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  1. #1
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    Ok, enough already!

    For those who have been following my low testosterone saga....more information follows:

    First, my stats, once again:

    42 5' 11" 180lbs
    # of cycles 6


    Diagnosed with Graves Disease of the thyroid. It advanced to my eyes, thus emergency orbital decompression surgeries. Then eyelid extension surgery #1 in another in September.

    My TSH is bouncing all over the place, but I think we have it under control.

    My Testosterone levels have been below 200 and my estrogen fluxuates.

    My Estrodiol(estrogen) levels and my LH levels are within normal limits as of today's blood work.

    A year ago, I was placed on Cyponate...100mg q 3 weeks, then to 200 q 3 weeks, still Testosterone levels are below 200.

    TODAY...I thought we'd up the doseage to 200mg EOW, but instead, my Endo suggested we try 5G of Androgel for 30 days and re-evaluate. He said, ultimately I would end up on 10G per day.

    I have read on here...good and bad with regard to Androgel. Some men loved it and others hated it.

    What do I want...well here it goes guys.

    I will give this Androgel a try, however, the outlook seems poor. My Endo knows I have cycled in the past and I thought I had him talked into evaluating my bloodwork while I cycle on and off.

    My cycles, pre Graves Disease were Prop/Ethanate, Prop Cyponate, Prop/Masteron , and Prop only. Prop loves my body and I love Prop!

    So...I want to run Prop all year round. Low levels, like 200mg/wk during my 'off cycle' periods 10-12 weeks and then for 8-10 weeks, do 75mg ED as a cycle. This is the only way I can figure out how to keep my test levels high and cycle for lean muscle gains, in addition to a good diet and cardio and a proper PCT.

    Please critique what I have written. All suggestions reccommended.

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    you wanna shoot 7 days a week 356 days a year???
    i need breaks dude

  3. #3
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    Yup, with my natural test in the toilet....200mg/wk for 10-12 weeks, then 75 ED for 8-10 weeks...

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    Yup, with my natural test in the toilet....200mg/wk for 10-12 weeks, then 75 ED for 8-10 weeks...
    i love prop but year round jeez id get some test undecanoate and shoot once a week

  5. #5
    MR_T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    Yup, with my natural test in the toilet....200mg/wk for 10-12 weeks, then 75 ED for 8-10 weeks...
    wouldnt your test levles just come right back down during pct? I mean if your going to be on hrt for the rest of your life what is the point of pct

  6. #6
    Gears's Avatar
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    I lothe the idea of becomming a human pin coushion. Props to you if you can man up and do it.

  7. #7
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    I respect your desire to run prop year round, but IMO a longer ester would do the same and you wouldn't have to go through all the hassles of ed or eod shots. One shot per week would do the trick. Your call though, good luck.

  8. #8
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks for the imput. Don't you agree that more frequent pinning will result in less sides and a more stable 'blood level' of test?

    Prop seems to work the best with my body's chemistry. I'm all ears on any solution, but geez, the Endocrinologist and I have been playing with this and that and basically 'pissing in the wind'.

    I have told him what worked well for me and I've played with his little spurts of Cyp and now Androgel ...I dunno...the mid life crisis is hitting me.

    With my current lab chemistry as it is, i.e. low test...I want my old body back vs. the way I look now. I know that diet is key, but at my age, it's GH and test to help me through the peaks and valleys.

  9. #9
    madmax1974's Avatar
    madmax1974 is offline Associate Member
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    Keep me informed on your results, since i also have low test levels, but i only need a shot of 200 mgs every other week to keep them up.

  10. #10
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    I began the Androgel . I have to say my heart-rate is up a bit, I feel 'warm', and I feel something else...lower. I also have a moderate headache, which I never get headaches.

    Probably a placebo effect. My dose is 5 Grams or 4 squirts. I did 2 on each shoulder. I'll keep you posted

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