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Thread: Newbie question

  1. #1
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    Newbie question

    I have been reading this forum for about 2 weeks now and trying to figure some stuff out. Just to give a quick run down... I am a 21/M 5'10 @220.

    I have always been a big guy, but very athletic. My diet right now is beyond horrible, but I can easily clean it up. I have always done sports at this weight (Baseball Catcher / USA Diving) but I have never looked tone, etc. I have always been chubby with lots of muscle under the fat. (My arms are 16 inches)

    What I am getting at is right now I am training 100% natural, and I can see a HUGE increase in strength as usual but little to no difference in appearance!? What gives? I am doing 5 miles a day, 5 days a week on the elliptical (6:50 seconds per mile)... I can't treadmill because of my knees from baseball. And alternating lifting MWF.

    I have long wanted to do steroids to simply become a monster, but have always been scared beyond belief of the possible consequences. I have recently read on Anavar and it seems like it will really help shred my abs since I can never get rid of this chub and hopefully add some more muscle mass.

    Question is, what would you say of 'Var? Is there anything cleaner? For what I want to accomplish, would you recommend something else?

    My 100% honest goal is to get rid of my "gut" and add more mass. I really have no interest in competing or the strength aspect. I was also drawn to the var' since it doesn't really "fill you up with water" and require multiple cycles. I wanted to do something, get gains, and then just maintenance as naturally as possible. I go to school 5 days a week and work security for a night club 3 to 4 nights a week if this gives you a better idea to my intentions. Please let me know if you need any more info to assist me.

    Oh - In the past one of my fraternity brothers was a PT and recommended I take Beverly Int. products. I seem to just get fat when I take their products?

  2. #2
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Dude, aas are medicines, and u should not mess with medicine u dont know about. 'var is a cutting steroid . Cutting steroids are only beneficial to people with low body fat. What u need is a fat burner to get the six pack. And lower cals

  3. #3
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    I have drastically reduced my Callories in the last few weeks. I was at 3200+ cals a day... I have been at 2300 for the last 3.5 weeks. I was looking to get a non health detrimental fat burner for a while but didn't couldn't find any good info on it or find anyone locally that was truley knowledgeable on it.

    The 6 pac was where I am trying to loose weight. I would like to gain even more muscle mass though.

  4. #4
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    I understand I am very ignornat in this field and I don't want to come off in the least in any other way. If I said something that doesn't make sense, please correct me. I hope I accurately described what I am trying to acheive and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

  5. #5
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Listen bro, anavar is a weak steroid . Its only used to gain strenght, u shall not gain any muscle from it. If you want muscle mass, u need to use more powrful roids, but the sides will be greater. I say u lose fat, then do more research about aas.
    Leviatan reloaded is a great fat burner.

  6. #6
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    listen dude, its damn near impossible to gain mass muscle mass while lose weight, kus thats what u need 2 do ... set realistic goals!? AAS are magic beans, kus if they were every1 would be arnold! anavar would not help u buddy sorry! maybe with strength gains but u gotta get that BB look outta ur head and set realistic goals kus ull prob never in ur life look like some BB do!...and im not being mean im being real!.. dont believe some of these Muscle and Fitness Mags that tell u can burn 20 lbs of fat and gain muscle mass kus there wrong, and theyll show u some BB whos in contest condition and been on drugs for 3 years straight while also having a perfect diet along with perfect genetics, and tell u its possible! hit cardio hardcore and diet harder!

  7. #7
    3v1lj03's Avatar
    3v1lj03 is offline Junior Member
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    Man, why is always diet and exercise? where are the magic pills?

  8. #8
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    Thats the kind of feedback I was looking for. I guess I can step the cardio up to 6 miles a day and try to cut more badness from my diet.

    I will look into the fat burner you recomended and see what else I come across. I guess like you guys said, once I burn the fat, then I will concentrate on BB. I don't really want to get the Arnold look, just going for a good size frame... maybe another 1.5/2 inches to my arms.

  9. #9
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3v1lj03 View Post
    Man, why is always diet and exercise? where are the magic pills?
    lol - Like I said, I have been running 5 miles a day, 5 days a week for about 2 months now and have only got my diet to "decent" within the last month so I guess I will just keep my path and see where it takes me.

  10. #10
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Plenty of good fat burners out there. And eat less

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