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Thread: Dropping clomid

  1. #1
    Miller777 is offline Junior Member
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    Dropping clomid

    I read an earliar thread were some one was planning nolva and clomid pct but was advised to drop the clomid just wanting to no why as I to was planning to use nolva and clomid its all I could get my hands on would I be ok and better just taking the nolva

  2. #2
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    I won't try to give you a technical explanation about the nuts and bolts about this subject, as this has been covered throughly here... you just need to do a more througout search. Well, both are practically similar compounds in chemical structure, but have different usage. Nolva is commonly used to treat breast cancer in women, whereas Clomid is more frequently used as a fertility aid.

    At the end of any AAS cycle, androgen levels in the body drop below base levels. The body reacts to this drop by mass producing estrogen. This over abundance of estrogen, then, prevents the body from restoring its Test levels to normal. Simply put, right after a cycle, our Test levels should be restored to normal levels as soon as possible in order to prevent losing on muscle mass gains made while on cycle and more importantly, to prevent other sides from arising, such as gyno or male breasts.

    Now the reason why most people incline over one drug than another is because of the following, proven, data from Nolva vs. Clomid usage: a dosage ranging between 20-40mg of Nolva accomplishes faster/better results than an equivalent dosage of Clomid at 100-150mg. They (Nolva/Clomid) don't reduce estrogen levels, instead they block the E receptors leaving free-flowing estrogen (as I understand this) without any (Estrogen Receptor or ER) to attach to. Now this is not a perfect solution, why? Because when the user stops Nolva/Clomid usage, estrogen levels still are in abundance in the body (blood stream) -free flowing- and will cause gyno or other sides, if estrogen levels are not reduced. This is where the use of an AI is exremely important, as it will help 'reduce' (not eliminate) the high levels of estrogen in the body. Known AIs, that work pretty good with Nolva/Clomid, are Aromasin /Arimidex /Letro and Proviron .

    The truth is that Nolva is more potent than Clomid in many ways: as an on cycle anti-estrogen (AE) and a s a PCT. As an AE, although it'll hinder your gains more than Clomid in this department because it's stronger, it's a great deterrent to avoid estrogen binding to ERs. In addition, on PCT, it will help rebounding estrogen production from binding to ERs as well. Also, it'll help bring your natty Test levels up, as it increases LH responsiveness to GnR hormones in the body. This cannot be said of Clomid, however; actually, its usage could turn out to be -to an extent- somewhat negative on your gains. Unlike Clomid, Nolva also is a safer product because it helps the liver out.

    If you want more indepth explanation look at the stickies on the PCT or do a search on the subject. Be willing to expend a few hours reading and re-reading on the subject until it sticks to you and can make a picture of the whole thing... it'll pay off.
    Last edited by "Maximus"; 08-11-2008 at 05:38 PM.

  3. #3
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Also, per 189's experiece, Nolva as your PCT along with Provirion or Aromasin is a good combo. Letro is pretty powerful AI, but Nolva/Letro combo actually hinder their intended purpose so try not to combine the two of them, unless you're trying to be an endurance athlete who doesn't mind sacrificing muscle mass gains.

    Also, check the PCT thread; 189's opinion on PCT is included below for your info. as it is very comprehensive for new people:
    one8nine's opinion on pct (links to side effect control too)

    Hopefully this helps answer your question a bit, mate.

  4. #4
    Miller777 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2008
    Many many thanks Maximus that cleared up alot ive done abit more research and am gona drop the clomid and go for the nolva and proviron as my source that Im not gona mention can get it but none of the others thanks again most appreciated

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