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  1. #1
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    m-drol with h-drol as kicker.

    Mdrol 30 days @ 30mg/day
    Hdrol 30 days @ 50mg/day

    What do you think, is this an ok kicker for a test 500mg/wk cycle, or is it to much for the ole liver. Milk thistle would be used. Anyone tried these two together?

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    friends dont let friends take prohormones - mkrulic

  3. #3
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    they are in fact designer steroids , not prohormones.

  4. #4
    wukillabee's Avatar
    wukillabee is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    Mdrol 30 days @ 30mg/day
    Hdrol 30 days @ 50mg/day

    What do you think, is this an ok kicker for a test 500mg/wk cycle, or is it to much for the ole liver. Milk thistle would be used. Anyone tried these two together?
    Pick one or the other bro, no need for both. Thats like kickstarting with var and winny, no point. If ur set on doin em then id say m-drol weeks 1-4 for kickstart and h-drol weeks 10-14 and start pct on start of week 14 when u stop the h-drol. Thats if ur doing the standard 12 week cycle since you'll be waiting 14 days to start pct. OR since ur growing up to the big leagues you might as well do big boy stuff like kickstart with dbol . I too have done plenty of ph cycles in the past and still have a huge stock of m-drol and h-drol but now ive started reall aas, im probably gonna end up selling them for real aas.

  5. #5
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    Mdrol 30 days @ 30mg/day
    Hdrol 30 days @ 50mg/day

    What do you think, is this an ok kicker for a test 500mg/wk cycle, or is it to much for the ole liver. Milk thistle would be used. Anyone tried these two together?
    Look into Hemobolin, it's a combination of Halodrol and Superdrol. This way, you get the best of both worlds. Nice bang for your buck too.

  6. #6
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
    Voice of Reason is offline Senior Member
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    designer steroids = prohormones = steroids

  7. #7
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    OR since ur growing up to the big leagues you might as well do big boy stuff like kickstart with dbol.
    I have used dbol many times in the past, and if we are going to overgeneralize, i have never used any "prohormones" before, only real gear. Really the only reason im am curious about this mdrol and hdrol is that i have read a few logs of people making decent gains from running them solo (5-10 lbs), and that these products are pretty affordable.

  8. #8
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    they are in fact designer steroids, not prohormones.
    i didn't know there was a difference

    and that quote is pretty good

  9. #9
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    they are in fact designer steroids, not prohormones.
    Correct and some are very powerful. And I personally saw about equal mass with much better strength gains from h-drol than I did from tbol. Possibly due to underdosing of the t-bol where as the h-drol was not.

    I vote weeks 1-4 H-drol 75mgs ED but i never have tried m-drol, I prefer dry compounds.

  10. #10
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    yes i have used tbol, and was not impressed at all. On price basis, hdrol is a far better deal, especially since most people have stated that it provides similar gains.

  11. #11
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    I have used dbol many times in the past, and if we are going to overgeneralize, i have never used any "prohormones" before, only real gear. Really the only reason im am curious about this mdrol and hdrol is that i have read a few logs of people making decent gains from running them solo (5-10 lbs), and that these products are pretty affordable.
    Then like i said, mdrol weeks 1-4 and hdrol for the last 4 weeks of ur test cycle. Mdrol is stronger/more potent so id say start with that. Hdrol is a little more mild and slightly leaner gains so id say end with it. Neither aromatize to estrogen while on cycle so that wont be an issue at all. I might actually end my test e cycle with 75mg of hdrol for 4 weeks. I just dont think its a good idea to stack 2 methyls at the same time but its up to u, i just wouldnt. Might get slightly more gains bur more sides than gains. Thats why id split em up if ur set on using both during ur test cycle.

  12. #12
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    well, after reading some logs, it seems that 50mg/day hdrol is a low dose, and that most would opt for something higher. 30mg/day mdrol seems to be right on. The problem is i only plan on cycling 10 weeks, and i feel like it may be better to do a 4 week kick of both of them, rather than 4 weeks of mdrol, 2 weeks break from orals, then the last 4 weeks hdrol. That seems like a long time to be on orals?

  13. #13
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    i'd say thats better than using both at once. the 2 week break allows your liver to recover decently, but 2 at a time adds a fair amount more strain. but for just 4 weeks, either way you'll probably be ok. just take some milk thistle or liv52 etc and you should be fine

  14. #14
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    another thing im worried about is how orals mess with hdl/ldl. Im not sure if the 2 week break is enough for those levels to straighten out. Any input on this?

  15. #15
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    ^Not sure but on a 10 week cycle running 8 weeks of orals you should have a 4 week break. (Assuming a long estered test is used)

    1-10 Test E or C 500mgs EW
    1-4 30mgs M-drol ED
    8-12 75mgs H-drol ED

  16. #16
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    ah yes that would make perfect sense, i forget about that 2 week period after my last shot. That way i can have something active till the very end too, and maybe throw in the hcg in those lats few weeks. But yes, i would be using test E or C

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