5-LO & Behold... Some Answers
*As any athlete will tell you the human body produces an amazing number of chemicals from the raw materials we feed it through whatever means. Though it seems likely that estrogen and its ability to increase IGF-1 in prostate tissue has a profound effect upon BPH and prostate cancer cells alike, the cells must still be fed to survive.
An enzyme called 5-Lipooxygenase (5-LO) is utilized by the body to metabolize arachidonic acid into another chemical called 5-HETE. Arachidonic acid is an *****-6 fatty acid found in red meats and other animal protein sources. And 5-HETE is prostate cancer cell food.
In fact it is the only food it eats. So, if the 5-LO enzyme is inhibited then the 5-HETE/cancer-cell food is not produced and the cells cannot grow or proliferate. Several studies, including a 1999 study published in the distinguished Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences from the University of Virginia Cancer Center, have continued to prove that prostate cancer cell apoptosis (cellular suicide) occurs "massively and rapidly" no more than 1 to 2 hours after the production of 5-HETE (by inhibition of the 5-LO enzyme) has been inhibited.
Inhibitors Of 5-LO
*I have little doubt that most male athletes were aware of research being done into chemo-preventive via fruits, herbs and vegetables. (Chemoprevention basically means chemical prevention) Research has found that there are some common food items rich in nutrients that specifically inhibit the activity of the 5-LO enzyme.
They Include:
Green tea
Saw palmetto
Olive oil
And many others...
Ginger is the top of the list in the government's USDA database of 5-LO inhibitors. This is due to the fact that ginger has been shown to contain at least 22 different chemicals that act as effective 5-LO inhibitors.
In my opinion an athlete cannot consume enough organic ginger. It also seems intelligent to reduce ingestion of large amounts of *****-6 arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is found in high levels in the red meats and certain cooking oils like corn and peanut oils.
Additional protection can be achieved through consumption of more of the "good" ***** 3 fatty acids (in particular DHA) as the balance or ratio of ***** 3- to - 6 fatty acids is another way to inhibit the inappropriate formation of arachidonic acid by-products. AAS and The Prostate
*There seems to be a major conspiracy in the world, that in and of it places all things male in a dimming yet foreboding light of evil. Such is the case for testosterone and other natural manly hormones alike as well. With terms like "roid rage" being inherently a factor of man, and PMS being a mere trait of the "softer sex," it seems that, as per usual, we as males must bear the brunt of responsibility for the world as it exists. (Cool with me!)
We have already discussed the possible effects that DHT and estrogens can have upon the prostate gland. Naturally the issue of hair loss due to the same factors is obvious though there is an existing notable correlation of course. But now we should consider some "how and why" info as well.
Naturally occurring testosterone and many man-made Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are susceptible to chemical conversion once they enter the circulatory system. Testosterone can be reduced to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the 5-Alpha-Reductase enzyme or aromatized to estrogens by the aromatase enzyme.
However the reader must realize that even though most AAS are chemical variations of testosterone some are resistant to chemical alteration in the circulatory system. This suggests the potential to medically (or otherwise) introduce an improved hormone profile in regards to prostate health.