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Thread: 1st timer

  1. #1
    nabse is offline New Member
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    1st timer

    1st time using aas - and ive researched like crazy. im 22 6'2 190 dont know body fat. i play baseball, used to touch 94/95 and hurt my shoulder and trying to get back. looking for help on what to use - test will be the base but dont know what to stack - eq, tren , primo for optimum results.

  2. #2
    daem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nabse View Post
    1st time using aas - and ive researched like crazy. im 22 6'2 190 dont know body fat. i play baseball, used to touch 94/95 and hurt my shoulder and trying to get back. looking for help on what to use - test will be the base but dont know what to stack - eq, tren, primo for optimum results.
    Personally, if I was in your shoes, I wouldn't be thinking of juicing (especially if you are college athlete that may undergo drug testing) for a couple reasons:

    1. I know 2 pro-baseball players that shredded their arms by taking HGH and cycles of testosterone propionate . They rushed back from injury, did a cycle to help speed recovery, and in essence masked the pain that they both believe the steroids blocked. One lasted 2 years after a relatively minor injury and the other made it close to 4...Not exactly a long-term solution.

    2. The best drug for you would be Nandrolone Decanoate, but unfortunately the detection time is far too long and would compromise you.

    I'm not trying to scare you, but merely offer up some anecdotal evidence that you'll never forget if their situation befalls you.

    Good luck, and do some more research that will provide you with factual evidence to make your decisions.

  3. #3
    nabse is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice! well ive rehabed it like crazy so i dont think its hurt anymore, but not quite the same. so i wouldnt be rushing back - just trying to get the most out of it. i read eq actually had better results than deca on tendon strength and its got like 1/3 the detection time

  4. #4
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    For a first timer test only is strongly recommended.

  5. #5
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nabse View Post
    thanks for the advice! well ive rehabed it like crazy so i dont think its hurt anymore, but not quite the same. so i wouldnt be rushing back - just trying to get the most out of it. i read eq actually had better results than deca on tendon strength and its got like 1/3 the detection time
    eq is overhyped. dont go into a cycle injured. get healed first. adding strength and training heavy is not in your best interest

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by nabse View Post
    thanks for the advice! well ive rehabed it like crazy so i dont think its hurt anymore, but not quite the same. so i wouldnt be rushing back - just trying to get the most out of it. i read eq actually had better results than deca on tendon strength and its got like 1/3 the detection time
    EQ takes a very long time to stabilize in the blood, and some don't even believe they ever realize any of its "legendary" properties. You'd want to run it for 10-12 weeks minimum, although I've ran the arguable BEST brand of equipoise (Ft. Dodge) at enormous doses for 15 weeks and felt it was a huge waste of money and TOO many injections given the 50mg/ml concentration...

    If detection time is your primary concern, I'd use testosterone propionate and possibly anavar . Don't listen to anyone that tries to convince you that stanazolol is a good choice given your past injury as it will dry out your joints.

    A cycle of testosterone propionate will be able to be ran for 6-8 weeks and be out of your system quicker than other esters.

  7. #7
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    EQ takes a very long time to stabilize in the blood, and some don't even believe they ever realize any of its "legendary" properties. You'd want to run it for 10-12 weeks minimum, although I've ran the arguable BEST brand of equipoise (Ft. Dodge) at enormous doses for 15 weeks and felt it was a huge waste of money and TOO many injections given the 50mg/ml concentration...

    If detection time is your primary concern, I'd use testosterone propionate and possibly anavar . Don't listen to anyone that tries to convince you that stanazolol is a good choice given your past injury as it will dry out your joints.

    A cycle of testosterone propionate will be able to be ran for 6-8 weeks and be out of your system quicker than other esters.
    why suggest test if he is injured?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    why suggest test if he is injured?
    I've read some studies that arrive at the conclusion that supra-physiological doses of testosterone increase satellite cells in muscles and can effectively shorten the natural repair of ligaments and tendons.

    The OP never shared his injury, so I have no idea if it was rotator cuff, a muscle tear, or tendonitis. Lots of possibilities to support "hurt my shoulder".

    I recommend it primarily for the low detection time of the propionate ester and benefits if he doesn't overdo it.

    A fastball of 94/95 puts so much strain on a throwing arm, I was merely concerned about his longevity.

  9. #9
    nabse is offline New Member
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    thats good advice cause longevity is real important. its weird cause every doctor i went to said something different - labrum, rotator cuff, or tendons all while saying the other ones were perfectly fine. so after rehab the pains gone but the strength isnt up to par. i just found out my dad has bursitis in his shoulders so that could be it..

  10. #10
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nabse View Post
    thats good advice cause longevity is real important. its weird cause every doctor i went to said something different - labrum, rotator cuff, or tendons all while saying the other ones were perfectly fine. so after rehab the pains gone but the strength isnt up to par. i just found out my dad has bursitis in his shoulders so that could be it..
    have you run this idea (using aas to heal) by your doctor?

  11. #11
    nabse is offline New Member
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    no, are u suggesting i should? the thing is, is that after rehab theres no pain when throwing so im not looking to heal it so much. but to get as much arm strength as possible

  12. #12
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    the best cycle for a pitcher is:
    testoserone {whatever it is} 500mg/w
    Equpiose 400mg/w {if not tested} or deca 400mg/w {if not tested!!!}
    anavar 50mg/d
    GET SOME B12 as well!!!!! clutch for a pitcher to have!

  13. #13
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    one8nine is offline Banned
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    how long ago was your injury? are you still injured at all or just weak right now?

  14. #14
    nabse is offline New Member
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    my injury was over a year ago. its not injured anymore just really weak from all of the missed time. why would u suggest that much test per week? b12 is legit

  15. #15
    CAMboy's Avatar
    CAMboy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    For a first timer test only is strongly recommended.
    I couldn't agree more with this - Amen bro! Side effects will be a bitch brother take this guy's advice...

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