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Thread: cycle for bulking up

  1. #1
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    cycle for bulking up

    is sustanon 300 stacked with deca 250 a good bulking cycle?

  2. #2
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    I'll say it before One8nine.
    Sust sucks.

  3. #3
    first off, sust sucks

    fill in the blanks-
    years training/workout split-
    diet outline/# meals per day-

    these answers will help us tell you the best "stack"

  4. #4
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    bf uk. mabye 15%
    age. 30
    height. 5'10"
    weight. 225lbs
    started working out at about age 16, fell off for a few years.always have been on and off. have been back at it now for almost 1yr straight. 1 on 1 off schedule. hard training.
    no real diet. lots of protien, nox9 supplements, 100% whey protien.
    4-5 meals per day.

  5. #5
    frst you need a solid diet before anything or you wont gain

    read the stickies in here and post up what you eat and youll get lots of great advice

    you need to be sure of your bodyfat not "maybe". if you do not have a serious 12%, or preferably less bodyfat before you cycle you will get crazy side effects that will make it not worth doing. is that you in your avitar?

  6. #6
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    yes, 15% bf

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by pumarjr View Post
    yes, 15% bf
    get it checked on calipers or water when you think you are around 12% or less. i dont wanna discourage you bro but if your body fat is too high your gains will not be what they could be, and your side effects will be high.

    to help you out bro
    youll want to get on a first cycle of testosterone enanthate, or testosterone cypionate. deca is good but for your first cycle testosterone will give you all the gains you want alone. here are some links to read about them.

    get in the diet forum, get that straight, and on the road to 12% read all on this board and get ready for your first cycle.

  8. #8
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    Last edited by Roshambo; 08-04-2008 at 06:47 PM. Reason: wrong

  9. #9
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    ok, sry.
    Last edited by Roshambo; 08-04-2008 at 06:47 PM. Reason: wrong

  10. #10
    edit that question read the rules

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    ok, so i guess i have to wait 45 days or make 100 posts before i can ask a question?

  13. #13
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    You won't find source help here no matter how long you wait, and assuming that is you in your avatar you should at least pick up a weight and maybe read about a diet before you consider taking steroids.

  14. #14
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    Wow what a big bad online tuff guy. Pick up a weight huh? I guess I have never done that. LOL. And diet, hum, well I might have about and extra 25lbs to loose but at least I have some respect. I may not be in perfect physical condition as I am sure you are. But that was the reason for my coming here. I had hoped to find some actual advice, but all I really found was an a hole that makes himself feel better by exerting some forum power. WOW! Amazing! Your my hero. U must have been born with all your knowledge on this gear, mabye you spend all day reading, but what good is any of that if you are not willing to share your info. Is what I said at Some point so offensive to have deserved your harsh remarks, if I did say something that offended you then I apologize.
    Thank you,

  15. #15
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    My remarks are realistic, if they are also harsh then so be it. If I saw you in public without a shirt I would never guess that you worked out a day in your life. I worked hard to approach my natural potential before I ever touched steroids and I do find it a bit offensive when people who have clearly not dieted or paid their dues in the gym want to jump on steroids for a shortcut.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumarjr View Post
    Wow what a big bad online tuff guy. Pick up a weight huh? I guess I have never done that. LOL. And diet, hum, well I might have about and extra 25lbs to loose but at least I have some respect. I may not be in perfect physical condition as I am sure you are. But that was the reason for my coming here. I had hoped to find some actual advice, but all I really found was an a hole that makes himself feel better by exerting some forum power. WOW! Amazing! Your my hero. U must have been born with all your knowledge on this gear, mabye you spend all day reading, but what good is any of that if you are not willing to share your info. Is what I said at Some point so offensive to have deserved your harsh remarks, if I did say something that offended you then I apologize.
    Thank you,
    You may never get help in here. There is a reason why BIG made that comment:
    1. he knows more than you
    2. he knows more than you
    Why do you think he is a monitor?
    I vote he gets kicked off for flaming BIG.

