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Thread: Injection pain

  1. #1
    the fly's Avatar
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    Injection pain

    This is my 3rd cycle. I'm doing Test Prop and Masteron 100mgs in one syring EOD. I'm only using my upper buttocks alternating left and right EOD. The pain I'm experiencing in my lower back is unreal. I'm sure its because I'm only using those spots but I'm hoping someone will say its something else.
    I've never used any other injection site so I'm a little afraid of the thigh or delt thing.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Prop is known to cause pain. You could try heating the oil a bit before injection other than that try injecting somewhere else.

  3. #3
    the fly's Avatar
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    I have lower back pain on my left side only for a few days.

  4. #4
    10nispro's Avatar
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    You need to inject the other areas to give your body a chance to absorb all the gear and heal. You keep using the same spots and you will get lots of scar tissue and it will be hard to inject in those areas.

    Prop is known for pain, and heating or mixing with something will help and also rotating sites. It's not hard doing the delts(prob easiest) and quads a simple as well.

  5. #5
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Chances are its the prop.

  6. #6
    ralph4u2c's Avatar
    ralph4u2c is offline Associate Member
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    try your gluts, warm it up in warm water for about 10 minutes pre-injection, massage after injection, and cutting it with .5-1cc of cotton seed oil each injection really helps.

  7. #7
    the fly's Avatar
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    Thanks All,
    If the pain happens days after the shot then how does warming the shot etc help?
    Are you saying the pain is caused by entry?

  8. #8
    ralph4u2c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the fly View Post
    Thanks All,
    If the pain happens days after the shot then how does warming the shot etc help?
    Are you saying the pain is caused by entry?
    usually eases injection pain and may help with post-pain but really, who cares just do it and see if it helps. if it does great, if not you didnt look anything right? worth a shot!

  9. #9
    the fly's Avatar
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    Ok so I took all of your advice and shot in my quad. I’ve never been in so much pain. What’s funny is that the actual injection site isn’t the worst. It’s lower down at the bottom of the quad above my knee that feels stiff and sore. I can feel a slight mound in that spot above my knee - through my Jeans.
    This is killing me!
    Last edited by the fly; 07-30-2008 at 04:16 PM.

  10. #10
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    probably falling out of solution. prop does not stay liquid as well as other esters

  11. #11
    the fly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    probably falling out of solution. prop does not stay liquid as well as other esters
    What does that mean? a bad batch?
    I'm walking around with a limp, not just a regular limp looks like I'm walking with a wooden leg.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    the fly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    probably falling out of solution. prop does not stay liquid as well as other esters
    What does that mean? Falling out?
    Its hurting so bad I feel like I need to stay in bed. Seriously. I can't Walk.

  14. #14
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Not saying this is the same thing, but read this and see if it seems familiar....

    possible kidney pain?

  15. #15
    the fly's Avatar
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    Its not really similar. Thanks though.
    This is really bad pain. My quad is visibly swollen. Could it be that I loaded my syringe with Test Prop and Mast (together) left it over 2 nights in my glove box?
    Of course its all steril and covered etc.
    But did this "not staying liquid" have anything to do with that?
    It can't be a coincidence that this was the 1st time I ever shot anywhere but my butt.

  16. #16
    daem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the fly View Post
    Its not really similar. Thanks though.
    This is really bad pain. My quad is visibly swollen. Could it be that I loaded my syringe with Test Prop and Mast (together) left it over 2 nights in my glove box?
    Of course its all steril and covered etc.
    But did this "not staying liquid" have anything to do with that?
    It can't be a coincidence that this was the 1st time I ever shot anywhere but my butt.
    Have you considered you may be allergic to the base oil that the testosterone or masteron is suspended in?

    Do you have any known allergies?

    Pain/swelling is common, but your signs sound like your body is getting used to an allergy or you are getting a bad infection.

    Either way, you may want to go to a doctor for this one if it doesn't subside after 3 weeks of injections.

  17. #17
    the fly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    Have you considered you may be allergic to the base oil that the testosterone or masteron is suspended in?

    Do you have any known allergies?

    Pain/swelling is common, but your signs sound like your body is getting used to an allergy or you are getting a bad infection.

