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Thread: eq by itself a waste

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    eq by itself a waste

    In my opinion running eq at 400mg for 10 weeks is a waste. I am just
    starting week seven and I haven't seen too much. None of those veins
    everyone talks about, no hunger increase, and the pumps aren't all that
    great. Don't reply by telling me that the gear is fake, I'm not training
    and eating enough because I am. I simply want to state my opinion on
    a topis that has been floating around the board lately.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    I feel for you bro...'cause there are a lot of people out here that swear by EQ. Sorry to hear you're having a bad experience with it...though some will tell you that running it longer then 12 weeks will be more beneficial. Maybe it'll hit you this week.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yah i dont feel too much from it(600mg/week), definately dont have this severe hunger everyone speaks of, i get a little vascularity (nothing huge, but then again my bf is arond 20%), and i get a decent pump...its not all its cracked up to be but id take it over deca in a second...good luck with that hope things get better

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