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  1. #1
    makeeachdaymatter is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008

    Mile racer second cycle

    Hey guys,

    I am a 28 year old miler in track and field. I would really appreciate any help or advice on my second AS cycle. I will try and give you as much information as possible.

    My previous cycle was a 10 week cycle of Test, SUS and Deca over a 10 week period. I found I made considerible gains on this cycle in terms of bulk and moved significantly up in terms of body weight and muscular strength. My bench press moved up from 150 pounds to 230 pounds, and is now down to 210 pounds for 1RM 6 months after the cycle. My squat moved up to 250 pounds and is now down to 160 RM, as I have been hampered with lower leg injuries.

    I found AS very good for recovery from my speed sessions in previous cycle. I did, however, find that the extra weight gained was a disadvantage to me over the mile distance. For my next cycle I am looking to move on in terms of strength and speed without putting on too much weight, and biuld up my body to reduce injuries. I am on a low fat diet of 1900 calories a day, split over 6 meals. My weight is aprox 150 pounds. My BF is 9%. I have been weight training for 6 years and racing for 10. My latest injury was a stress fracture to my lower leg.

    A friend of mine said he could get me 10ml Primobolon, 4 x 10ml Winny,100 x oral anavar . I have also managed to get some Nova. I would appreciate any advice on possible cycle?


  2. #2
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    Apr 2008
    ok u prob want to do ...anavar def! also can u get HGH? if i were u id do test enth at 500mg/w with anavar at 50mg/d and if u can get HGH do 4iu/eod ... i woodnt do winni and primo is weak and u have to do alot of it and it takes a while, kind of a waste of money...umm but if u did .. do like 600mg/w with ur test!

  3. #3
    makeeachdaymatter is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008
    Cheers big man,

    that is great help. Im a little reluctatnt to hit HGH just yet as this will only be my second cycle of AS and I reckon I can still get good strengtrh gains without it. But the advice on test and ditching the primo and winny seems spot on. Will see if I can get some test so.

    Thanks again bro

  4. #4
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    How tall are you?

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