What’s the best to have on hand during a tren cycle… yes, tes will be run with it and have PCT just no tren experience.
What’s the best to have on hand during a tren cycle… yes, tes will be run with it and have PCT just no tren experience.
bromo or caber
Thanks… Both aren’t the easiest to get though. L-Dex isn’t going to do it???
l-dex works for estrogen related sides, but will do little to nothing for progesterone issues.
Got it and Tren rarely converts to estrogen so bromo is Bromocriptine Mesylate?
Would you suggest taking it ed (if so does) or just keeping on hand. I almost feel like it would be good idea to run L-Dex any way because I am little prone to gyno/nipple tenderness and like to run it with PCT that will have clomid.
I don't like to use any ancillaries on cycle unless symptoms call for it, some people like to use them preventative, the choice is yours.
OK, last? (I think) Would Bromo help with PCT and could I use it instead of HCG for PCT with Clomid… HCG seams to be hard to come by…
Nope, bromo and HCG perform completely different functions.
Thanks a lot Big… (I shouldn’t have said last?) Is there anything other than or to substitute for HCG that you would recommend for PCT with colmid?
You want to use bromo during your tren cycle for prolactin issues, and as far as i know there is nothing that is close to hcg as far as hormonal properties for stimulating LH
clomid sucks
pct should be nolva/proviron or nolva/aromasin, with optional bromo or caber, plus optional hcg
you are running test, right?
letro works too if thats easier for you to get than bromo or caber. but the later 2 are better
the primary purpose for running hcg during or after a cycle is to prevent testicular atrophy or restore the boys after atrophy begins, some are more prone to this than others. if you have problems with atrophy, nothing I know of will do the job hcg will do.
Thanks all, how much Bromo ed? I am going to try and find HCG and think I’ll use Clomid or Nalva. I have used both and haven’t had any problems with Clomid in the past. Oh and yes I’m taking Tes Cyp. Only 250 wk… I know not enough... let’s see how says it first… I am on the fence with Tren though… ED/EOD thinking 80-100mg EOD THANKS AGAIN ALL
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