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  1. #1
    YourFace is offline New Member
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    Question es my cycle ok??? PLEASE HELP

    Hi there! I hope this post is helpfull for some and at the same time someone can help me.
    my stats: 21yr old, first cycle, been training for 4-5 yrs, Im 188cm (abut 6ft, 2in), im from costa rica so sorry for my english.

    im in the middle of this cycle (results are up to date):

    WEEK Dbol /day Deca nolvadex /day Weigth(Kg) %fat
    08-jul 1 30mg 400mg 10mg ................76,1.....9,9
    15-jul 2 30mg 400mg 10mg ................79,7.....8,5
    22-jul 3 30mg 200mg 10mg ................82,4.....9,3
    29-jul 4 30mg 400mg 10mg ................82,4.....9,9
    05-ago 5 ......200mg 10mg
    12-ago 6 ................20mg
    19-ago 7 ................20mg
    26-ago 8 ................10mg
    note: im in week 4, first day, in week 3 I couldnt take the second deca shot thats why it says 200mg but it was not planned. so im taking that extra shot on week 5
    Dbol: 10mg morning, 10mg mid day, 10mg night
    Deca: 200mg tuesday afternoon, 200mg friday afternoon

    nutrition: following a nutrition plan with an expert, 5 meals/day, lots of carbs and protein, nutrition is good (expert is supervsing).

    training: 4-5 times a week (generally afternoon), (rest on weekends), avarage 1.5hr of lifting

    1) i´ve had some good gains specialy in the first week (8pounds), but it seemed to slow down in week 3. do you think it was because I couldnt inject the 2nd deca shot?, or what could it have been?

    2) do you think this cycle is too short? I´ve been told that by some people but some others say its ok. If you suggest I could make it longer, how longer?, what substances?, what dosages? and why? (please keep in mind I want to make the cycle as short as possible while still having good gains and not "wasting my money")


  2. #2
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Deca /dbol , thats a old school cycle. I'll tell you before you get flamed that everyone will want you to add test to a cycle and it would be for the best if you do.

  3. #3
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow thats confusing to read, ohh yeah but you should add test... deca /dbol is old school weve learned since then!

  4. #4
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Whats your weight, diet, training regiment. Kinda dumb to start trying to make adjustments and not knowing exactly what your doing when your in the middle of a cycle. Did this "expert" suggest this cycle. And why couldn't you inject your 2nd deca shot? Your first 8lbs in a week was mostly water weight.
    Last edited by Reed; 07-30-2008 at 12:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    what an awful cycle.

  6. #6
    YourFace is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Whats your weight, diet, training regiment. Kinda dumb to start trying to make adjustments and not knowing exactly what your doing when your in the middle of a cycle. Did this "expert" suggest this cycle. And why couldn't you inject your 2nd deca shot? Your first 8lbs in a week was mostly water weight.
    i posted all my stats, training and everything there... and those 8lbs where not water I also measured water and it diddnt go up too much. And I dont think my benchpress went from 195x10 to 245x10 because of water

    I know everyone will tell me to throw some test there, but I decided to take deca -Dbol cycle only because:
    1)its prooved to work
    2)test aromatizes much more than deca
    3)I had deca abailable, not test
    4)its often recomended by the people who most know about steroids , every time I read an steroid profile of deca or Dbol, from a scientst who knows what he is talking abut, he recomends stacking deca with dbol.

    If you are gonna flame please just dont post, im looking for advice, even if it is "throw some test in there", but i dont apreciate unusefull comments like "Kinda dumb to start trying to make adjustments and not knowing exactly what your doing when your in the middle of a cycle. Did this "expert" suggest this cycle."
    PD: ive done reserch i know what im doing i just want opinios from people who have expirience
    Last edited by YourFace; 07-30-2008 at 02:11 PM.

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That cycle is aweful and you should not be taking nolvadex while on deca .
    4)its often recomended by the people who most know about steroids, every time I read an steroid profile of deca or Dbol, from a scientst who knows what he is talking abut, he recomends stacking deca with dbol.
    Why did you come here if you have such expert advice? your cycle is bad and will cause you to have no labido and you will be shut down very badly at the end of your cycle. You probably will do little or no pct and lose all of your gains. Why did you skip your second shot? did you drink it or something?

  8. #8
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Well I have enough knowledge to know that is not a good cycle. Yes experience is best for advice and thats why I don't come in this area much. No body is gonna give you any good advice because it is a bad cycle. Do you want them to tell how to mess it up any further. Your probably reading info from the 70's if its saying that is a good cycle, back then cigarettes weren't bad for you yet. And please enlighten me on how you measure the amount of water thats in your body??? Are you going to the local university lab and get this done??

  9. #9
    YourFace is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    That cycle is aweful and you should not be taking nolvadex while on deca .
    Why did you come here if you have such expert advice? your cycle is bad and will cause you to have no labido and you will be shut down very badly at the end of your cycle. You probably will do little or no pct and lose all of your gains. Why did you skip your second shot? did you drink it or something?
    why shouldnt I take nolvadex while in cycle? nolvadex blocks estrogen receptors thats a good thing during a cycle.

    why would you say I will do little or no PCT? I will, I just have to plan it. I have 3 weeks.
    I couldnt get the shot because The guy who injected me wasnt at the gym, and I was afraid of doing it myself, now I am doing it myself.

  10. #10
    YourFace is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Well I have enough knowledge to know that is not a good cycle. Yes experience is best for advice and thats why I don't come in this area much. No body is gonna give you any good advice because it is a bad cycle. Do you want them to tell how to mess it up any further. Your probably reading info from the 70's if its saying that is a good cycle, back then cigarettes weren't bad for you yet. And please enlighten me on how you measure the amount of water thats in your body??? Are you going to the local university lab and get this done??
    Thanks for your opinion. About the water in my body, the same scale that measures %Body Fat measures %Water and some other things, if you want, I can post the measurments.

    thanks for your advice I will try to ger some test for my next cycle but im also considering saving more money to do a cycle with HGH

  11. #11
    YourFace is offline New Member
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    UPDATE: Im extending deca for 1 more week, just because I keep getting good gains from it, after that, im doing the PCT suggested in this forum

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