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Thread: I think i got it, need opinions!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    Lightbulb I think i got it, need opinions!!!!!!!

    Ok guys, here it is finally, my final draft for my cycle and schedule. I went down a bit on the deca from 400mg/week to 350mg/ week basically due to convenience 350 mg /week had during a 7 day week. Please give a shout out to me if you see anything weird in this cycle, this is my first one ever and I have been asking around and doing my research. I have gyno naturally since a teenager that is why the proviron is taken don’t want sustanon to bring a worse case, to take care of any deca-dick risks winstrol was added to the last 4 weeks of the cycle, also used it to cut up and harden a bit more. Have Nolvadex on hand for incase any signs of gyno anyways (20 mg/day until symptoms go away, then 10 mg/day, everyday). I have been getting some lip from some people saying this stack is way too much. If you guys have any comments or imputs or cycles, i welcome them , the more info the better. Im 23 yrs 5'10, 155 lbs. Training off and on for 4 yrs, due to athletic program (basketball).

    -Weeks 1-8 350 mg of Deca
    -Weeks 1-8 500 mg of Sustanon
    -Weeks 1-8 Proviron 50 mg/day
    -Week 4-8 Winstrol 50 mg/day
    -Week 7-9 100 mg Clomid/day
    -Have Nolvadex on hand in case of gyo (20 mg/day untill sypmtoms go away, then 10 mg/day)

    Weeks 1-4

    Monday -250mg of Sustanon--50 mg of Proviron---50 mg of Deca

    Tuesday---------100 mg of Deca---------50 mg of Proviron

    Wednesday-----100 mg of Deca---------50 mg of Proviron

    Thursday-250mg of Sustanon--50 mg of Proviron---50 mg of Deca

    Friday-----------50 mg of Deca---------50 mg of Proviron

    Saturday--------50 mg of Proviron

    Sunday----------50 mg of Proviron

    Weeks 5-8

    Monday -250mg of Sustanon-50 mg of Proviron-50 mg of Deca—50 mg of winstrol

    Tuesday--100 mg of Deca--50 mg of Proviron--50 mg of winstrol

    Wednesday--100 mg of Deca--50 mg of Proviron--50 mg of winstrol

    Thursday -250mg of Sustanon-50 mg of Proviron-50 mg of Deca—50 mg of winstrol

    Friday--50 mg of Deca--50 mg of Proviron--50 mg of winstrol

    Saturday---50 mg of Proviron--50 mg of winstrol

    Sunday----50 mg of Proviron---50 mg of winstrol

    Week 9
    Clomid 50 mg ed

    Week 10
    Clomid 100 mg ed

    Weeks 11
    Clomid 50 mg ed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    OK before you read this I have no AAS exp and I may have the got this all wrong if I have sorry..

    That appears a lot of inj why have you split the Deca up so much?and why is the deca at 350mg?

    If you take the deca and the Sust in 2 equal doses say Sunday and Wednesday it would cut the number of inj

    I thought deca dick was,nt that much of a prob if you are using a test?Even if it does occurr it is benign and nothing to worry about

    Clomid can be taken a number of ways 150/100/50 50/100/50 but I,m not sure of 100 ED

    Only something I,ve learnt this week is to take Nolv after the cycle helps prevent gyno from occurring 10mg ED for approx 14 days.

    Just one other thing 5 10" and 155lbs is a bit light have you tried to gain weight naturally first?

    Only MO bro no flame


  3. #3
    The original jason Guest
    Billy got some excellent points there i got lost somewhere in your cycle trying to sus it all out why make things so complicated for yourself??? winnie for deca dick when u r taking sust ?? what wont happen this is the way i would suggest to do it

    weeks 1-8
    sust 500mg per week
    deca400mg per week
    split the injections into 2 so thats 2 injections with 250mg sust and 200mg deca each week split equal time in between
    weeks 3-8 proviron 50mg ed 25mg am 25mg pm
    weeks 4-8 winnie 50mg ed 25mg am 25mg pm
    nolvadex keep on hand take if u need it as u said
    clomid weeks 9,10,11 50/100/50mg ed
    dont bother with the clomid 100mg weeks 7-9 if u get any gyno from estrogen build up then use the nolva its better as an anti e

    hope that helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You shouldn't start the Clomid until 3 weeks after your last injection! Test stays active in your body for up to 4 weeks.