    Either way, you may want to go to a doctor for this one if it doesn't subside after 3 weeks of injections.
    Well this is 2-3 weeks into this cycle. I've have one other shot that left my lower back in pain but that's it.
    If it were an alergy it would have been going on the whole time. ...Right?
    And what would be causing an infection?

  18. #18
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    Have you considered you may be allergic to the base oil that the testosterone or masteron is suspended in?

    Do you have any known allergies?

    Pain/swelling is common, but your signs sound like your body is getting used to an allergy or you are getting a bad infection.

    Either way, you may want to go to a doctor for this one if it doesn't subside after 3 weeks of injections.
    his test is a solution. thats diff then suspended. when I said it fell out I was hinting toward this tho. I think some hormones fall out of soulution (and into suspension) easier then others. maybe once injected it seperated from the chemicals that were keeping it in soltuion.

  19. #19
    the fly's Avatar
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    Would you take a chance shooting the same gear into the other quad?

  20. #20
    jackdup04's Avatar
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    First time shooting in ur quad is usually brutal prop or not 4alot of guys... ur muscle has to get used to it... plus ur using gear thats sumwhat painful anyway from what u said..So unless ur gettn a big red warm 2touch swollen bumps id say its pretty norm..try ibuprophen and heat pack 4the pain..

  21. #21
    one8nine's Avatar
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    cut your dose in half and make it every day injection. much less pain in each shot
    i rotate left delt, glute, quad, repeat right side, start over
    each spot needs ~6 day break

  22. #22
    the fly's Avatar
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    So the swelling is normal too?
    I guess I can expect the excact thing to happen to the other quad.
    I won't be doing that. That would put me in bed for a week.

  23. #23
    jackdup04's Avatar
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    some swelling can happen when first hitting a muscle...Some people are luckier then others...Quads by far 4me were most painful!!! But watch out for major swelling and like said b4 redness and a area thats warm to the touch....

  24. #24
    the fly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    cut your dose in half and make it every day injection. much less pain in each shot
    i rotate left delt, glute, quad, repeat right side, start over
    each spot needs ~6 day break
    Too drastic?

  25. #25
    the fly's Avatar
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    So switching off butt cheeks EOD won't work?

  26. #26
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    our all you guys for real, who here really uses???????????

    fly, your gear is fine, EVERYONE that does a leg shot with REAL prop early in this darkness gets alot of pain, yes way outside the site. Your fine bro, I know when I started prop it was 100% good, and I know my ba's and bb's. Anyway keep hiting the same site and when you build up some tissue you won't feel it any more. Untill then there's no secret strategy, you just have to suck it up

  27. #27
    the fly's Avatar
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    I'm for real. But I'm telling you if anyone had this kind of pain in 2 legs they would not be able to walk.
    I don't care how tough they are.

  28. #28
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Id thin it out, rotate shots, and inject more often

  29. #29
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the fly View Post
    Too drastic?
    call it what you want but search this forum for one single thread of me complaining about shot pain i bet you cant find one.

  30. #30
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the fly View Post
    I'm for real. But I'm telling you if anyone had this kind of pain in 2 legs they would not be able to walk.
    I don't care how tough they are.

    I know what your saying, yes it hurts, and toughguys limp also. A shoulder shot will paralize your whole arm also. It will pass but if you can't take it you'll have to drop out. You may try cutting it with sterile oil or b-12

  31. #31
    the fly's Avatar
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    Its much better today I don't think I'll ever willingly do this to my shoulder.
    Maybe I'd just throw in quarter doses in the middle somewhere to build up immunity in certain areas.

  32. #32
    jethro1's Avatar
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    First time i put prop in my quads, it hurt like a mofo. You just have 2 keep injecting and it will get better. Some types of prop hurt more than others. I had some vet grade that was absolutly brutal, the stuff i got now ain't bad at all.

  33. #33
    the fly's Avatar
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    yeh Im using a "british" version. I'm not sure how that ranks?

  34. #34
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by the fly View Post
    yeh Im using a "british" version. I'm not sure how that ranks?
    werent they shut down bout a year ago?

  35. #35
    jackdup04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    werent they shut down bout a year ago?
    Theres still ALOT out there...There are fakes but there easy 2spot...

  36. #36
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the fly View Post
    yeh Im using a "british" version. I'm not sure how that ranks?
    assuming its real
    assuming its not expired
    the most painful test p you can get your hands on

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