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Thread: Tren Ace, First time any suggestions or advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New Mexico

    Tren Ace, First time any suggestions or advice.

    This will be my first test prop and tren cycle and wanted to see if there is anything that you have learned that you can pass on to help my cycle out. My cycle will look like this:

    Wk 1-12 Test prop 250mg/w (ed inj)
    Wk 1-10 Tren Ace 350-500mg/w depends on sides (ed inj)
    Wk 1-10 Letro .25mg/ed

    I was also wondering if I should add caber? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I don't start for a month so I have time to add or change things.

    Age 25
    Weight 230 LBS
    BF% 14-15


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Looks ok bro..start off slow with the tren and see how you respond....Whats your PCT??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    In the hills
    letro is a choice, research it. You'll live by doubling the test p, but either way at least its there. Should see some vascularity on this one

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    Looks ok bro..start off slow with the tren and see how you respond....Whats your PCT??
    Pct, I have to run gyno reversal with letro for a few weeks then I will get off the letro with arimidex, I am allergic to nolva and clomid (rash).

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    letro is a choice, research it. You'll live by doubling the test p, but either way at least its there. Should see some vascularity on this one
    Do you think it is better to up the test? I've read tren is the stronger compound so I want to run that higher. If you do think it is better to up the test please tell me why.


  6. #6
    your cycle is awesome
    your pct is letro arimidex?? you cant use serms? atleast throw in proviron too then.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    This will be my first test prop and tren cycle and wanted to see if there is anything that you have learned that you can pass on to help my cycle out. My cycle will look like this:

    Wk 1-12 Test prop 250mg/w (ed inj)
    Wk 1-10 Tren Ace 350-500mg/w depends on sides (ed inj)
    Wk 1-10 Letro .25mg/ed

    I was also wondering if I should add caber? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I don't start for a month so I have time to add or change things.

    Age 25
    Weight 230 LBS
    BF% 14-15

    I would bring it down to 8 weeks and up the test to 600mg/week.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    I would bring it down to 8 weeks and up the test to 600mg/week.
    Why is that?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    your cycle is awesome
    your pct is letro arimidex?? you cant use serms? atleast throw in proviron too then.
    I will look into the proviron, but never heard of that before. Everyone on this site always has nolva and clomid as their serms, thanks for the info.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    Why is that?
    why do ed injects for 12 weeks? the difference in gains would be minimal after 10.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    why do ed injects for 12 weeks? the difference in gains would be minimal after 10.
    I have no problem shortening my cycle, but most ppl on here seem to run 12wk cycles. Please let me know why you would run test high and a shorter cycle.


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    why do ed injects for 12 weeks? the difference in gains would be minimal after 10.
    why not plan for 12 weeks and stay on as long as gains continue? if he feels hes done at week 8 so be it, but don't plan too short if gains are still coming

    also- to a certain point more test = more result. there is a limit to this of course, probably around 1000mg-2000mg / wk for most people but you certainly stand to gain more from a 250mg to a ~600mg jump. not necessary though you'll still be golden at 250mg, but why not get more result?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    I have no problem shortening my cycle, but most ppl on here seem to run 12wk cycles. Please let me know why you would run test high and a shorter cycle.

    Ive been running 6 to 8 week cycles for years. I recover good and my gains are great. my friends who have done longer cycles all have probs now. no need to stretch it out, especially w/ all short chain esters.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    why not plan for 12 weeks and stay on as long as gains continue? if he feels hes done at week 8 so be it, but don't plan too short if gains are still coming

    no need for 12. for all short chain, 8 is long/.

    also- to a certain point more test = more result. there is a limit to this of course, probably around 1000mg-2000mg / wk for most people but you certainly stand to gain more from a 250mg to a ~600mg jump. not necessary though you'll still be golden at 250mg, but why not get more result?
    not sure what youre saying here, for an 8 week run id do no less than 600
    see bold

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    see bold
    im saying that if he increases his test, until a certain point he will get more result. 250mg of test as a HRT dose is okay and he will still gain from tren in his cycle, but increasing it too 600mg as you suggested would give even better results than 250mg.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    im saying that if he increases his test, until a certain point he will get more result. 250mg of test as a HRT dose is okay and he will still gain from tren in his cycle, but increasing it too 600mg as you suggested would give even better results than 250mg.
    The cycle I have laid out is a good first time tren cycle, right?

