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Thread: How Much ALA & Milk Thistle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    How Much ALA & Milk Thistle?

    Alright, I'll be starting the Winny on Monday, at 50mg a day (drinking). Now I went out and bought both Milk Thistle and Prolab "ProALA" which is Alpha Lipoic Acid.

    Now my question is, how much of each should I take? I've read things in the past that said things like 1-2 grams is enough, however, my Milk Thistle for example is HIGH dose.

    Milk Thistle (Jamiesen brand) - 4,500mg per capsule (60 caps total). It says this on the bottle. "Milk Thistle (Formula JSM Factor 80) ....4,500mg (Silybum marianum 150mg powdered extract 1:30)

    The PROLAB one is just 300mg ALA per capsule (60 caps total). much of each? Isn't 4.5 grams of MT too much? Should I take like half a pill or something? Please let me know, Winny starts on Monday!

    Thnx guyz,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I should also mention I will be starting the T3 on Monday as well with the Winny.


    Something very similar to that (thats the CYTOMEL).

    Anways, someone say something about the ALA and Milk Thistle please, I did a search, and nobody seems to say anything about dosage.

    I hear Milk Thistle at around 1000mg and ALA at around 750mg. Should I just take one of them? Both of them? I have the Milk Thistle at 4,500mg so WHAT DO I DO????


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I take 500mg ALA ED and 1000mg of MilkThistle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i run ALA @ 1000mg daily (and i hate the heartburn from this crap) and i also run the milk thistle not sure of the dose, but i do know people recomend getting the beta sitersol component by itself (the active ingredient in milk thistle) this way you actually know how much of the active ingredient you are getting as opposed to getting the plant material and you have no idea how much actual beta sitersol you are getting, good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, i take 2000mgs ALA. 1000mgs after lunch, 1000mgs after dinner.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I took 1000mg ALA once and broke up in hives. If you can find r-ALA, I would recommend this one instead. You need much less of it ....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    There is nothing better than Tyler Liver Detox and r-ALA for 17aa AS. You can get them both at in the AF Store.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Southern California
    Take 1g of ALA which is equl to 1000mg. You might want to split it up and take 500mg breakfast and 500mg at dinner. Or just take constanly throughout the day. Your gonna get heartburn. It really sux. Dont run more than a 1000mg though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    What about the Milk Thistle? It's 4,500mg EACH PILL so how can I do this? Do I split them up or just take one? Is 4.5 grams too much???

  10. #10
    takin more will not hurt bro
    1 tab a day should be sweet enough

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    hey guys i have a question? My ex is a liver and kidney specialist M.D and i asked her about using ALA and milk thistle while on cycle. She stated that the effects of the two are very minimal at best and that if you already have a weak or weaking liver it would not matter how much ala or MT you took it still would not protect the liver from the 17aa's. She also has a few clients that are on and get blood work done regularly and the said that the toxicity of the 17aa's are greatly exaggerated. I did a past cycle and took the ala and milk t, the blood work came back with elevated liver enzymes and such, after cycle everything was back to normal. This cycle i am not taking any of the liver protectants and am on 75mg of dbol ed and my liver values are actually lower than when i was taking them. Just a thought for you guys.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by OGPackin
    Hey bro, i take 2000mgs ALA. 1000mgs after lunch, 1000mgs after dinner.

    I'm with OG on this one, I take the same amount daily, I really like how my pee smells

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Testprim is at least taking this thread in the right direction.
    Recommending milk thistle is like recommending prayer against 17aa's.
    I hate to clutter up the board with facts and studies but here is what the Swiss concluded after searching 525 studies about it. It does nothing for you if you are looking for "protection" from 17aa's. It will only protect you from poison mushrooms.

    Drugs 2001;61(14):2035-63 Related Articles, Books, LinkOut

    The use of silymarin in the treatment of liver diseases.

    Saller R, Meier R, Brignoli R.

    Abteilung Naturheilkunde, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland.

    The high prevalence of liver diseases such as chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis underscores the need for efficient and cost-effective treatments. The potential benefit of silymarin (extracted from the seeds of Silybum marianum or milk thistle) in the treatment of liver diseases remains a controversial issue. Therefore, the objective of this review is to assess the clinical efficacy and safety of silymarin by application of systematic approach. 525 references were found in the databases, of which 84 papers were retained for closer examination and 36 were deemed suitable for detailed analysis. Silymarin has metabolic and cell-regulating effects at concentrations found in clinical conditions, namely carrier-mediated regulation of cell membrane permeability, inhibition of the 5-lipoxygenase pathway, scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS) of the R-OH type and action on DNA-expression, for example, via suppression of nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB. Pooled data from case record studies involving 452 patients with Amanita phalloides poisoning show a highly significant difference in mortality in favour of silibinin [the main isomer contained in silymarin] (mortality 9.8% vs 18.3% with standard treatment; p < 0.01). The available trials in patients with toxic (e.g. solvents) or iatrogenic (e.g. antispychotic or tacrine) liver diseases, which are mostly outdated and underpowered, do not enable any valid conclusions to be drawn on the value of silymarin. The exception is an improved clinical tolerance of tacrine. In spite of some positive results in patients with acute viral hepatitis, no formally valid conclusion can be drawn regarding the value of silymarin in the treatment of these infections. Although there were no clinical end-points in the four trials considered in patients with alcoholic liver disease, histological findings were reported as improved in two out of two trials, improvement of prothrombin time was significant (two trials pooled) and liver transaminase levels were consistently lower in the silymarin-treated groups. Therefore, silymarin may be of use as an adjuvant in the therapy of alcoholic liver disease. Analysis was performed on five trials with a total of 602 patients with liver cirrhosis. The evidence shows that, compared with placebo, silymarin produces a nonsignificant reduction of total mortality by -4.2% [odds ratio (OR) 0.75 (0.5 - 1.1)]; but that, on the other hand, the use of silymarin leads to a significant reduction in liver-related mortality of-7% [OR: 0.54 (0.3 - 0.9); p < 0.01]. An individual trial reported a reduction in the number of patients with encephalopathy of -8.7% [p = 0.06).
    Tyler liver detox on the other hand has Glucarate in it. That is the liver protector developed at Ohio State University. They hold a patent on it. Glucarate DOES protect your liver.

    r-ALA is the most powerful liver aid you can take once there is any damage. It is commonly used for patients with Hep C to prevent cirrohsis from occuring.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Well what about ALA then??

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