before you all flame me - I know that cycles of the length I am proposing have their risks and that recovery is a lot harder as well as PCT needing to be spot on. of course I have my reasons for what I will be proposing and I am hoping for your help and advice on the fine tuning part.
I am currently in week 6 of Prop at 100mg eod, havin run Var at 50-80mg ed for 5weeks also including GH at currently 3iu/day going up to 4iu next week... upping the dose over a course of 6months possibly even a year.
Now here's what I wana do / am doing. First I want to run the Prop up to a total of 16 weeks upping the dose to 100ed from 100eod after week 8. Further include Tren A as well as Mast at 100eod each from today (week 6) for 8 weeks (up to & incl. week 13). In week 14 start runnin Test E while phasin the Prop out and run Test E for a total of 12 weeks - bringing the cycle to a total of 26weeks. Plan to run Test E at 750mg/week.
First off Q obviously - what's your general opinion about that? Secondly at which point should I incorporate HCG during the cycle to make recovery easier at the end and at which dose and duration? Thirdly - havin run Tren A & Mast from weeks 6-13 bearing liver values in mind what would you recommend running along Test E to put on some nice lean mass? (EQ at 600/wk perhaps?)
I am looking forward to your input and pls go easy on the negative feedback ... constructive criticism is what I am looking for.
Last but not least - my stats:
29 going 30 soon/ 3rd cycle/177cm/90kg's/approx 16%bf (am not a BB so not too fussed about it - not meaning that I don't care, am well aware it needs to come down).
Thank you