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  1. #1
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    Thoughts on this stack.....

    im a 5'8 205lbs...18% BF....

    Sustanon -250.....250mg/ml a week (got 20 amps)

    stacked with

    Anavar (10mg) taking 50mg a day....only got 180 pills

    i just wanted to hear thoughts from you guys.

  2. #2
    gr8TEST1 is offline New Member
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    in my own humble opinion, at 5 foot 8, you have far too much bodyfat to even begin a cycle yet. if i wre you, id diet harder, continue to train intense and more cardio.

    im 5 foot nine and b4 i ever started cycling, i was just under 10 percent bf. i think ud be alot more pleased with ur results once u drop down 5 percent or so...especially since u are wud be even easier.

    good luck man

  3. #3
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    What are your goals as far as this cycle?

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    im a 5'8 205lbs...18% BF....

    Sustanon -250.....250mg/ml a week (got 20 amps)

    stacked with

    Anavar (10mg) taking 50mg a day....only got 180 pills

    i just wanted to hear thoughts from you guys.
    your bodyfat is way too high to cycle get your diet in check

    sustanon is a terrible choice to cycle in the first place
    if you do make the bad choice of injecting sustanon, it should be injected DAILY, EVERY DAY, or you could half ass it and inject eod.
    nothing is acceptable to inject once wekly, ESPECIALLY sustanon.
    250mg of test a week is nothing youre hardly increaing past your natural production, doubling it at best.
    look at test e or test c, 2x a week 250mg per shot, 500mg total per week (once you reach 12% bf)
    5 weeks of anavar at 50mg/day is a good choice

    what do you know about estrogen control and pct?

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Dont agree that if you inject EOD is half assing it're still keeping levels stable injecting EOD...But I will agree that once a week is a waste..

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    Dont agree that if you inject EOD is half assing it're still keeping levels stable injecting EOD...But I will agree that once a week is a waste..
    its stretching the prop i just hate it
    well agree to disagree though
    sust sucks
    this is why sust sucks

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    its stretching the prop i just hate it
    well agree to disagree though
    sust sucks
    this is why sust sucks
    nice, you got your title, lol

    thread starter, how old are you and how long have you been training

  8. #8
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Hmmm...i see the post...but answer me you feel sus sucks cause of the price or is it your experience with that has turned you against it...just curious...cause i find doing something like sus after doing single compounds rella y gives my body a somewhat kind of jolt that can kickstart the hell out of a growth period....well you can pm me if you want bro..i dont want to hijack the thread...then again it maybe informative to the thread starter.

  9. #9
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    naww man any info is good for only 22....but i'm a college football player....i've been a football / lacrosse player my whole life....since last jan i've been lifting 5 days a week...i've changed my workout into the summer and have also been training MMA all summer long...i'm stiff like a board but i got a nice 15lbs of chub to lose around my mid-section....but im 205 and i need the weight for this football season.....i got a 4 pack and the 18% bf was a guessing its just my diet...i've read the "how to cut" on that diet...done a lot of research.....i live on hard boiled eggs / tuna / salmon / chicken / mad fruit / milk / and pro waiting till the end of the season to start this cycle....My guess is if i keep working working out while playing ball and eating right...while trying not to party more then once a week......i should be all lined up for this right after x-mass.....I understand thats a lot of stuff....but really guys I appreciate all the input...Thanks fellas.

  10. #10
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    your bodyfat is way too high to cycle get your diet in check

    sustanon is a terrible choice to cycle in the first place
    if you do make the bad choice of injecting sustanon, it should be injected DAILY, EVERY DAY, or you could half ass it and inject eod.
    nothing is acceptable to inject once wekly, ESPECIALLY sustanon.
    250mg of test a week is nothing youre hardly increaing past your natural production, doubling it at best.
    look at test e or test c, 2x a week 250mg per shot, 500mg total per week (once you reach 12% bf)
    5 weeks of anavar at 50mg/day is a good choice

    what do you know about estrogen control and pct?
    All i know about that the guy said to buy a stack of anti-estrogen pills just in case my nipples start to itch...But your saying i should probably double my amount of sus weekly...jack it up another 20 amps on top of the 20?

