In a couple years ill be considering using some gear, but until then id like to learn what i can.
Is there much use in a cycle with just one drug? What would you suggest for mainly strength gains without too much weight gain?
In a couple years ill be considering using some gear, but until then id like to learn what i can.
Is there much use in a cycle with just one drug? What would you suggest for mainly strength gains without too much weight gain?
u wanna learn as much as u can, then go to and find info on every single steroid, and dont use gear till u know the molecular weight of test. if its ur 1st cycle then, only 1 drug will be fine, just do a test only cycle.
when u know all the profiles of all roids as me, u will know what aas are for mainly strength gains without too much weight gain. now start learnin'..........
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