etc... are all related to anxiety/nervousness. i posted a thread a while back about how i injected a friend of mine and 10 seconds after the injection he fell and blacked out. scared the shit out of me, but i aspirated(no blood), no bubbles were injected, sterilized the site, and took my time...after about 10 people said he just psyched himself out i kinda accepted that and hoped i heard from him next monday pending he wasn't dead. the thing scared the shit out of me, but to the point now...people just need to 'take a chill pill' if you will...calm down, think about what your doing, and realize its the means to an end and better overall 'YOU'...good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Originally posted by djdjdjddjon

    agreed. i think a lot of the blackout symptons, nausea, sweating, etc... are all related to anxiety/nervousness. i posted a thread a while back about how i injected a friend of mine and 10 seconds after the injection he fell and blacked out. scared the shit out of me, but i aspirated(no blood), no bubbles were injected, sterilized the site, and took my time...after about 10 people said he just psyched himself out i kinda accepted that and hoped i heard from him next monday pending he wasn't dead. the thing scared the shit out of me, but to the point now...people just need to 'take a chill pill' if you will...calm down, think about what your doing, and realize its the means to an end and better overall 'YOU'...good luck
    Agree dj, good post!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The Caves
    Bro, the same thing (only a bit milder) happened to me on my first couple darts. You just, in all seriousness, need to get used to stickin yourself. The best piece of advice I ever got was to listen to some serious adrenaline music and then shoot. Once you start thinking about getting huge, sticking yourself seems almost desirable. Also, you may have gone through a vein and a tiny bit got in there, but if you aspirated you should be good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Georgia U.S.
    I totally agree with the statements about anxiety. Injections can be very nerve-racking in the beginning. Especially if you are already scared of needles. I agree, that if it is just sickening to go through with the injections wait longer, go natural, until you are in the right frame of mind. I used to have similar experiences to what you're describing: nausea, feeling faint, loss of color in complection.

  8. #8
    it happens to be the best of us! the first time i spot injected in my pec, i almost passed out and that was after i had been through three cycles. Its the novelty of something like an 1" needle going through your flesh, especially when its in your chest

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Your Girls House
    Comment on the Air in the vien thing
    It will take a hell of alot more to kill you then 3ccs
    When i was in the military we used to fuck with people during IV training
    and pump half of a tube full of air into them. I was always told it would take about the whole IV tubing to kill you

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