  11. #11
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    First of all, how long of a cycle are you planning? If you were gonna do 250mgs/week and you got 20 amps, thats a 20 week cycle bro. If you're set on the sust (sorry one8nine lol) then why not do 500mgs/week? That way you have enough for a ten week cycle.

    That being said, you should not even be thinking about cycling yet. Buy a stack of anti-estrgen pills in case your nipples start to itch? Do some research on PCT and ai's.

  12. #12
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    All i know about that the guy said to buy a stack of anti-estrogen pills just in case my nipples start to itch...But your saying i should probably double my amount of sus weekly...jack it up another 20 amps on top of the 20?
    are you going to inject your sustanon ATLEAST EVERY OTHER DAY?
    and no i think you should throw away your sust and get TEST E OR TEST C

    read this!
    estrogen/progesterone and gyno/side effects INFO FOR NEW GUYS

  13. #13
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    I will agree that sust sucks. Yes to pricey, and yes give me those compounds seperate and let me decide the order of operations. It needs to be at least eod for stability and then when you do that the compounds are disoriented in nature

  14. #14
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    naww man any info is good for only 22....but i'm a college football player....i've been a football / lacrosse player my whole life....since last jan i've been lifting 5 days a week...i've changed my workout into the summer and have also been training MMA all summer long...i'm stiff like a board but i got a nice 15lbs of chub to lose around my mid-section....but im 205 and i need the weight for this football season.....i got a 4 pack and the 18% bf was a guessing its just my diet...i've read the "how to cut" on that diet...done a lot of research.....i live on hard boiled eggs / tuna / salmon / chicken / mad fruit / milk / and pro waiting till the end of the season to start this cycle....My guess is if i keep working working out while playing ball and eating right...while trying not to party more then once a week......i should be all lined up for this right after x-mass.....I understand thats a lot of stuff....but really guys I appreciate all the input...Thanks fellas.

    ok so what is it your looking to do? Is this for football OR MMA? what position are you playin at 205 and 18%BF? And do you intend to fight at all?
    Last edited by WARMachine; 08-05-2008 at 10:45 PM.

  15. #15
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    This is for football...i still got 2 years left...I don't plan to fight until after college....i just train right now and do BJJ tournaments such as NAGA, dragon lair...nothing serious....but i got that little fat pincher at the doctors office this morning and it said 15% bf...but overall i should get rid of the sust....and get hold of test e / test c??

  16. #16
    burnin69's Avatar
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    you dont have to junk your gear. yes for a starter cycle its better to use cyp or eth. You dont have to inject as much and injecting prop can be pretty irritating at the inject site, its also alot easier to keep steady blood levels. If you cant get ahold of anything else then just use the sust just do a little more reading. 150mg injected eod for 10 or so weeks. and make sure you know your ins and outs with your post cycle meds.

  17. #17
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    This is for football...i still got 2 years left...I don't plan to fight until after college....i just train right now and do BJJ tournaments such as NAGA, dragon lair...nothing serious....but i got that little fat pincher at the doctors office this morning and it said 15% bf...but overall i should get rid of the sust....and get hold of test e / test c??
    yes, after you get to 12%

  18. #18
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    Alright thanks for all the help guys....

  19. #19
    Browns4Life86 is offline Banned/SCAMMER
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    Definitely start out with Test E only or Test E and Dbol for your first cycle. From what I've read, Sustanon is more for intermediate users and also hurts like a bitch after you inject it if your body isn't used to cycling. Definitely always keep some Nolvadex on hand too during any first cycle cause you never know how your body will react to the test and no one wants bitch-tits.

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