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Thread: First time with Dianabol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon

    First time with Dianabol


    I have decided to use Dianabol, i have 10mg tablets and this with be the first time i have used anything more that protien shakes

    I have been boxing past 10years until Xmas when i stoped and past 6mths been seious about weight training. I Have moved from 11st to 13st with just protien shakes however want more of a boost in my training.

    Im 5ft 11" and 13st.

    I am training 3 or 4 times a week depending on routine with correct amount of rest and sleep with little cardio.

    My diet is good and i eat around 3-4000 Calories a day, Pasta/Eggs/fish/chicken/protien shakes. No sweet crap.

    I plan to use 30mg per day and see how the first few weeks ago and increase to 40mg per day.

    does the above sound fine or any other suppliments i should add to the cycle. Id like to reach a solid 14 1/2 stone "203 lbs".


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    First off dbol only is a terrible cycle get some test, man up and inject it. You will gain alot of water weight and lose it all when you come off of the dbol. dbol is also very liver toxic and should never be used more than 6 weeks and even then most say 4 weeks is alot. Do some research you will not gain 1.5 stone solid on dbol. Maybe you will hold water but you will lose all the weight and gains if you dont use test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    First off dbol only is a terrible cycle get some test, man up and inject it. You will gain alot of water weight and lose it all when you come off of the dbol. dbol is also very liver toxic and should never be used more than 6 weeks and even then most say 4 weeks is alot. Do some research you will not gain 1.5 stone solid on dbol. Maybe you will hold water but you will lose all the weight and gains if you dont use test.
    totally agree, may be a stupid question but wat was the reason u want to take dbol

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by xo3et View Post

    I have decided to use Dianabol, i have 10mg tablets and this with be the first time i have used anything more that protien shakes

    I have been boxing past 10years until Xmas when i stoped and past 6mths been seious about weight training. I Have moved from 11st to 13st with just protien shakes however want more of a boost in my training.

    Im 5ft 11" and 13st.

    I am training 3 or 4 times a week depending on routine with correct amount of rest and sleep with little cardio.

    My diet is good and i eat around 3-4000 Calories a day, Pasta/Eggs/fish/chicken/protien shakes. No sweet crap.

    I plan to use 30mg per day and see how the first few weeks ago and increase to 40mg per day.

    does the above sound fine or any other suppliments i should add to the cycle. Id like to reach a solid 14 1/2 stone "203 lbs".

    Your results will be far superior if you use some TESTOSTERONE along with your DBOL.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    In the hills
    dbol doesn't mix with boxing at all. You'll be out by round 2-3

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