  17. #17
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    Thanks Ranger, but I've got thick skin. I piss off a lot of people, but I'm here to tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. I'm hoping this guy sticks around as we really can help him achieve his goals, just not in the order he may have hoped.

  18. #18
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    I hope so, hell I got mad enough for ya. Flaming the guy that can answer every question he has and then more, on his first thread.

  19. #19
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    yes please and thank you.
    Last edited by Roshambo; 08-04-2008 at 09:09 PM. Reason: wrong

  20. #20
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    No need to get offensive, we would like you to stick around and learn what to do and how to do it the right way.

  21. #21
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    Good come back though, nice shot, purple

  22. #22
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    dude, if you want help that's fine, but being a dick isn't gonna get you any, how bout asking a question instead of jumping on a soapbox and bitching

  23. #23
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    all i had asked was what i thought was a simple question. no im not a skinny guy. did not know there was a weight limit for using juice. second i have worked out a lot, and started young, never on a appropiate diet may not reflect in my body. but in the gym my sets and weights say the rest. im not looking for a shortcut, im not looking for a chance to win a contest. all i wanted was to know if what i was gonna take in Your opinion was good.

  24. #24
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    Look man honestly. I think you should look into cutting weight first. Its not that hard hit up the diet forum. Your pic shows that you have been working out but you need to focus on diet. Try six meals a day, high protein, low carbs and fat. What kind of contest you trying to win?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumarjr View Post
    all i had asked was what i thought was a simple question. no im not a skinny guy. did not know there was a weight limit for using juice. second i have worked out a lot, and started young, never on a appropiate diet may not reflect in my body. but in the gym my sets and weights say the rest. im not looking for a shortcut, im not looking for a chance to win a contest. all i wanted was to know if what i was gonna take in Your opinion was good.
    k, then i can help you with this

    the reason that it's recommended to be 12-14% bf is thus:
    1) the more fat you have, the more sides you will get from a cycle
    2) water retention from a cycle can cause high blood pressure if you are already overweight, and because of the heightened sides, this blood pressure can be even more compounded
    3) if you have trouble getting down to 12-14%, then your diet and/or training regimen is not up to par, and thus using steroids will only be a waste

    not that we have gone over that, here is the problems with your cycle

    sustanon is not a good choice for a first cycle for several reasons:
    1) it must be injected ed or eod and most first timers don't like doing this
    2) because of it's mix of esters, you blood levels will be more unstable unless injected often and even when injected often blood test levels are not all that stable, this cause conversion of testosterone to estrogen and more sides, thus more high blood pressure, more gyno(man boobies) etc.....

    deca is not a good choice for a first cycle because
    Because of gyno and estrogen related sides, deca is a bad choice for a first cycle as it is a progestrine, let me elaborate a bit on this. Testosterone gets converted to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme, but deca doesn't aromatize to estrogen at all, instead it stimulates progestrone, which can cause the same sides as estrogen, but here's the kicker
    Since test stimulates sides via estrogen and deca stimulates sides via progestrone if you get sides which do you treat the gyno, acne, whatever... things like nolva actually can make sides caused by deca worse by making the progesterone receptors more sensitive

    as you can see, running deca for a first cycle can be risky especially if you are afraid of gyno

    Oh yes, there's more, deca is a 19nor and is very supressive so the pct is going to have to be more intensive and thus more expensive

    so there is my opinon on the cycle

    now would you like some help creating a good diet

  26. #26
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    You ask You shall recieve

  27. #27
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    thank you, this was all I was looking for to start with. As far as the gyno, I have a 60 50mg clomid tabs along with 5000 iu hcg. I have a script for them. Diet could never hurt. I just have a problem with low carb diets. They take too much out of me causing muscle weakness. Also to another post, I am not tring to win or enter any contests. I am going to use just to add a little size that's all.
    Thank you for your input.

  28. #28
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    Clomid and hcg are not used to combat gyno. These are used primarily to reawaken your giblets post-cycle. <Clearly you have a lot of research and dieting to do.> Not trying to flame you, bro, but stepping lightly is something I was never very good at.

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