  5. #5
    Ok guys how bout this.

    week 1-8
    Sus 500mg/week (250mg on Mondays and Thursdays)
    Deca 400mg/week (200 mg on Tuesdays and Fridays)

    Weeks 3-8
    Provirion 50 mg/ day

    Weeks 4-8 (5 day week)
    Winny 50 mg/day (depot) (50 mg in morning)

    Week 10 and 12
    Clomid 50 mg/day

    Week 11
    Clomid 100mg/day

    Nolva on hand just incase of gyno sypmtoms arising again.

  6. #6
    The original jason Guest
    i think u just rewrote my post lol but yes it look cool the only thing i would say is mix your sust and deca together do it on the same days makes the shot less painfull and easier also and saves more injections than are necessary u have the clomid right start it about 10 days to 2 weeks after your last shot


  7. #7
    lol. Yup i think i just copied your post Jason. Thanks alot for your help. Ill be starting in 2 weeks, with this cycle. Hope all goes well .

  8. #8
    Anyone think i should throw in Dbol the first 3 or 4 weeks on this cycle? I was thinking 25 mg/day. I have gyno naturally, that is why i would want to keep away form dbol but would the privirion keep dbol from aromatizing? I'll have Nolva on hand just in case but please, I need your imput. Sorry for so many questions but I am a newbie so please help a bro out.

    week 1-8
    Sus 500mg/week (250mg on Mondays and Thursdays)
    Deca 400mg/week (200 mg on Tuesdays and Fridays)

    Weeks 3-8
    Provirion 50 mg/ day

    Weeks 4-8 (5 day week)
    Winny 50 mg/day (depot) (50 mg in morning)

    Week 10 and 12
    Clomid 50 mg/day

    Week 11
    Clomid 100mg/day

    Nolva on hand just incase of gyno sypmtoms arising again

  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    bro the cycle looks great - they or right on the money on their points - dont bother with the dbol - stick with this and see how you do now - good luck - be safe

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I can see injecting the sust 2x/week but why the deca? One shot per week with the deca would cut those injects in half. Do you already have the proviron? If you don't have it yet and are extremely susceptible to gyno I'd wait the extra time and spend the extra cash to get liquidex or arimidex.
    BTW that is definitely not too much for a first cycle. Dosages look good bro. I know it's soooooo tempting to start- you got the hookup, money, and determination- but as Billy Boy said, 155lbs@5'10"? How long you been training hard for? Off and on for 4 years is drastically different from hardcore for a year or two. Perhaps you should modify your diet and try gaining more naturally first, just something to think about. I thought I was ready for my first cycle but my rotator cuffs and knees are telling me otherwise- shoulda tried gaining more without the juice. Well if you've decided to juice I wish you good training bro. Take care.


  11. #11
    CYCLEON Guest
    want to do this correctly? OK

    week 1
    Sust - 400mg ETD (mon, Thur)
    Deca 400mg - 1x per week (mon)

    week 2-8
    Sust - 200mg ETD (every three days) as occurs
    Deca 400mg - 1x per week (mon)
    Winny - 50mg ED, taken at least 2x per day (25mg x2) should be 4 times ED but oh well.

    week 12
    Clomid - D1 (day 1) 250mg, 150mg ED thereafter

    week 13
    Clomid - 100mg ED

    week 14
    Clomid - 50mg ED

    Forget about proviron, nolvadex, etc. - u dont need dbol either the extra test will help pump u faster. If u are very gyno sensitive pick up some liquidex, nolva sux and can hinder gains, tho slightly. Frankly u dont even need that much juice - you could cut it by a third and run it for 10 weeks and that would be better. u are still going to see heavy growth at your body wieght / experience level.

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