  17. #17
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    I'm kind of curious how you're gonna do test-p ed and come out to 250/week? what mg. is it?

    btw, mix it with the tren

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    The cycle I have laid out is a good first time tren cycle, right?
    the cycle you suggested is good to get your feet wet you will be fine with it, no matter your test dosage

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercyDog View Post
    I'm kind of curious how you're gonna do test-p ed and come out to 250/week? what mg. is it?

    btw, mix it with the tren
    It will actually be 280wk.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    the cycle you suggested is good to get your feet wet you will be fine with it, no matter your test dosage
    That is what I wanted to do. From what I hear I think that I will use these two for quite awhile. I didn't want to over do it the first time and then need more and even more then next time. I figure the next cycle will be 500mg/w of test p and tren a.

    Is caber something I should add?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    im saying that if he increases his test, until a certain point he will get more result. 250mg of test as a HRT dose is okay and he will still gain from tren in his cycle, but increasing it too 600mg as you suggested would give even better results than 250mg.
    my bad. I should have read it again. my first test p run was w/ 600mg/week. shot ed but sunday. good run

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    This will be my first test prop and tren cycle and wanted to see if there is anything that you have learned that you can pass on to help my cycle out. My cycle will look like this:

    Wk 1-12 Test prop 250mg/w (ed inj)
    Wk 1-10 Tren Ace 350-500mg/w depends on sides (ed inj)
    Wk 1-10 Letro .25mg/ed

    I was also wondering if I should add caber? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I don't start for a month so I have time to add or change things.

    Age 25
    Weight 230 LBS
    BF% 14-15

    the TEST PROP i would run 100-150mg EOD

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    That is what I wanted to do. From what I hear I think that I will use these two for quite awhile. I didn't want to over do it the first time and then need more and even more then next time. I figure the next cycle will be 500mg/w of test p and tren a.

    Is caber something I should add?
    you dont need it but if you have the extra cash grab it, it can only do good.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    the TEST PROP i would run 100-150mg EOD
    i disagree with EOD injects, ed injects would be 10 as beneficial

  25. #25
    dude def dont run that letro everyday, u need some estrogren..only use it if u get some symptoms..kus that shit is gunna kill ur lipid profile, joints and sex drive!...remember for tren gyno to appear u need a shit load of estrogen, so if u wanna run letro {if im right which idk if i am, letro has a long half life} i wood run say .5 grams twice a week and if u feel signs then u start to run it everyday! .. or u can save letro for PCT since ur allergic to nolva and clomid and use caber during cycle!

  26. #26
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    btw, he didn't mean a gram a week above, don't do this

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    dude def dont run that letro everyday, u need some estrogren..only use it if u get some symptoms..kus that shit is gunna kill ur lipid profile, joints and sex drive!...remember for tren gyno to appear u need a shit load of estrogen, so if u wanna run letro {if im right which idk if i am, letro has a long half life} i wood run say .5 grams twice a week and if u feel signs then u start to run it everyday! .. or u can save letro for PCT since ur allergic to nolva and clomid and use caber during cycle!
    That sounds really good. I will probrably go with the caber option. I just ran the letro and I am still not as horny as before the test cycle. So I know what you are saying about the lose of sex drive.


  28. #28
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    i'm currently running 500mg/wk tren ace and 625mg test e /wk

    you'd be fine running lest test, but more test counter acts some of the sides, i def feel better with more test lol ( just wish i got something other then test e , but it was pretty much half price, soo...)

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    This will be my first test prop and tren cycle and wanted to see if there is anything that you have learned that you can pass on to help my cycle out. My cycle will look like this:

    Wk 1-12 Test prop 250mg/w (ed inj)
    Wk 1-10 Tren Ace 350-500mg/w depends on sides (ed inj)
    Wk 1-10 Letro .25mg/ed

    I was also wondering if I should add caber? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I don't start for a month so I have time to add or change things.

