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Thread: Anavar VS HGH

  1. #1
    chris244 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008

    Anavar VS HGH

    Hello I am 26 with around 4 years of good training behind me, done two cycles in the past very mild test and EQ

    My question is would I be better off going with a long cycle like this
    WKs 1-10 Var 40 mg ed
    Wks 1-14 Test prop 400 mg per wk
    Wks 1-12 Promo Depot 400 mg per wk
    Clen and Eca stacks rotating every two weeks throughout


    5-6 months of HGH 3 units per day 7 days a week

    I am 240 lbs 14% BF will not be starting either one till i reach 10% bf so I looking at about 8 weeks, I am looking to really cut down the body fat to around 7% and maintain a nice hard look, money is not the issue I would rather do it correctly than cheap my way thru it- thanks

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    do both if money isnt an issue.

    gh works best with aas, the synergy is what makes them work so well together. gh alone will be a waste.

    5 on 2 off is more of a standard gh protocol as well.

  3. #3
    chris244 is offline New Member
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    I would do both but was really trying to decide on one or the other, being already 240lbs I really dont want to get any larger, I already have problems fitting into clothes that I like to wear my fear with running both would add more size, I would really like to get to 225 and stay there, my diet looks like is ar 40/150/330 for yesterday and around 6 hours of cardio a week, 4 hours coming in the Am before eating

  4. #4
    LifeSize is offline New Member
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    you're comparing apples to potatoes, they aren't even in the same class of drugs.

  5. #5
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    if you ran them together you wouldn't gain much more than what you would with just the top cycle. 3iu's in a young person doesn't do much, just burns some fat primarily.

  6. #6
    chris244 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by LifeSize View Post
    you're comparing apples to potatoes, they aren't even in the same class of drugs.
    thanks that didnt answer any questions or help one bit

  7. #7
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    if you ran them together you wouldn't gain much more than what you would with just the top cycle. 3iu's in a young person doesn't do much, just burns some fat primarily.
    True to a certain extent. Amorphic is right when he says the synergy between the 2 is amazing. Yes 3iu's is a low dose for someone young but some have had amazing results with only 3iu's of GH. It all depends on the person, and for his goals of cutting i think the GH would be of benefit. The AAS would also work but he may be happier with the GH.

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