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  1. #1
    Mike H. is offline New Member
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    A few questions ???

    Greetings all, I was hoping to get few questions answered, I am thinking of doing a test only cycle and had a few concerns. I am 37 years old 5'8 170 pounds, have been lifting for about 2 years pretty serious, looking to step it up a bit. my diet is pretty clean, but I will improve that. I was looking to do something like this for a first cycle.

    250 mgs test twice a week for ten weeks
    the questions I had are about the taper ? how long is a decent taper ?? 4 to 5 weeks I will also have Nolva, some people say run it with the test right from the start to avoid gyno, some say run it with your PCT ?? a little confused,as I am terrified of getting gyno !! I will also have some clomid as well, as far as the test goes I have heard some conflicting things as far as sex or sex drive goes ? will it be increased or decreased throughout the cycle ? I still have a lot of research to do as most of you can tell, I am just looking to educate myself before I make the plunge...

    Thanks in advance

    Regards, Mike

  2. #2
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    what kinda diet do you have/plan on following? like a normal day

    nolva would be better for pct. unless your prone to gyno its pretty rare. an AI would be better to run during the cycle.

    your sex drive should be ^^^^^^^^

    you don't need to taper at all. if you get test e or cyp, just shoot twice a week til the end, then wait 2 weeks before you start pct

  3. #3
    MercyDog's Avatar
    MercyDog is offline Senior Member
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    chances are very good that you won't get any signs of gyno. Thats not the main reason for running pct. Also you don't taper your doses. Go 12-14 weeks if everythings working out in week 10 and you have the gear. Nolva is best.

    Actually looking above t-own's got this one nailed, good advice

  4. #4
    Mike H. is offline New Member
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    Thank you both for the quick replies, ok now I am very confused ( my freaking head is spinning ) I have been reading a fair bit the last few days and a lot of people are saying you need to taper the test ?? just wondering is it not hard on your body to just stop taking that much test ?? I will be shut down right ?? I just want to make sure I have an easy transition coming off and starting my PCT. I was wondering about PCT as well, I will use nolva for pct and I will get a AI to run with the test ( thanks for the advise T_Own ) for my size and weight what would be a good guideline for dosage and length for taking the nolva ?? basically how much nolva should I take a day and for how long ?? I want to make sure I have EVERYTHING I need before I even think of starting this.

    Training will be 6 days a week
    I will do cardio 3 days a week as well
    some running or bike riding as well some boxing

    my diet will be something like this :

    Meal 1 : quick oats 1 to 2 servings
    2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites
    protein shake with a banana and some berries

    Meal 2 : chicken breast and brown rice and steamed veggies

    Meal 3 : chicken breast or turkey breast with a sweet potato

    Meal 4 : whole wheat pasta with meat sauce ( meat is medium ground beef )

    Meal 5 : lean beef most likely striploin steak steamed veggies brown rice
    A cup or 2 of unsalted mixed nuts and a cup of cottage cheese

    Meal 6 : salmon steak or another type of fish with salad or home made chili or home made beef stew

    A protein shake post work out

    Before bed a casein protein shake

    I always take a multi vitamin as well as fish oil and plenty of water threw the day

    Thanks again for any input

    Regards, Mike

  5. #5
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    NO need to taper test Bro. Keep reading and stop obsessing.

  6. #6
    Mike H. is offline New Member
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    Any input on the amount of Nolva to take and for how long ?

    Regards, Mike

  7. #7
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    keep your test steady no taper
    no nolva on cycle only pct
    sex drive will be up unless you have high body fat, then your test will become estrogen at a high rate- that sucks
    clmoid sucks

    do your test e 500mg per week, split into 2 shots for 10 weeks, good job
    test e takes 2 weeks to clear, pct starts week 13
    pct i like is 4 weeks of nolvadex 20-40mg + proviron 50mg

  8. #8
    Mike H. is offline New Member
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    Ok this is what I think I will run ( when I am ready ), I am in no way ready for a cycle yet , I want to get my diet on track and up my training and learn a bit more about AAS, I will spend the next 2 months or more getting ready,

    Test E 500mg per week, split into 2 shots for 10 weeks

    Will run AI with the Test E such as proviron 50mg a day for 10 weeks ( hope this is correct as I mentioned I am terrified of getting gyno )

    On week 13 I will start my PCT, I will run 4 weeks of nolvadex 20-40mg a day.

    I already posted my diet, I really appreciate all the responses and guidance and am looking forward to learning as much as possible before just jumping in...any other advise would be greatly appreciated..I really want to keep things as simple and safe as possible for my 1st cycle.

    Regards, Mike

  9. #9
    Mike H. is offline New Member
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  10. #10
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike H. View Post
    Ok this is what I think I will run ( when I am ready ), I am in no way ready for a cycle yet , I want to get my diet on track and up my training and learn a bit more about AAS, I will spend the next 2 months or more getting ready,

    Test E 500mg per week, split into 2 shots for 10 weeks

    Will run AI with the Test E such as proviron 50mg a day for 10 weeks ( hope this is correct as I mentioned I am terrified of getting gyno )

    On week 13 I will start my PCT, I will run 4 weeks of nolvadex 20-40mg a day.

    I already posted my diet, I really appreciate all the responses and guidance and am looking forward to learning as much as possible before just jumping in...any other advise would be greatly appreciated..I really want to keep things as simple and safe as possible for my 1st cycle.

    Regards, Mike
    for a long cycle (especially if you take my advice and use proviron on pct) it is best to use a different ai:

    the reason is proviron is actually a mild, AA, DHT. meaning its hard on your liver. thats a long time for something hard on your liver

    nolvadex alone is not enough for pct. you should add either proviron 50mg, or aromasin 50mg

  11. #11
    Mike H. is offline New Member
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    Thanks again for your time and info one8nine I will take your advise...

    Regards, Mike

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