Extremely curious, all the talk about Tren being one of the best aas ever created, but in terms of strength: is it better than Halotestin? I know Halo is used primarily for strength, but which would skyrocket your strength better?
Extremely curious, all the talk about Tren being one of the best aas ever created, but in terms of strength: is it better than Halotestin? I know Halo is used primarily for strength, but which would skyrocket your strength better?
Halo for just strength. tren will have more dramatic effects on the physique tho
Tren bro...IMO anyway...used Halo but felt more on how hard i got in terms of the look...Then again individuality will show different views.
Yeah Test is the format !!!!
@ Mav,
From what I've seen/researched so far, Tren/Halo (50mg/30mg) for beginners. Also, in order to keep gains, your PCT/wkout will rule how much of your strength gains you get to keep.
I've seen other, advanced users, using higher doses in their cycles but IMO, it's good to keep it low if you're not that experieced...
For pure strength, halo is top dog.......I only use it in the final weeks of contest prep....it allows me to continue grueling workouts, even though i am energy depleted from severe dieting......I have run it at 50mg ed for 3wks, and by the end, my lower back pumps were almost unbearable.....very hard on your body....
sounds good thanks for the info. I am going to take Halo with test prop in a cycle for lean muscle gain (~10lbs) but mostly for HUGE strength gains. I need it for the upcoming baseball season. Plan on running Halo for the first 4 weeks of the cycle and then just continue to run test prop for a total of 10 weeks.
Halo: wk 1-4
test prop: wk 1-10
this sound good? I am not 100% sure this is the correct place in the cycle to put Halo, but it makes sense. Any critique is greatly appreciated guys!
189 for prez!
awsome thanks. Heres what I am thinking:
wk 1-4 halo
wk 1-12 test prop
sound good?
BTW is Halo the steroid that will make you the strongest out of ALL steroids period? like no matter how many steroids i tried over time, would halo be the one i get the most strength gains from?
look at the thread stallion_1 just posted. Self explanatory ...
The amazing thing about halo is it is mild as var for your natty,its just it has to break 3 bonds down for your liver,love it and hate tren.....
No shit sherlock. That doesn't mean he's the supreme ruler of this thread and he can just bark out order like stay on topic when I make one post disagreeing with somebody about Tren. Which was basically on topic too. I have a thread about Tren on the front page and it went way off topic but not going to disrespect the people who I'm asking for help , like this OP did.
good thing you didnt help at all
AARs dont matter here
please explain why
test = 100/100
tren = 500/500
halo = 1900/850
but tren has more sides and builds more mass
explain how the aar was relavent to this thread
all out strength halo vs tren
anyone can quote a profile, good job
wow dude i just asked you stay on topic. Im not teacker nor a supreme ruler, so stop flaming. Honestly I made this thread to answer serious questions about my cycle. If I wanted to know how tren was compared to test then I would search or start a topic tren vs test. This thread is HALO vs tren. Sorry i sparked a fire in your pants or that tren is gettin to ya, but stating something irrelevant to the topic is just annoying because as I read, I am looking for answers about my question, not something i could put in the topic next door or something. Again, sorry for pissin u off bro. BTW how did i disrespect you? I said please stay on topic, PLEASE bro. And i even said you were RIGHT. I see no disrespect there
Run them both.
And watch yourself turn into the devil in 12 weeks. Sweet shiz.
me too. And I mean bad. But my gf and my family said they'd be a little more lenient when im on cycle when they come to visit or when i come home during holidays. So if I am dieting well. I plan to run bulking wise to help the test but tons of protein (1.5xlb body weight) for the halo. It will be a clean bulk, with tons of fish, chicken, pasta (healthy type), etc. I want solid muscle not bulk, and pure strength that is retainable. My training will be....well this where I am stuck. I know, for me, I get the strongest lifting heavy as eff, but I am not sure if that is how halo works. Will do more research. As for pct, a solid nolva/proviron routine next day after last test prop injection for 4 weeeks
be sure to put your time in here too bro!!
good job man
lol. I know you were talking to one8nine, but I remember in my junior year of highschool my mom wanted me to sign myself up for anger management classes lol. I would get pissed 24/7 because of my AP classes(bitch). Anyways, I looked over your info one8nine, and thats some good ass info. Tons of suggestions on food intake. Alot of stuff I completely forgot to put in my diet, always room for improvement. But glad I took a look at that, will use again for reference. So I understand what diet I am going to use, and I know test prop can be used for cutting or for bulking(preferably, to me, bulking), but what about Halo, never really seen anything about when people use it. I know cutting sounds great for it, but I don't want to cut, I want to gain mass (lean though), but I am more concerned about strength. Does Halo work well in bulking diets? Also, before I make a final decision after doing some diet planning, is Halo truely the best strength option I have? I want PURE strength, a ton of it. Thanks again one8nine for the info, helpful as usual
Halo isn't ideal for a bulker.
lol you needed anger management because of ap classes? hahaha Thats awesome
halo, test, and a bad-ass power-lifting routine.
You will be lifting up houses in no time.![]()
yup i know halo sucks for bulk.....which idc about. See I am only adding test prop to solidify halo strength gains. If I happen to gain some bulk(lean) with prop, then so be it, but my main goal is all out strength with halo. And yes, bigsexy ap classes made me pissed since i cared so much about my grades and college. So as for halo with prop and using a sorta bulking cycle, for mad strength gains, Halo will still have its insane strength effects even if I clean bulk, right? like i said, prop is there only to solidify halos strength gains
are you sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol? Sorry, just really need insurance because this is my last year in s jc before I get transfered to Fullerton and I want to go out with a bang for baseball. I need enormous strength to hit more bombs this year. I dont need any mistakes (not saying you are wrong whatsoever man) I meant my choices.
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