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Thread: Formestane!!!

  1. #1
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    Formestane is a powerful suicide aromatase inhibitor. This means that it decreases estrogen production by preventing the aromatase enzyme from doing its thing with androgens such as testosterone . It also decreases the receptor counts for both estrogen and progesterone. (Yup, an effective way to control progestin activity even from AAS like Trenbolone and Nandrolone ... no more "Deca Dick")

    Formestane is somewhat unique in that it increases IGF-1 production by about 26% though it decreases total circulatory estrogen... and it has been shown to decrease BPH.

    sooooo...if no more "deca dick" that means that this substance blocks both estrogen and progesterone and does not kill sex drive??? i wish i would have read this before!!i got some adex and bromo..the bromo was mad cheap but the adex was expensive..i might look into finding this also..if anyone has ever used this please tell us of your experiance

  2. #2
    Ostrich's Avatar
    Ostrich is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by john1181 View Post

    Formestane is a powerful suicide aromatase inhibitor

    Sounds deadly.

  3. #3
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    I've used it once before. It does seem to work somewhat as an AI but it also has a slight androgenic effect which therefore can shut down the hpta further. The other problem with it is its incredibly poor bio availibility. You have to take like 2 pills about 6 times a day at least to keep the stuff built up in your system.

    I was raving about it when I first took it but I think it had a bit of a placebo effect on me. However, I did feel like it helped to bring my sex drive back to normal post cycle. I know the drug kinda contradicts itself being an AI but having an androgenic effect, but, it does.

    If you want to try something OTC to help in this regard I would try 6-0xo. Its the only otc test booster that Ive found to work out there. you can get 180 pills on the web for 75.00 and take 3 pills a day (or more) works fine for me.

  4. #4
    ♠AceOfSpades♠ is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhl1 View Post
    I've used it once before. It does seem to work somewhat as an AI but it also has a slight androgenic effect which therefore can shut down the hpta further. The other problem with it is its incredibly poor bio availibility. You have to take like 2 pills about 6 times a day at least to keep the stuff built up in your system.

    I was raving about it when I first took it but I think it had a bit of a placebo effect on me. However, I did feel like it helped to bring my sex drive back to normal post cycle. I know the drug kinda contradicts itself being an AI but having an androgenic effect, but, it does.

    If you want to try something OTC to help in this regard I would try 6-0xo. Its the only otc test booster that Ive found to work out there. you can get 180 pills on the web for 75.00 and take 3 pills a day (or more) works fine for me.
    then dont have the pill form...try the transdermal...extremely good absorption. If dermabolics still made e-form then id use that all year round in a high would be like winny in a way and descrease estrogen...its amazing. Still have some too

  5. #5
    lucyluciano is offline New Member
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    This site seems to be behind somewhat. Just joined. Formestane is the real deal and one of the best AI's out there. Cel makes it transdermal and NP sells in bult with penetrate. Works amazing.

  6. #6
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ostrich View Post
    Sounds deadly.
    nah man, its a suicide inhibitor, which means it prevents people from committing suicide.

    Quote Originally Posted by lucyluciano View Post
    This site seems to be behind somewhat. Just joined. Formestane is the real deal and one of the best AI's out there. Cel makes it transdermal and NP sells in bult with penetrate. Works amazing.
    its not that the sites behind, its just not around. period. i see it for sale about as often as i see cheque drops .

    on a side note, whats with everyone advertising where to get this shit on this thread? tisk tisk.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    On the edge
    Bump, let's get some more info on this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucyluciano View Post
    This site seems to be behind somewhat. Just joined. Formestane is the real deal and one of the best AI's out there. Cel makes it transdermal and NP sells in bult with penetrate. Works amazing.
    What your talking about is OTC's, I don;t think it's the same as the real Formestane, which is an injection, also known as Lentaron... But then again since it's classed as a mild prohormone, it might still be legal, I just wonder about how effective it is oral and transdermal vs injection...

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