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Thread: Proviron effects/results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Arrow Proviron effects/results

    Just wanted to hear about the effects/results of ppl who have taken Proviron for pct. What I got out of the profile is that its not really gonna do too much but raise natural test. Seeing that i'm already using 2 SERMs and 1 AI I really don't think its neccesary. I believe that it will raise your test and help your balls grow back. Again wanting to hear from users to see what their results were. Thanks

  2. #2
    you only need 1 serm and 1 ai really
    nolva/aromasin, or nolva/proviron
    clomid sucks
    if you already have aromasin dont worry about proviron

    but to answer, proviron binds to SHBG, freeing up more test more quickly
    also it is a dht, so its mildly anabolic while not hurting your production

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Just wanted to hear about the effects/results of ppl who have taken Proviron for pct. What I got out of the profile is that its not really gonna do too much but raise natural test. Seeing that i'm already using 2 SERMs and 1 AI I really don't think its neccesary. I believe that it will raise your test and help your balls grow back. Again wanting to hear from users to see what their results were. Thanks
    Bad idea to take during PCT.
    Proviron is a AAS and will still inhibit natural recovery of HPTA during this period. GREAT oral for ON cycle though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Bad idea to take during PCT.
    Proviron is a AAS and will still inhibit natural recovery of HPTA during this period. GREAT oral for ON cycle though.
    Proviron is such a weak androgen that it won't prevent recovery.

    Proviron will limit the estrogen spike when he comes down and help him get through his nolvadex dosing pyramid to fully recover.

    Personally, my PCT always consists of HCG, Proviron, and Nolvadex.

    Nothing beats that if dosed properly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    i personaly love the stuff..ive experimnted with it even alone briged between cycles off it 2months b4 cycles its killer..i never had any sides from it..i even bused it 125mg 3 x's a day...still n sides..i don think it suts you down..i think its great to usefor pct and on cycle..only thing is that u should use it for at least 2months after cycle..its great stuff...i like to start at 150mg/ed for 2weeks then 100mged 3 weeks and the rest 75mg/ed..have some tribulus from the last 3weeks and so to supplement you until the next cycle

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Bad idea to take during PCT.
    Proviron is a AAS and will still inhibit natural recovery of HPTA during this period. GREAT oral for ON cycle though.
    no offence
    but this entire post is false

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    no offence
    but this entire post is false
    Which part? Sounds like all it does it help your natty test levels up while preventing some estro conversion. Why woudn't this be good for pct? Isn't that one of the points of pct? I wasn't planning on bridging it between cycles. My next cycle will have to start Decemberish, so i don't think taking proviron that long will be a good idea. If so, what would it do? Just make me horny all the time, lol.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Which part? Sounds like all it does it help your natty test levels up while preventing some estro conversion. Why woudn't this be good for pct? Isn't that one of the points of pct? I wasn't planning on bridging it between cycles. My next cycle will have to start Decemberish, so i don't think taking proviron that long will be a good idea. If so, what would it do? Just make me horny all the time, lol.
    exactly, its great for pct
    he said its bad for pct- i said that is false

    no bridge please
    time off means TIME OFF

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    i would not reccomend it. Its a strong enough androgen that it made me start balding pretty fast. This would lead me to assume it is suppressive. I would not include it in pct
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 08-03-2008 at 01:09 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    well its a DHT so that is to be expected. Some finastride would help you with this. However i heard that finastride hinders gains.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    finasteride prevents conversion to DHT. IT doesnt do anything it you are taking something that is already super androgenic without needing to be enzymatically converted. FInasteride does not reduce gains to any noticeable degree, im taking it now without gear and im stronger than i have been in a while

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I'm glad you posted that. I've been thinking about taking it but i heard it hinders gains so i stayed away from it. Based on your experience, i'll reconsider.

  13. #13
    Im sorry but I hate it when people spout information with NO STUDIES to back it up. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but if you are going to state a FACT it needs to be backed up or else its just an OPINION, and those are like belly-buttons...

    Read this article, and check out the studies they are based on below.

  14. #14
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    between corn and soybeans
    one of those studies is on people with klinefelters disease, and the other is on geriatric patients. And thats only 2 studies, on wikipedia. I would not regard that as a good source. If you want to get nitty gritty, get on pubmed, ebsco, jstore, or whatever and find some articles that apply to patients of normal testicular function. Although doubt you will find any.

    Also, from personal experience, it is a shitty aromatase inhibitor, i still got gyno while taking it with 250mg test/week.

  15. #15
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    between corn and soybeans
    The effects of mesterolone, a male sex hormone in depressed patients (a double blind controlled study).

    Itil TM, Michael ST, Shapiro DM, Itil KZ.

    Based on computer EEG (CEEG) profiles, in high doses, antidepressant properties of mesterolone, a synthetic androgen, were predicted. In a double-blind placebo controlled study, the clinical effects of 300-450 mg daily mesterolone were investigated in 52 relatively young (age range 26-53 years, mean 42.7 years) male depressed outpatients. During 6 weeks of mesterolone treatment, there was a significant improvement of depressive symptomatology. However, since an improvement was also established during the placebo treatment, no statistically appreciable difference in the therapeutic effects of mesterolone was established compared to placebo. Mesterolone treatment significantly decreased both plasma testosterone and protein bound testosterone levels. Patients with high testosterone levels prior to treatment seem to have had more benefit from mesterolone treatment than patients with low testosterone levels. The degree of improvement weakly correlated to the decrease of testosterone levels during mesterolone treatment.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Ok so what i'm getting is that it helps your balls grow back/restart natural test levels, and its a happy pill if i'm depressed. Hmm.....sounds perfect!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1 View Post
    Im sorry but I hate it when people spout information with NO STUDIES to back it up. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but if you are going to state a FACT it needs to be backed up or else its just an OPINION, and those are like belly-buttons...

    Read this article, and check out the studies they are based on below.
    if we only wanted STUDIES we could just type mesterolone in google too
    this site is for options too, and personal experiences

    besides, show me a study where they used ANY of the drugs we use the way we use, to get jacked. not to cure aids or anemia or burn victims or make cows better meals.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Houston Tx
    Good point...we are leading the way by a bunch of high school drop outs. lol

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Im of the belief that proviron is not a good idea for pct. It is an androgen whether a weak one or not. Sure that study used 300-450mgs daily which I certainly hope noone would be doing but it still SIGNIFICANTLY lowered test levels. Say your using 50mgs ed maybe thats a low enough dose that you could still recover natty test (though everyone is different and I know good bro's that said it hindered their recovery) but you still would recover a lot quicker and better with an AI in the place of that proviron.

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