I have decided to use Dianabol, i have 10mg tablets and this with be the first time i have used anything more that protien shakes
I have been boxing past 10years until Xmas when i stoped and past 6mths been seious about weight training. I Have moved from 11st to 13st with just protien shakes however want more of a boost in my training.
Im 5ft 11" and 13st.
I am training 3 or 4 times a week depending on routine with correct amount of rest and sleep with little cardio.
My diet is good and i eat around 3-4000 Calories a day, Pasta/Eggs/fish/chicken/protien shakes. No sweet crap.
I plan to use 30mg per day and see how the first few weeks ago and increase to 40mg per day.
does the above sound fine or any other suppliments i should add to the cycle. Id like to reach a solid 14 1/2 stone "203 lbs".