    Age 25
    Weight 230 LBS
    BF% 14-15


    Hey man I don't about you, but my ballz shrink with Tren all the time so I always use it with HCG while on cycle and post cycle....i'd recommend it - anybody wanna contraindicate this? Cycle looks good! Also, tren always makes me lethargic (from its ability to lower thyroid levels) so I take it with 25mcg of T3/day while stacking tren.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    dude def dont run that letro everyday, u need some estrogren..only use it if u get some symptoms..kus that shit is gunna kill ur lipid profile, joints and sex drive!...remember for tren gyno to appear u need a shit load of estrogen, so if u wanna run letro {if im right which idk if i am, letro has a long half life} i wood run say .5 grams twice a week and if u feel signs then u start to run it everyday! .. or u can save letro for PCT since ur allergic to nolva and clomid and use caber during cycle!
    Just wondering, do you think a dose of .5mg/w of letro is enough to subside the gyno? I was thinking of maybe trying .25mg/2xw, and if I start to show sides of gyno uppping the dose? Or would it be better to just run the caber on cycle and use letro off? I do want to keep my sex drive and get as much out of this cycle as possible.


  31. #31
    Join Date
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    cycle length looks good but i would up the dose if i were you or youll prob be disappointed, proviron would go well also @ 50mg/day, last time i ran prop, tren it was
    1-12 prop 100mg/day
    1-12 tren a 75mg/day
    1-12 proviron 50mg/day
    awesome results from this, good luck

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    Just wondering, do you think a dose of .5mg/w of letro is enough to subside the gyno? I was thinking of maybe trying .25mg/2xw, and if I start to show sides of gyno uppping the dose? Or would it be better to just run the caber on cycle and use letro off? I do want to keep my sex drive and get as much out of this cycle as possible.

    well caber is known to allow the user to have multiple orgasims without losing a stiffy lmao and that goes along beautifully with the test and tren in ur cycle! ...also it prevents proges gyno! if i were u id run the caber on and letro for PCT ... and i woodnt worry to much about gyno from tren kus like i said u need alot of estrogen in ur system to get tren gyno, and ur not running a really high dose of test!

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    dude def dont run that letro everyday, u need some estrogren..only use it if u get some symptoms..kus that shit is gunna kill ur lipid profile, joints and sex drive!...remember for tren gyno to appear u need a shit load of estrogen, so if u wanna run letro {if im right which idk if i am, letro has a long half life} i wood run say .5 grams twice a week and if u feel signs then u start to run it everyday! .. or u can save letro for PCT since ur allergic to nolva and clomid and use caber during cycle!
    i can tell you are just repeating what you have read, and never tried letro in real life

    also .5gram is INSANE, its used in .5 - .25 mg range

    also letro is not a good addition to pct at all due to the estrogen rebound

    from now on stick to advice you have experienced personally, aneone can parrot what some idit wrote in a profile

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    well caber is known to allow the user to have multiple orgasims without losing a stiffy lmao and that goes along beautifully with the test and tren in ur cycle! ...also it prevents proges gyno! if i were u id run the caber on and letro for PCT ... and i woodnt worry to much about gyno from tren kus like i said u need alot of estrogen in ur system to get tren gyno, and ur not running a really high dose of test!
    what are you talking about??? you dont need high estro to get PROGESTERONE RELATED gyno

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    That sounds really good. I will probrably go with the caber option. I just ran the letro and I am still not as horny as before the test cycle. So I know what you are saying about the lose of sex drive.

    what exactly do you mean? how did you run it and what are you taking right now?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    what exactly do you mean? how did you run it and what are you taking right now?
    When I started my post cycle about two months ago I was on l-dex, clomid and nolva. I got a huge rash or hives all over my chest and back, so I got off of the nolva and clomid due to the fact I was running l-dex on cycle, test only, and never had a reaction. I decided to be safe and run gyno reversal for a couple of weeks and now I finished getting off of letro with l-dex, it seems like I haven't had any rebound so everything went well with me getting off. This is the way I plan on doing my PCT from now on. I was reading about proviron (someone mentioned it in this thread and might try it with l-dex). What I was talking about was the lose of sex drive while on letro if it wasn't that then it most of been from no test in the body?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    what are you talking about??? you dont need high estro to get PROGESTERONE RELATED gyno
    I guess I am confused, the reason I am running a low test dose is to help ensure I don't get gyno. I thought the less test the less estrogen the less chance of getting gyno?

  38. #38
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    well caber is known to allow the user to have multiple orgasims without losing a stiffy lmao
    Is that actually true? I will be taking caber in my next cycle and that is very interesting lol.

  39. #39
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    I wouldnt go any lower than 300mg test. I ran a low dose last time and it took quite awhile for it to kick in and the strength gains were no where near what it is at 500mg. Ill never go that low again. That was my 2nd cycle btw..

  40. #40
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    Was it a test only cycle? Tren is the compound that I am looking forward to for strength. The test is being used to keep my sex drive up.

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