Ok guys, here it is finally, my final draft for my cycle and schedule. I went down a bit on the deca from 400mg/week to 350mg/ week basically due to convenience 350 mg /week had during a 7 day week. Please give a shout out to me if you see anything weird in this cycle, this is my first one ever and I have been asking around and doing my research. I have gyno naturally since a teenager that is why the proviron is taken don’t want sustanon to bring a worse case, to take care of any deca-dick risks winstrol was added to the last 4 weeks of the cycle, also used it to cut up and harden a bit more. Have Nolvadex on hand for incase any signs of gyno anyways (20 mg/day until symptoms go away, then 10 mg/day, everyday). I have been getting some lip from some people saying this stack is way too much. If you guys have any comments or imputs or cycles, i welcome them , the more info the better. Im 23 yrs 5'10, 155 lbs. Training off and on for 4 yrs, due to athletic program (basketball).
-Weeks 1-8 350 mg of Deca
-Weeks 1-8 500 mg of Sustanon
-Weeks 1-8 Proviron 50 mg/day
-Week 4-8 Winstrol 50 mg/day
-Week 7-9 100 mg Clomid/day
-Have Nolvadex on hand in case of gyo (20 mg/day untill sypmtoms go away, then 10 mg/day)
Weeks 1-4
Monday -250mg of Sustanon--50 mg of Proviron---50 mg of Deca
Tuesday---------100 mg of Deca---------50 mg of Proviron
Wednesday-----100 mg of Deca---------50 mg of Proviron
Thursday-250mg of Sustanon--50 mg of Proviron---50 mg of Deca
Friday-----------50 mg of Deca---------50 mg of Proviron
Saturday--------50 mg of Proviron
Sunday----------50 mg of Proviron
Weeks 5-8
Monday -250mg of Sustanon-50 mg of Proviron-50 mg of Deca—50 mg of winstrol
Tuesday--100 mg of Deca--50 mg of Proviron--50 mg of winstrol
Wednesday--100 mg of Deca--50 mg of Proviron--50 mg of winstrol
Thursday -250mg of Sustanon-50 mg of Proviron-50 mg of Deca—50 mg of winstrol
Friday--50 mg of Deca--50 mg of Proviron--50 mg of winstrol
Saturday---50 mg of Proviron--50 mg of winstrol
Sunday----50 mg of Proviron---50 mg of winstrol
Week 9
Clomid 50 mg ed
Week 10
Clomid 100 mg ed
Weeks 11
Clomid 50 mg ed