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Thread: change of cycle is this better advice plz !

  1. #1

    change of cycle is this better advice plz !

    hi i did have a cycle planned but many said it was too short so i hav amended it the best i can wiht the amount of gear iv got , originally i was goin to do :
    week 1-4 d-bol 35mg ed
    1-5 400mg decca ew , 400mg test cyp

    changed to: 1-4 d-bol 35mg ed
    1-4 200mg decca ew, 400mg test cyp
    5-8 200mg dcca ed, 600mg test cyp
    ( got a spare 200mg decca so chuck that in somewhere ) is that a good diea chucking int he extra vial of cyp and uping dose for extra 3 weeks , am going away in september so cant do it for nay longer, have done a previous cycle of sust only for 6 weeks at 500mg - 750mg ew didnt get any side , but got plenty of nolvadex on hand just in case , thanks guys !

  2. #2
    your question isnt really clear
    the test needs to be run a week or 2 longer than the deca
    whats for pct? please dont say nolva alone, or nolva/clomid

  3. #3
    well i can finish the decca a week earlier or 2 , juts bump the 200mg up to 400 for 2 weeks , im goin to get some hcg just incase ,what else would you recoment for pct ? its kinda hard getting stuff where i live aswell , was going to start the nolv 2weeks before i finsh cycle and run for a further 3 ! what else can i try and get hold of to run pct ont his cycle ! ?

  4. #4
    i still dont understand the cycle you are asking?
    hcg is good 500iu e3d starting 2 weeks before pct
    good pct starts 2 weeks after last test c shot. nolvadex 20mg-40mg ed, then add either aromasin 50mg or proviron 50mg
    where do you live? out of curiosity. english doesnt sound like your first language.

  5. #5
    haha lol yes english is my 1st language i just type to quickly and forget to check spelling etc , live in cornwall in the uk ! my question im tryignt o get answerd is that my new intended cycle is it better than the 1st 5 week planned one ?

  6. #6
    i understand that part.
    how many weeks in are you
    how many vials of what dosage of which things do you have?

  7. #7
    tomorrow is end of 1st week ! i got test cyp in 10ml vials 200mg /ml, and decca in the snap offs 2ml/200mg , 2 types of 2-bol 5mg ! sorry for misunderstnding ! all this advice is much apreciated , i got someone on the case trying to get the other stuff you said ! sorry being an idiot again and not reading properly , ive got 2 10ml vials of cyp well i got 18ml left and i got 8 shots of decca left ,

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