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  1. #1
    Thebiggerreggiebush is offline New Member
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    what the hell is going on?

    Alright i started my first cycle last week of just test enothate 250 mg 2 times a week....

    here is the problem

    i know that there is supposed to be pain at the injection sites but seriously come on....

    i injected my quad 9 days ago and it is today finally not sore...i injeced my glute 5 days ago and now it is growing a basketball out of it(not really but really swollen) super hot to the touch and ridiculously painfull. I have had a fever since 24 hours after my first injection...what the **** man?

    I dont really think it is a matter of not being able to deal with pain im not trying to brag but i was a scout sniper, have a couple purple hearts, and i have been making a living lately by boxing... so all i am trying to say with that is that i am in some pretty bad pain in order to bitch about it....

    by the way i had a clean injecting with brand new needle cleaned everything real nice with alcohol swabs...i used a 23g 1in for both...and am positive gear is legit???
    Thanks for any help in advance
    Last edited by Thebiggerreggiebush; 07-30-2008 at 02:48 PM.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You may be infected. Your gear is probably dirty/fake or you were not sterile during your injections.

    Did you do all of this:
    swab the vial and injection site with alcohol before injection
    use 1.5" pin on glutes
    use 1" pin on quads

    If you did all of those things then the gear is dirty by the sounds of it. Hot burning and a growing lump is a bad sign go to the doctors immediately.

  3. #3
    muhammad1185's Avatar
    muhammad1185 is offline Associate Member
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    ive had the same problem, its muscle infection/inflamation, it gets sore, hot to f*** and it pains, you cant even sit on it or sleep, get a course of antibiotics flucloxacillin itll go away within a day of use,

    in future get someone to inject you, thats what im going to do, the pain aint worth it, you see injecting has to be perfect, deep, not in the vein or nerves and painless, we obviously got something wrong.

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    in future get someone to inject you, thats what im going to do, the pain aint worth it, you see injecting has to be perfect, deep, not in the vein or nerves and painless, we obviously got something wrong.
    I dont think that will necessarily fix the problem. I prefer the idea of doing it to myself. Unless the person is injecting is a nurse or docotor then doing it yourself makes more sense. Its not that hard to grasp.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    sounds like dirty gear to me.

  6. #6
    jackdup04's Avatar
    jackdup04 is offline Associate Member
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    Def sounds infected..Get some antibiotics if it stays the same or gets worse..Ive had infections b4 and my body fought them off b4 they got 2bad but i wouldnt rely on that happening...If it continue to happens ur gear is dirty.. U could filter it and add sterile oil but id just toss it...Its not worth it

  7. #7
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    I would think the gear is bad. Are you sure it is legit?

  8. #8
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    it may not even be dirty gear... I have a bud who gets those huge balls when he uses prop because his body has some sort of bad reaction to, my guess is the ester attachedc to the test

  9. #9
    Matteo25's Avatar
    Matteo25 is offline New Member
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    I read ur post to someone seeeking clen advice. You say ur weight loss is too dramatic after 2 weeks? That sounds pretty intense, I did a 10 week cycle following all the rules of thumb. I dropped only a few pounds and did lean up a bit, but not as much a s I expected. I'm just finishing my 3rd week and benadryl cycle as well. I've only dropped a couple of pounds and don't see a quite noticeable difference. I'm taking 200mcg/day, eating clean, 5 day/wk workout, 30 min cardio 3days/week. Could it be the Brand of clen? I mean I def feel the side effects when I first start taking it, but then they go away? Any advice???

    BTW, hope you work out that infection/reaction ordeal... I'll re-post clen advice so you can reply, new at this forum so don't quite know how it works.


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