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  1. #1
    LivingToBeBig's Avatar
    LivingToBeBig is offline Associate Member
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    Test E - No bloat Is this wierd

    Hi Im on my first Injectable Test E Cycle,( done a couple of orals) I kickstarted with Epistane.

    Test E 250x2 - 12 weeks
    Epistane 30mg ed 1-4week
    PCT Clomid, Nolva, Hcg and Test Booster

    Im starting to worry that my test isnt working. I have a friend who got from the same source and hes blowing up.

    Im just finishing week 7 so far i gone up from 178lbs to 189 but I have felt a bit wierd since finishing the epistane. When i finished the epistane It seemed i had a little estrogen rebound and got abit bloated but now a week later it looks like im holding no water (no more than usual when im natural) where as my friend is holding a lot more which is making him look huge. My strength has leved out this week.

    Im just getting a bit dishartened from comparing his gains to mine.... I have been eating everything i possibly can every 2hours - getting over 3k a day with lean protein, oats ect

    Just kind want to know what you think.... Im just so puzzled to why im holding no bloat.... I know it sounds wierd but if i was bloaty at least i would feel that my test was legit.

  2. #2
    dback's Avatar
    dback is offline Junior Member
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    maybe he is eating more than you?

  3. #3
    butter is offline New Member
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    eat more and add something to your test like a deca im not a pro but ive been doing this a while and i know test is a good base for a cycle i take test e and tren and eq in my cycle no water at all

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by LivingToBeBig View Post
    Hi Im on my first Injectable Test E Cycle,( done a couple of orals) I kickstarted with Epistane.

    Test E 250x2 - 12 weeks
    Epistane 30mg ed 1-4week
    PCT Clomid, Nolva, Hcg and Test Booster

    Im starting to worry that my test isnt working. I have a friend who got from the same source and hes blowing up.

    Im just finishing week 7 so far i gone up from 178lbs to 189 but I have felt a bit wierd since finishing the epistane. When i finished the epistane It seemed i had a little estrogen rebound and got abit bloated but now a week later it looks like im holding no water (no more than usual when im natural) where as my friend is holding a lot more which is making him look huge. My strength has leved out this week.

    Im just getting a bit dishartened from comparing his gains to mine.... I have been eating everything i possibly can every 2hours - getting over 3k a day with lean protein, oats ect

    Just kind want to know what you think.... Im just so puzzled to why im holding no bloat.... I know it sounds wierd but if i was bloaty at least i would feel that my test was legit.
    maybe visit the diet forum?
    what are each of your bf%?

    that pct is sub par- replace clmoid with either aromasin or proviron

  5. #5
    LivingToBeBig's Avatar
    LivingToBeBig is offline Associate Member
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    How is that PCT is sub par hcg nolva and clomid for a test e with a kicker, i would of thought that was more than enough.

    Im pretty sure my diet is correct ive posted many diets in the diet forum maybe i just got to eat more now ive grown And see what happens in the next couple of weeks.

  6. #6
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    I blow on test E 500mg/wk I blow up and had serious gyno problems. My friend is no water on 1+g test/wk and no gyno. Its all individual!!! And he can take 150mg Dbol and gain nothink, yes reall stuff and its not working on them.

    There is nothink like testE bulk, Dbol huge gains etc. Its just like this: If you use Dbol you will propably gain a lot of weight and most of it will be water and in rare cases you will be lean or gain nothink.

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dont dispare up your training, try and workout like your life depended on it. When I am off I sometimes slack off but when I`m on I get going and fight for every rep. Maybe you just need to work out harder, dont compare yourself to someone else if your getting gains thats great but you may want to up your calorie intake a bit.

  8. #8
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by LivingToBeBig View Post
    How is that PCT is sub par hcg nolva and clomid for a test e with a kicker, i would of thought that was more than enough.

    Im pretty sure my diet is correct ive posted many diets in the diet forum maybe i just got to eat more now ive grown And see what happens in the next couple of weeks.
    thats mostly what i meant as your size grows, you have a higher caloric need

    because nolva and clomid are both SERMs, its redundant. theres no need for clomid when you have nolva, clomid sucks anyway. and i dont see a good ai in there like aromasin or proviron either.

  9. #9
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Ok echoing what others said add an AI. I think adex works pretty good. Going solely off your weight looks like your gaining lean mass. I don't know what your goals are but your doing pretty good. If you wanna "blow up" then your going to have to adjust your diet. Go in the diet forum and look up the bulking diet. If you increase your protein and calories your body can't help but to grow.

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