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  1. #1
    mxer_kx is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Dosage differences

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone had any insight on if some one did a short cycle for 8 weeks but at at a higher dose say of 100mg ed of test prop, would results of a future cycle that was longer (12-16 weeks ) containing a long estered tests like test or c but ran at only 500 mg a week. would the effectiveness of the test be less due to the fact that the previous cycle was at a higher dose? or would this more apply if some one was constantly cycling at a higher dose and then decreased the dosage? also what effect does cycle history have on this ?

  2. #2
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!

  3. #3
    mxer_kx is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004
    No offence or anything but every one just loves that word eh this is not person specific im talking hypotheticaly for anyone...and the only part were i mention cycling history is if the amount of times one cycled be it 1 or 10 times would effect any future cycle gains that included lower dosages then the previous one and if it does how would it effect for example your second or third one versus you 7th or 8th...once again let me state that this is in no way ment to be offensive rather to clarify that im not talking about me specifcly rather hypotheticaly about any individual

  4. #4
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Jun 2008
    Yes starting at a lower dosage for future cycles than your previous cycles will more than likely have less effect than your previous cycle. But keeping the same dosage through each cycle can be effective if this dosage is high enough to start with and your genetics are built to grow of little to medium or even high dosages(Everyones different) of steroids , some people can just run for example Test e at 500mgs for each of their cycles and grow like mofo's but most people have to increase their dosages every cycle to have the same results as previous cycles but that does not mean taking a really high dosage will yield more gains as proven, so the best thing to do is on your first cycle start out at a reasonably low dosage and adjust accordingly, then for future cycles start at a little higher dosage and adjust accordingly as everyone is individual and steroids and their dosages effect everyone differently.
    Last edited by N*E*R*D; 07-26-2008 at 11:26 PM.

  5. #5
    mxer_kx is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Right on thanks that cleared abit up for me
    For me personaly my first cycle was
    1-8 test prop @100 mg eod
    and my next cycle is coming up in october wich is gonna be a cutter/lean gainer (i wanna get into high single digit body fat% befor my bulk in as i dont want the added body fat that comes with bulking to raise my body fat% to high) but i cant decide weather to have
    weeks 1-8 Test Prop 150mg eod and Tren A 50mg ed or
    weeks 1-8 Test Prop 100 mg ed and 50 mg tren a ed
    as i found 100mg of test prop to be rather mild for me personaly but im worried that the higher doses may effect my lower dosed bulker planned in the new year of
    weeks 1-12 500 test e and 1-10 400mg deca a week

    and befor anyone asks lol

    23(in nov)

    Diet approximately 350 Gr protein a day give or take 10 grams split between 7 meals all from real food minus my pwo shake and 20 grams in the morning to go with my egg whites
    approximately 220 grams of carbs from all natural oat meal, sweet potates/yams, brown rice, skim milk, bananas and apples
    60 grams of fat from all natural peanut butter, flax seed, and ocassionaly cheese ( i get the odd craving)

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